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Yes, I do believe that i said something to that effect a few pages...comparing it to RHoV Season 1 with its slow burn to drama blowout....and hopefully a payoff.

And I agree with Chris. It does seem very obvious that it doesn't seem like...outside of Kandi and sometimes Nene, no one wants to film with Kenya. Not that I don't mind seeing Brandon but...

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I find myself LOVING when Beverly Hills has juicy encounters between the ladies. That is definitely my housewives highlight lately. Atlanta is nice, but it's not POPPING, like it always was through season 4.

So glad to see a NYC update! Can't wait for crazy Aviva, Pinot Singer, and all the rest! I'm pretty sure LuAnn is a full-time housewife, based on her interview on Bethenny's show.

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Just watched tonight's episode -

I liked the moments between Leon/Noelle and Leon/Cynthia and I love the way they co-parent.

Was Kenya even in this episode?

I feel bad for Porsha. I know we say she seems to be milking this whole divorce thing for the cameras, but it's a very stressful situation that has now started to impact her health so I obviously felt for her and I LOVE her sister, wouldn't be at all opposed to her becoming an official friend in future seasons. I'm hoping she goes on the Savannah trip - does anyone know if she does?

I continue to like Phaedra but I'm sick of the storyline - the only thing saving it is her one-liners.

Mama Joyce is a lunatic taking off her shoes to fight in public like some damn trailer trash! I thought Carmon held herself very well! She didn't say anything disrespectful to her at all, she simply defended herself and you cannot blame her for that.

Kandi is DEFINITELY the MVP of this season. I've always liked her but she is bringing it this season and has quickly become my favorite/the one I look forward to most each episode. I still love Nene to death but she isn't on enough this year, and it's probably because she is only friends with Cynthia and is indifferent to all the other ladies at this point (I like the nice moments between her and Kandi). I'm hoping the real Linnethia will be back in full form later on with the Kenya/Marlo drama.

Anyway, I feel terrible for Kandi and I do understand why she finds it difficult to stand up to Joyce. The wedding drama is definitely the best part of this season.

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Now Nene was just wrong with that comment she said about Phaedra being a "dick surgeon". That wasn't funny and was disrespectful. BUT I really don't care bc Phaedra has been saying similar things about Kenya since last year.

LMAO at the shade Nene threw Paula Dean


Someone please help her! She looks like she's a prisoner in her own clothes


What is this kid's real name? Please don't tell me its really Mr. President


I know she recently had a baby, but Phaedra's workout gear was way too tight. LMAO when they had Kenya comment on something like this literally like 10 seconds after I started writing.


What do you think of Nene's new talking head?


Kandi's face when Kenya said she needed to channel her inner Beyonce

Im glad we didn't see Porsha faint on camera bc Id have called her out on being so dramatic. That scene with her sister was way too long. I feel stupid whenever I listen to her speak. Complete nonsense and filler.

Good for Todd telling Kandi she needed to put her mother in check


You'll "f-ck her up"? Really Mama Joyce? She is such an evil bitter woman. She was so damn ratchet up in there. With that said, that scene was JUICY! That's what I live for on reality tv. Joyce's sister lied saying Carmen started jumping up like she was gonna hit Joyce. LIE! That woman needed to STFU.


With that said, theres something about Carmen I don't trust. I think there's truth to Joyce saying Carmen always wants what Kandi's got, staying close to her to get her leftovers. I can see her being an opportunist and Joyce calling her out on it. It almost seemed as if Carmen was baiting her a little there and playing innocent.

Kenya had that very emotional scene with her aunt about her mother and having her own baby and was in the group one with the girls doing the fitness stuff

There was little to feel sorry about with Porsha this episode. She was even more of an airhead than usual

As for Joyce and Carmen, Carmen instigated that fight. Joyce was already turned up and don't like her and Carmen went in and pushed her buttons. She wanted Joyce to act a fool in there which is why she kept pressing her. Carmen seemed a little too rehearsed for me. Something about her isn't genuine


YES! I was thinking that as well


He resembles Pat Neely

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I forgot about Kenya talking to her aunt. I'm sorry but I felt that conversation was very scripted and any time Kenya cries it just seems so fake, like Nene called her out on. Not to mention, I'm SICK of hearing Kenya talking about wanting to be a mom and wife. There's more to life. It'll happen when it happens.

