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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Adrienne was just trying to keep herself relevant by starting a feud with Lisa, and Lisa has to know that. Lisa is the star, Adrienne has to work for her spot. Do I think the RadarOnline stuff went over the line? Sure I do. But I'm sure Adrienne had a source she believed and when all was said and done, nobody believed it, so who bloody cares (as the old Lisa would say). It should be water under the bridge and they surely had a conversation about it after filming the reunion and probably while filming that we didn't get to see. People forget that Lisa did some catty things last year toward Adrienne regarding Pandora's wedding. She clearly wanted the whole event to coincide with filming, obviously BRAVO helped pay for things as they would any season finale event, and she knew they'd be filming Pandora's bachelorette party in Las Vegas. Lisa was wrong for not having it at The Palms and her reason for not having it there was flimsy at best. The women have always supported one another's businesses on the show, and obviously Adrienne would have wanted The Palms to look good so she would have given Pandora a SPECTACULAR party, and not only does Lisa not have it there but doesn't even bother to tell her that she's going to have it at their direct competitor? Some Lisa fans are so blinded by her fabulousness that they don't admit to it when she's wrong and she certainly was in that situation and Adrienne had every right to be upset. I think the producers expected to be filming at The Palms as well because look what we ended up getting? Lisa and Taylor (of all people) at the Bachelorette party, and Adrienne, Brandi, and Camille hanging out at The Palms. I don't know, but the whole thing was petty and childish, just like what Adrienne said to her at the reunion. But that has been their relationship throughout the show. They've always been "frenemies" so it should have been water under the bridge and Lisa should have taken the high road. Instead, she didn't invite Adrienne and made sure she found out about it. That's more nasty and catty behavior and I'm sorry, but that's not how Lisa used to be and certainly isn't what's made her so fabulous for the 1st two seasons.

Good for Adrienne for sending that HIDEOUS floral arrangement! She took the high road but did it in a funny way. Bravo. I'm sorry, but she was the clear winner in this episode and to me, it looks like Lisa is being set up for a major fall this year. If she continues acting like this bitter shrew (sort of an older Brandi- hmmm, maybe she's rubbing off on her?!?) and loses the fabulosity that was once Lisa Vanderpump, this could turn out to be a Jill Zarin season for her. I love her so I hope she goes back to being herself but so far, I'm unimpressed.

Edited by juniorz1
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What type of behaviour? Not inviting a former friend who hurt her with malicious lies and attacked her to ensure she got an invite for the next season? I dont think thats unreasonable or unlike Lisa. When a friend hurts her in a major way and she sees nothing reddeming in the friendship she is done. We saw that with Cedric.

Speaking of Cedric, Brandi is Lisa's new Cedric, and i love it.

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Ok, but do you love Lisa as much as I do ? And are you Pro- Lea Black or Anti- Lea Black? Must know.

Now that you're caught up, hope you continuing posting with us about Miami. It's by far my fave.

I like the Brandi/Lisa friendship, but it (and Brandi) can be a bit much. Brandi wanting to be the first to see Lisa's house came off a bit desperate.

If Lisa was inviting Kyle and the rest of the cast, including new girl Yolanda, then there was no reason not to invite Adrienne. She could have had a sit down with her beforehand, either to clear the air or clarify why she wasn't being invited.

I mean, come on, we know all this stuff is amped up for tv, especially the reunions. So Adrienne took it too far at the reunion with her accusations- Adrienne had NO STORY last year. Maybe she was trying to remain on the show and thought escalating her rivalry with LIsa would be a good way to do that? Either way, I understand Lisa being hurt by it all, especially Kyle though and that's who I felt hurt her. I was totally Team Lisa on that.

But it was a year ago now, it's the Season Premiere party, Lisa knew that, and there was no reason to exclude only Adrienne when Camille, Kyle, and Taylor backed her up. Not that it was true, but that the reporter was saying it and had to everyone. So why single out Adrienne and not invite her? She made that HUGE fuss last year at Kyle's party about kicking Taylor and Russell out "gently" when they were threatening to sue Camille but when it comes to Adrienne doing the same thing Camille did (repeating what someone else had told her), Lisa suddenly thinks Adrienne should be burnt at the stake while Kyle and Taylor are still invited. It was a calculated move and done to show Adrienne the pecking order on the show and that she's indeed on the bottom. It was beyond catty and certainly not the classy Lisa I once knew. The Lisa I used to love would have sat down with Adrienne, sorted it out, realized it was the guy causing all the trouble and they're just telling her what they heard, they'd have a glass of champagne, and it would be water under the bridge. Instead, Lisa can't let it go for no reason. Hmmm, maybe because it's true? I can't see any other reason why Lisa would even give this a 2nd thought and not only that, but bring it into the following season. I thought she was smarter than this. She seriously looks like the guilty party here and I'm surprised that all of her superfans can't see through her behavior and are actually arguing this has always been Lisa.

