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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I also loved this season of NYC... keep all the ladies and throw back either Jill or Alex, and you'll have a fantastic season IMO. I loved the new girls (especially Carole and Heather). Aviva reminds me of Yolanda, above the drama and a stick up their ass, but that can provide for good drama.

The only big OC rumor that I HOPE is real is that Laurie is back this year as a Friend of the Housewives! I can't wait. Also, I can't wait to see what happened with Vicki/Brooks/Briana --- that drama last season was sooo good.

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I liked NYC too, but I can still understand why others didn't and I don't think it completely worked. It could've been a perfect season if Luann had a purpose, but they went in with the wrong goals. I always liked the balance with Alex showing the Brooklyn side of things. I also dislike the lack of families or homes. Did we ever see Heather's home? We barely saw Aviva's NYC place, I think just the bathroom really and only a couple scenes at Carole's place. I missed The Munster's and what they brought.

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YES! Guaranteed screen time. Love it!

And Chris B, agreed, NYC rarely ever showed their house/families. That used to be what made NYC so enjoyable in early seasons. I feel like we watched Avery grow up, and last season she was barely shown (could be her preference), but still, the new girls barely showcased their family this year. I think we got 1-2 scenes with Luann and her kids (which is sad to see how negative they've become).

If you go back to the roots of what Housewives is supposed to be, it should be family and friends. It seems like all cities are now about major events and trips where they can outdo each other's drama factor. Or, business opportunities.

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I grew to really love last season of NYC. It took awhile for things to heat up, but the new girls really grew into their own, created drama, and eventually integrated with the vets very nicely. I do agree though that it didn't help that they didn't showcase the new women's homelife and really introduce us to them in the first place. I definitely look forward to the next season, no matter what they throw us, as long as crazy Ramona is there :)

Well it took her 3 seasons, but Cynthia has really become a force to recognize on ATL this year and I am actually enjoying her a lot. Her tiffs with the various ladies, her hair, and the lack of internal drama with Papa Smurf and her sister is all major plusses for her this year. Meanwhile, Phaedra is showing us that she can dish it but can't take it. She's really lost her spine and credentials this year.

Loved all those Sheree gifs, LOL! I kinda miss her, but merely from a trainwreck standpoint. It's just so funny to watch her from season one when she thought she was top dog, and now she can't even afford a mattress for her growing son.

Kenya brings the right amount of crazy to garner another season, for sure. Porsha can go. Her time-filler storyline is even worse than Cynthia ever was in season three.

NeNe is love. wub.png

Beverly Hills is just so good! ITA with what everyone's saying... Mauricio was getting all riled up for no reason and being a huge hypocrite. I'm glad someone (it was Lisa, right) brought up Adrienne's comment last year that "friends don't sue friends." Adrienne is just a vile creature, and hearing all the things she's done since this season was taped (false allegations that Paul was abusive to their children) really shows what vindictive, jealous shrew she really is. I did not miss her AT ALL these past 2 episodes when she was barely shown.

Taylor and Kim... I can't decipher who's more loaded on pills. Taylor is so irrelevant and I think Bravo knows that there's no viewer interest in her. We've seen Camille twice as much as Taylor and have had more talking head interviews from Camille too.

With Kim, it's like "one step forward, two steps back." As soon as she says something really telling and meaningful (like her relationship issues with Kyle), she backpedals into crazyland, like with her argument with Taylor. Just like before when I thought she had settled things with Brandi, but then ran to Adrienne to gossip about Brandi and stir up trouble at Kyle's event.

Brandi may have gone over the line with her comment, but everything else since then she has been in the right about.

Side note: I do love how most episodes these days basically feature Lisa, Brandi and Kyle as the main storylines, and all the other housewives are practically at the status of "friends of the housewives." It's so Lisa heavy and Brandi heavy (and yes, Kyle heavy too, I do like her despite her being the biggest two-faced [!@#$%^&*] stirrer of them all) and I LOVE that.

Yolanda? Okay, she's starting to amp it up and tell her honest opinions of the ladies' crazy antics. This could finally get good.

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LOL..that girl is just too much at times. "My house" girl, please!

Agreed. Porsha needs Kenya to make herself relevant. Kenya is relevant without Porsha. Take Kenya away and what does Porsha have going for her? Nothing. Take Porsha away and what does Kenya have? She's had drama with Cynthia, now Phaedra/Apollo, "romance" with Walter and of course her crazy antics and hustle. Porsha's time on RHoA is defined by Kenya. she is Hosea William's granddaughter; Kordell Stewart's wife. And now she can claim to be Kenya Moore's reality tv nemesis Edited by Cheap21
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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS CHEAP! You know just what to post. LMAO that's what my mom said! She was like Kandi should have said something there but she still got a good laugh out of it.

LMAO I could not stop laughing when I peeped all of 15 seconds with Porsha and Kandi and her bringing up Kenya... I'm like this DEAD HORSE you keep beating madam it has to stop!

Edited by London
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It feels so weird that the show picked up where the last one left off bc it feels as if this was already resolved when VR debuted

Ohhhh, I cant stand that Adrienne anymore. It feels as if I havent seen her in weeks and I was fine with that. Ugh, just go away. Im disgusted that she's using her money to intimidate Brandi. Its low of her to try and act all big by going after her

I was ready to defend Mauricio till I saw the show. I totally get why he feels the way he does towards Brandi, but he wouldnt let up. He was out of line

Kim is a passive aggressive bitch like her sister. She caused all this bullsh-t and continued to instigate it at the dinner. I thought she and Brandi patched things up? She set her up and she's orchestrating her downfall, or so she thinks. I do NOT trust that Kim Richards

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Are the Maloofs about to do some kind of real estate deal with Mauricio as broker? Is that why Mauricio felt the need to ruin a dinner party at a restaurant by keeping after Brandi about Adrienne? I get his point but it was really too much watching him shout Brandi down (another husband doing that) while Enabler Kyle sat back like the good HW she is. First Faye, now Mauricio doing her talking for her.

Adrienne -- I just can't with this woman. If all this mess was a PR exercise to make us feel sorry for her ass after the Reunion debacle, then it has failed. Spectacularly.

I love Yolanda. :wub:

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I've noticed that, too, where she has been playing the ladies against each other and more specifically targeting Brandi. Those Richards girls seem to specialize in being two-faced but Kim is even more covert about it than Kyle.

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As annoyed and disgusted I was at his fine ass, I can understand his anger - Brandi has attacked many of his friends and family and always then just says "oops, back against the wall, my bad" and he is very close with the maloofs. Kyle is disgusting.

Kim still trying to act like all she did was drink, LOL. On WWHL she basically cinfirmed what Brandi said was true.

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