I disagree about Carmen instigating. She said from the first moment that she didn't even want to come because of Joyce & that she only came because Kandi asked.

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As a guy, that's likely something you cant fully understand but now it wont just happen when it happens. Kenya is 42. The possibility of her having a child is still possible but its very slim and difficult and she doesn't have a lot of time left. She should have had one by 40 bc once she turned 35, the likelihood of complications arising increase with each year. She's got a few years left in her before menopause so the urgency in getting this down is paramount. If this is what she wants, I can see why its always at the forefront of her mind. Its not like she's 22 and has all the time in the world. Bc of her age, she probably wont have much success going the natural route so she'll have to seek medical intervention either via IVF or using a surrogate to carry her eggs. She needs to be actively trying and talking to a support system about this. This is stuff she needs to already be considering. She needs to start getting pregnant now, bc the unfortunate truth is that she'll likely have a miscarriage, but hopefully she will end up having a baby she carries to term before its too late.

Carmen knows that Joyce doesn't like her and doesn't support this wedding. Why did she try and play dumb when Joyce says she doesn't want Kandi to get married? She knows how Joyce felt and acting like that comment was some big surprise and calling Joyce evil for saying it made her look shady. It was disrespectful of her to call her evil and then to say she acted like a fool. Was she right? Yes, but Joyce is her elder and Kandi's mom so she shouldn't have called her that. In private to Kandi is one thing, but right there to Joyce's face was where she went wrong. She was egging Joyce on and pushing her buttons. I felt Carmen should have ignored and paid her no mind. I know tricks like Carmen and spot that fake innocent act a mile away. Causing trouble while trying your best to look like the wounded party that wasn't throwing gasoline on the fire. Its as if Carmen wants Joyce to look awful in Kandi's eyes so she can play her against her. Joyce is foolishly falling into it. She's wrong to insinuate Carmen and Todd are messing with each other bc I don't believe that but I don't think Carmen is 100% trustworthy

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Mama Joyce is annoying. Just thinking back to that confrontation at the dinner table... a mess! And bringing her sister entourage to the gown fitting was equally messy. She wants to hold onto Kandi's money for herself so she'll be taken care of right up until she's 6 feet under.

(Something about her sagging face and current hair reminds me of a black Jill Zarin when she's pouting)

Porsha is so dumb. "Death, wedding, and a funeral. I feel like I'm repeating myself with one of them." Lord... LOL

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I didn't mean to come off as insensitive re:Kenya, it's just to me she seems to be all talk and no action. She's been crying about wanting a man and a baby for two years but what is she doing about it? For me it just doesn't feel genuine, it feels like an emotional battle she's putting on for the cameras. Not to mention, if she's supposedly been proposed to 6 times why didn't she say yes to any of them? She obviously doesn't care about marrying for love - last season she was practically groveling to marry Walter even though she knew he didn't want it and apparently thought he was gay. Wtf? OVER this bitch!

As for Carmin, I agree she's not 100% innocent but she did not call Joyce evil to her face, she said that as she was walking away with Kandi's other guy friend. I don't think Carmon pushed her buttons either, she politely said hello and Joyce went in immediately. Carmon never got out of her chair. And I don't think that Joyce being an "elder" means she deserves respect. I don't care if you're 23 or 123, if you try to beat me with a shoe and insinuate that I'm a home wrecker, I'm gonna come back at you. Respect is EARNED, not guaranteed.

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Kenya's scenes did feel a little fake but I do believe she desperately wants a child. Well it will be interesting if she takes the sperm donor route for her story if she is invited back.

She has gone from the star of the show to a boring sideshow character. I never thought I'd see the day KANDI had the most interesting storyline (thanks to her ratchet mother)

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Kenya's scenes were strangely authentic to me. At first I wasn't expecting to care or believe her but as it went on I actually felt like I was watching a real genuine woman who's desperate for a mothers love and to be a mother herself....

Sigh.....Cheap your analysis/breakdown of Kenya's situation and the options (or lack thereof) is so on point but do depressing too. Even as a guy....and now I feel kinda silly for all this angst I'm feeling over the current guy that I like.

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