I'm so sick of hearing that because it's not true. Maybe in the beginning but she OUTED Taylor and Russell and was the only one with the guts to call it what it was, which drove story for the entire season. And Camille did it flawlessly. So what if she wasn't the center of the drama last year? You don't have to be that every year (like Kyle, who would die if she weren't the center of attention) and Camille earned her place after Season 1.

I LOVED her in Season 2 and she certainly stirred the pot far more than Kim Richards or Adrienne Maloof and they're still regulars. I found Camille to be the most interesting in season 1 and again in season 2. Really, the rest of them are just SO pernicious I can't stand it.

Then why did she invite Kyle and Taylor? Both Kyle and Taylor backed up everything Adrienne said at the reunion, were in on it from the beginning, and had the opportunity to warn her or stand up for her. They chose to do neither, and yet they're invited? And Kim, who shows up to nothing? Excluding one housewife from this party wasn't right, especially since Adrienne has supported Villa Blanca, unlike Lisa, who screwed her on the Bravo trip to Vegas.

Either way, Lisa invited Kyle and Taylor because Kyle thinks she's the star of the show and has some of the others, like Lisa, convinced of that as well, and she invites Taylor because she knows Taylor has tons of drama from the year before, especially with Lisa's "friend" Brandi and Lisa knows that she'll get cameratime galore.

Lisa could at least have had a sit down with Adrienne and either explained her position and didn't invite her anyway or make up with her and have her anyway. I just foresee Lisa's image taking a big hit this season- I got a totally different feel from her in this episode than I ever have before. Lisa was never one to back down from a confrontation, so either confront her or invite her. Lisa did the cowardly and uppity thing, which was to act as though she didn't even exist. Sorry, I don't condone that.

Edited by juniorz1
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I think she was just simply more hurt by Adrienne. Taylor? Irrelevant. Kyle is and has been this way and Lisa is no longer as close with her, but i think she was deeply hurt by Adrienne, who she saw as a fellow business women. Someone who is mature, with tact and above such things. Adrienne is the one who attacked her and tried to trash her character and integrity and it is clear that Adrienne is the one who sold the stories and was desperate to push blame onto Lisa given her relationship with friends who work in the tabloid buisness.

I dont think having your daughters bachlorette party hosted by a longtime familyfriend at his hotel as a slap in the ace to Adrienne. Lisa isnt the type to go around asking for freebies as she explained to Adrienne.

Adrienne is truly awful. That hedious flower arrangement she sent is exactly the type of person she is.

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She didnt call Taylor out into well into the middle of the season. I would hardly say she drove story the entire season. She had very little story of her own and was mainly there to add commentary to the others. She was truly supporting with nothing revolving around her. We barely even got to see much of her personal life away from the women as she chose to keep that stuff private. She was essentially a "friend" of the housewife but still got full billing. I stand by my statement that Season 2 Camille was boring
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Lisa explained in her blog that she is still not speaking to Adrianne because Adrianne never contacted her to mend fences. Adrianne came off VERY poorly during that reunion and it was her fault so she should've apologized. Let's not forget, she only backed down from attacking Lisa once Lisa said her claims were slanderous. She wasn't genuine then and she isn't now. Lisa said she spoke to Kyle and they mended fences off screen. Adrianne also had a party in Las Vegas the week before filming began and invited everyone EXCEPT Lisa. Considering all of that, why would she invite Adrianne? Makes no sense.

Unfortunately my laptop has been in the hospital so I haven't seen the most recent ATL, BH or MIA episodes, but hopefully today I can watch them so I can get back to dishing with you guys!

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Oh, I love Lisa! Despite having had arguably the most plastic surgery outside of Mama Elsa, this woman is genuinely wonderful. Who else would take in Joanna's work-shy scrounger of a sister? A girl's girl like Lisa, that's who. And I love her and the adoring housekeeper Daisy who obviously thinks Lisa is a telenovela character come to life. The one thing that REALLY won me over about Lisa is how upfront she was about Lea. She admires Lea, she wants to learn from her, she is inspired by her. Even though Lisa is no fool and must know that Lea openly disdains her, she is honest in saying what so many women wouldn't say when it comes to frenemies.

