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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Candiace and Wendy were both unbearable. 


Wendy chiming in on every topic worked my last damn nerve. It is sad when I am starting to waver over to being pro-Gizelle. I found Wendy to be disgusting about how Mia got to where she was. Not everyone can go to an Ivy League college. Some people have to get their come up in the sex industry. I just found her to be crude and elitist. 


Candy-ass... Pure trash. Finally, Andy is calling her out on her sh*t. However, she failed to see that Andy was once again putting her on notice. I give Candiace one more season on this show before Bravo casts her aside. She's too reckless and doesn't own anything. 


Andy and Gizelle both owe Monique a HUGE apology. 



Mary is a mess. However, I am all for her coming for Whitney's neck. Whitney (and Heather too) has always been a sneaky one. It was good to see someone gather her real quick despite Mary being nutty. 


The group dynamics are all over the place this year. I have a strong feeling that with all this shifting that Mary and Jen are gonna end up being close allies (as they are the stars of this show). 

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I hate how they gaslight Mary. Mary stated she didn't like Jennie, but would go on the trip and see how it goes. She asked Jen what she thought of Jennie and was listening to her when Whitney jumped in talking about "You need to listen to Jen!!!" After Mary let Whitney have it, everybody is comforting Whitney and acting like Mary did something wrong. Why was Whitney even getting involved in it? That was bizarre to watch.


As for the arrest?! Lord that was good! I'm glad they used the last 15 minutes instead of giving us ten seconds and a "To Be Continued..." The level of detail only enhanced how insane the situation was. You can't convince me Bravo didn't know about this. The way their cameras were set up was too spot on, as was them waiting there 12 minutes after Jen left, which gave NYPD time to get there.

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But I was right!!!! The last episode the tide shifted. And this episode before tonight's (which I'm watching now) is just full of intrigues and shifting alliances. I don't know where to start. You have Bad Weather (hehe) trying to drive that wedge farther between Mary and Fabulous Ice. You have Fabulous and Heather trying to both hurt the other's friendship with Jen. And then you have Fabulous Ice (and Meredith...?) setting up Mary for a big fall. Ooooo....speaking of which...this episode I think can be summed up like this:


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I had no idea...NONE...that they would rope in the drama Jen had with the leak audio with the designer this season at all. WOW. And I think we all know the stories about Mary and her church and they are really going there. Sorry that the guy who brought it up is dead now, but still....SLC getting one up on BH in mentioning all the hidden dirt. In fact, because of that this episode felt like Season 1 again.


JEN. Just when you thought she had calm down...lol. But seriously, I loved seeing Jen interacting with Lisa's kids. And the wolf hats. And the flashback of her with Fabulous Ice joking around...awwww. Just in time for her to have one of her 'explosions.' I still like that the audio leak made it onto the show. It is even more interesting how much Heather and Lisa want her friendship to the point they are sabotaging the other. Still....intrigues...


HEATHER. Just when I thought she was either not doing much or have gone back to being a normal Heather, here she comes pot stirring. Whether it was with Whitney when they were working to turn Mary against Lisa or doing it on her own with Jen to turn her against Lisa, Heather was a busy girl. 


LISA. Fabulous Ice...GUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL!!! Funnily enough, here I am writing about people cutting off Fabulous Ice's allies...only to see LIsa do it herself. What does she think will happen when Mary finds out about Cameron being at that event talking about her church? Especially since Meredith and Mary were getting along good and Mary had not totally turned against her? Just...smh. On the good side, not boring and I loved seeing her with her kids, reminding us that she is human...if you know...ice...and hahahaha at her dropping Angie only to replace with another Angie.


WHITNEY. Hmmmm. Just when I thought we would not hear about her father outside of that cut scene from S2E1, here she is with her brother. And feeling a kinda way about the fact that her father is talking to everyone BUT her. Given how Whitney has been stirring the pot this season, for the first time I have to wonder if there is more going on than is being told. After all, Whitney is proving that she's crafty in how she has been going about this feud with Fabulous Ice. So side-eye.