As for Lea -- I like her at home, with her husband, her child, and her puppy (those tears were real, y'all). I like that she spreads a little drama and bitchiness because it creates story but at the same time -- bringing Joe Francis to the party when she prob knew his connection to the Krapkas was a malicious step too far. IRL I wouldn't trust her further than I could throw her. She is a total fake in social situations, but a fake I can live with on this show.

I admire your spirited defense of Adrienne.

Listen, I am a superfan of Lisa but I am not blind to her flaws -- I don't think ANY of these RHs are perfect. I donlt watch for that. I watch for entertainment, and the producers manipulate for entertainment. If Adrienne wasn't invited to Lisa's party, it is because whoever is head-writing RHoBH decreed it so. Lisa prob went along with it because she was hurt by Adrienne's slanderous claims. These two women were friends and neighbors at one time -- from S1 to S2, Adrienne turned on Lisa little by little and went out of her way to make her look bad. I'm sorry but she did. As for The Palms fiasco, personally I think Lisa should have done BOTH The Palms and Mohammed's Planet Hollywood bash for Pandora as they were both gifts from friends. However, I do not think Lisa could and should have dumped Mohammed in favor of Adrienne's offer. It is clear that Mohammed is a close family friend.

As for sitting down with Adrienne and clearing the air, yes, I think Lisa would have done this. But after the hatred and jealousy that Adrienne exhibited to Lisa at Reunion, the set-up she orchestrated -- sometimes when you see toxic, you want to run away from it, like "I don't need that in my life." I felt like Adrienne was showing her true colors for the first time at Reunion. SUCH jealousy! I wouldn't blame Lisa if she felt that way, too, and wanted nothing more to do with her.

As for Kyle and Taylor, I think Lisa should have shown those two bitches the finger, too. They have set her up as the enemy more than once when it suited their Poor Me agenda.

Hurrah! A Camille fan. We can argue forever about whether Camille was relevant in S2 because she "only had one good scene." The fact is, she is relevant to me because I like her a lot. End of.

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I finally caught up with everything - WHEW!

Miami was pretty entertaining. I think one of the best LOL scenes during that whole lingerie party was when Marta was drunk, crying, and looking a hot mess and Daysy the maid tried to console her, speaking in Spanish - and Marta can't speak Spanish and just nodded the entire time. LOLOL!

I wonder how the Bravo contracts work with physical contact like that. In reality shows, you normally go home. In this format, 'going home' really isn't an option, but I really don't think they're just allowed to slap/punch each other like that without some kind of punishment, right?

I was shocked to see Beau from Big Brother. Glad his ass was thrown in the pool - he was trying to find drama and get screen time.

The producers and cameramen need some more practice - there were too many shots of the camera guys in these episodes. Isn't that poor editing? I can't ever remember a time when the other RH series had cameramen in the shots, even when they are in close quarters like that.

For some reason, I'm sort of loving Karent and her Susan Lucci-smiling ass. Cracks me up.

Atlanta --- I LOVE it - their personalities are so fun(ny) that I can't even be bored. I'm loving Kenya already - she cracks me up.

BH was a bit boring for me, but I'm happy it is back. Too bad the ratings weren't huge - they were quite the disappointment.

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Well, I have no idea about these shows but on Basketball Wives there is a clause in their contract the physical contact could happen. I think that's part of the reason why one of the cast members dropped a lawsuit after one of her castmember's flunkies slapped her in her face while filming.

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Watching Wendy right now and apparently Kim quit ATL in the middle of filming the current season. 2 housewives got into a physical altercation and the drama nearly spilled near her. Considering she was vert pregnant, she called Andy up and told him she couldnt be near that foolishness in her condition and stopped filming. Thats when Portia was then added and the reason we arent seeing ehr early on is bc she wasnt cast yet and is being brought on later to replace Kim

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There were rumors in the press that

get into a physical fight, but that hasn't even been hinted in any previews and it doesn't seem in character for those two. Whatever the reason for Kim's exit, we should know soon. Porsha premieres in the third episode, so I predict Kim's story will be over within two or three episodes. I think the plan for Kim is to have her spin-off and she'll be back full time next season.


Just finished BH and I LOVED Kathy. She was so sweet and actually worked well with Kim. They had a more interesting relationship than Kyle/Kim, which has always seemed more negative. I wish Kathy were a full time wife so I could see how she handles Kyle. Kyle is such a nasty piece of work for me.

Brandi's house didn't bother me. She seemed kinda embarrassed when Lisa came, but at least she has a nice house and is living within her means, even with the show and what it could demand. She came off really well in the premiere. So did Yolanda. She was so sweet and has a beautiful accent.

Edited by Chris B
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