MARY. Off in her own little world and God bless her for it. But it's about to get interesting with this story about secrets of the church. 


MEREDITH. Interesting to see that her and Fabulous Ice are mending. But with Fabulous Ice getting into so many feuds, where will Meredith be? WIth her BFF or out of the fray?


JEANNIE. Not around. 


Now onto tonight...



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I've been rewatching Miami since Peacock doesn't know what promotion is. I wanted something to help me build anticipation for the return since we have no trailer or cast photos even though the show premieres next month. One thing I'll say is that season one is much better than I remember. Maybe it's because of the time that passed and HWs have changed so much, so I compared it more to early seasons of RHOC, RHONY, etc. It wasn't great, but at 6 episodes it was very watchable and had memorable moments. The stars were Adriana and Mama Elsa. I strongly believe they are the only reason the show was renewed. 

Now I'm halfway through season two and Adriana is such a top notch housewife it makes it even harder to believe she somehow ends up as a Friend for the upcoming season. She *is* Miami to me and carried every season. Also, I didn't remember how masterful the reboot was. The enhanced production values, bigger cast, the array of supporting characters. It is endlessly entertaining. I also didn't remember how integral Mama Elsa was. She had a strong presence in the premiere and she was so well connected with the group that she could have scenes with other HWs without Marysol being around. To think she's around 77 and is this involved in a Housewives show is crazy. She is one of a kind and will never be replaced!

Another 10/10 housewife is Joanna. I can't understand how she never made it on Beverly Hills. Just a hot mess! I love her fights with her sister and literally one drink and she flips out. Much like Adriana she is one of the All Stars of this reboot. The ensemble works well, but those two definitely are carrying the show.

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ITA with all of this post... until your final paragraph, lol. Forgive me @Chris B but I found Joanna Krupa vapid beyond belief! At the time, I wondered whether Bravo promoted Joanna because she was the 'acceptable' white face of RHOMiami -- meanwhile, there was Adriana, Marysol, Karent, Alexia, and the Queen herself, Mama Elsa, giving me the real excitement! I did like hunky-bear Romain, though, and I felt empathy for her put-upon sister whom Joanna seemed to be pushing down the same Girls Gone Wild route she had once embarked on.

Miami was rebooted well in S2. Adriana is drama personified, and I expect nothing less from someone who comes from the land of the telenovela. (Truly, Brazil has soap operas airing morning, noon and night). And while S3 Miami was panned, Adriana's drama with Lea was the most compelling storyline, especially as their young sons were close friends at the same school. Lea and Adriana had history going back years and you could feel the weight of that in their interactions. So much more was at stake than some petty squabble over marriage licenses.

Mama Elsa was the beating heart of RHOM. The more you watch her, the less you notice her face and more the person. She was larger than life -- the words of wisdom she had for others, the way she saw people for what they were (S1 when she read Larsa Pippen to a T), her symbiotic relationship with Marysol. She was humor, she was drama, she was entertainment, she was the tentpole character of the show. Her loss from the franchise in S3 cannot be underestimated.

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@CatTo me, Joanna, Marta and Romain were like watching the Three Stooges, but I loved the drama they brought! I also loved Karent who I still don’t understand. Her relationship is obviously fake, but at first I felt the women were too hard on her, then she seemed to lean into troublemaking so she was hard to understand.

I get why she got fired, but not Ana. She was such a good housewife! I remember initially feeling like season 3 felt too small after such a large cast for season two. You had 7 housewives, Elaine, Mama Elsa, Marta and Alexia as friends and various recurring guests. It was truly a telenovella! I’m curious if I’ll like season 3 more this time around.

I agree. I understand Mary has her faults, but I feel like because she doesn’t seem to be all there, it’s easy to make her feel bad and other her. It seems intentional. The focus is always on her reaction but nobody seems to see what sets her off. 

It makes me so uncomfortable that they’re pushing her church as a cult when the Mormon church has such a dark history and despite Heather and Whitney’s issues with it, I feel they’d never talk about it like they’re doing Mary. 

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WOW. So much went down last night!!! Because that Italian dinner party was a whole entire mess with all of everyone's allegiances on full display!!! That's what I call a fine mess!!! And THEN...at long last...JEN'S ARREST!!! And they showed EVERYTHING we missed in the teaser at the beginning of Episode 1.


And there was also the unmasking of Whitney.


We have always said here that Whitney was smarter than she looked. And she has been extremely crafty this season in her feud with Fabulous Ice. But this argument with Mary...yeah, no, Boo. Strike Two. Or more exact...feels like she's falling into the second season curse. Cuz she is not that dumb to not pick up the phone. And then to be spilling about the texts and bringing up the church stuff...wrong or not...some friend. And then she is still throwing jabs at Lisa. So good she took off the gloves though I am Team Mary. 


And the arrest? WOW. Sorry, but it felt like Production definitely knew from their body language and actions. And that scene of the girls in the van chatting while FBI and Police slowly snuck up on the van was creepy as heck. And so THAT was the truck Jen rode off in. I loved how they showed EVERYTHING. 


JEN. Well, Jen always wants to be the center of the action. And...HERE SHE IS!!!! Friends fight at a dinner over her friendship. Jen is offended she did not get an invite. And Ooooo...her main Shah Squad member was there and she was thanking him for always having her back. And then...THE ARREST!!! AND ON THE RUN!!! lol.


HEATHER. 'So you didn't invite Jen, but you invited Whitney?' Oh, Heather...

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Her tag-teaming with Whitney on Lisa was sly. But she kept back a bit with Mary. And I loved her humor at the party overall. I swear her and Lisa continuing to fight over Jen's friendship right down to the last minute has been funny. And her letting Whitney in on the joke that Mary was pulling on Whitney was hilarious. And good on her for getting out of the van to see what is going on as the drama went down. 


WHITNEY. Dare I say this? She's doing too much. So I was all for Mary gathering her all the way together. 


LISA.  Lord, Fabulous Ice...you just cannot win, can you? lol. Trying to make up with Whitney, fighting with Heather, dealing with Jen, and then still have friction over Mary. 


MARY. GATHER THEM HEFFAS, QUEEN!!! I do wonder what she will do when this cult storyline hits the fan though. And I loved everything about the Italian dinner party. Say what you want about Mary, but she does up her parties well. And love that she was unpredictable enough that she did not go expansive like she did at her last party. lol. So funny and shady. 


MEREDITH. Oh, Meredith...don't fall for Whitney's trap. Good that she was able to smooth it over with her and Mary. Mary could use an ally. 


Great episode from start to finish. It started so slow and then sped up and then it was off and running. 

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Word. I'm not even a fan of Mia, but the constant trashing of her as a stripper was low and reflected so badly on them. These women think they're better than her? At least she worked her way out of that life. She didn't have the advantages of some of the others (private school and prestigious universities, for example). Also Candiace should apologize to Mia about screaming "HOE WHERE'S YOUR PIMP" at the salad-toss. That was completely out-of-line. Instead she was VERY arrogant and high-handed with her this episode. Shouting YOU NEED TO BE RESPECTFUL and YOU UNGRATEFUL? Who does she think she is? Her insults to Ashley about her looks are also awful. Candiace really thinks she is all that and a side of fries. In addition, she still refuses to take accountability for her mouth and rage issues.

When Andy said fans were Tweeting him to fire her, that's a definite warning. I wonder if Candiace thinks she is already fired, because this past week she has Tweeted a lot of pointedly negative stuff about Andy and Bravo. The irony is that I don't think Bravo even wants to let Candiace go right now -- production just wants her scared so that she'll toe their line. They love her rage-drama, and all the family/husband drama. She polarizes the viewers and keeps them watching.

After Andy said Candiace was the common denominator, he raised the ghost of Monique from her Bravo grave. Now we can drop the pretence of 'BuT MoNiQuE BrOuGhT tHe ShOw DoWn.' Monique's unfinished business is still being litigated by Candiace and the other women, and IMO she needs to return for another season.

I'm sorta tired out by Wendy, and she hasn't even really begun her segment yet.

Edited by Cat
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