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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Another epic episode of RHOC.


I like Peggy so far. Loving all those diamonds. 


Lydia went IN on Shannon with her signature sparkle. The way Shannon stormed out, swathed in voluminous fabric, her fat ass bursting through that stretch denim...lord knows most of us have had a 'fat moment' but Shannon's weight is comical. It's amazing how quickly she's changed her tune on social media about blaming Vicki, nobody is going with that one and she miscalculated other people's sympathy incredibly. 


Tamra shouldn't be wasting production's money on a 1 year old's birthday party. It's uncomfortable to see Ryan and Sarah - clearly a dysfunctional relationship. 


Not much Vicki this episode but I will note she seems like a lovely grandma. Brianna was smart to get in, hit the bounce house with the kids and then flee. 


I cannot wait for next week - Kelly is going to crack Shannon from side to side. Cannot wait. 

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Agree with a lot of @DaytimeFan thoughts. The one I possibly disagree on is the Briana-Tamra friendship. I liked because it harked back to the early days of the show when the HWs were part of the same community. I didn't even mind Briana kvetching to Tamra -- she needed an outlet because Brooks was literally an evil scourge upon her family. He damn near killed Vicki's TV and insurance careers with that cancer scam. Vicki is my girl from way back, but Brooks was a terrible mistake and she needs to own up to it, including the fact that she chose her gross conman boyfriend over her daughter for 4 years. OK, I'm glad I got that off my chest lol.


Peggy looks like those uber-wealthy women from Dubai who go to their plastic surgeons clutching a picture of Kim Kardashian's face. I like her story so far -- and THANK GOODNESS Bravo is bringing in a wealthy Armenian-Lebanese family! 


Sometimes I wonder if Ryan isn't a functioning prescription pill abuser. Little Ava crying as soon as her parents started to argue was painful to watch.


Shannon's weight gain is obviously a manifestation of her deep unhappiness with herself and her marriage. She wants to feel loved and desired, and clearly David (who calls her "dear" as if they were both 85 year old meemaws) is not giving her that. So she eats her emotions/punishes herself with food. I hope her 'holistic' trainer buddy isn't a scammer and can help her feel more confident.


The problem with Shannon is that after her first season on the show, she let allllllll the hype go to her head. She thought she was #1. She is also a control freak who MUST control the narrative in every situation. If someone offers another viewpoint, she pounds them into submission because THEY ARE WRONG.


It's fascinating to watch her delusions and neuroses, but it is not winning her any fans. Her resentment that Vicki is still on the show is plain to see. LOVE that Lydia read her so quickly and refused to kowtow to Shannon's shouting.

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I love the balance between the old format and the drama/confrontation style.


I was hesitant about having seven women as housewives...but if it means that Vicki or Kelly aren't featured so much during certain episodes..i might change my mind.


Peggy is intriguing so far...and seeing that she is dealing with breast cancer and a double mastectomy..reminds me of the struggles my late mom had with breast cancer.  


Regarding Lydia vs. Shannon...both are in the wrong.  I think Lydia was a little pot stirrer...but Shannon reacted too over the top.  Had some flashbacks to season 9 when Lydia kept saying Shannon was yelling...but the footage the editors shown didn't really support Shannon yelling.  In this case, it's all perception over what one defines as yelling.


After the harshness of RHONY, the toxic elements of Potomac and Atlanta(I think season 3 could stand for some timeouts where none of the women film together and do separate narrarices)...RHOC is my fav

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Peggy seems like a knockoff, older version of Lizzie. Does anyone else see that? 


I do like the potential wealth that Peggy and a returning Lydia are gonna bring to this show. They are totally able to do so w/o being haughty and aloof about their money unlike some (Heather). 


Lydia gets major points from me for putting Shannon in her place. Lydia made a valid point last night that Shannon, Vicki, and Trailer Sue are all alike--they've all hurt each other. I'd continue to coattail off that point and add that they are all liars too. Vicki lied about Brooks, Tamra stays lying, and Shannon's marriage is farce. That's why the 3 of them can't get along. They are too much alike. Shannon taking offense to that just further supports all that I said. Shannon walking off in a huff is growing old. She needs to find a new gimmick. 


I am ready for Shannon v. Kelly next week, as I crack up at how Kelly can rattle Shannon over the smallest things. 

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I wondered if Lydia was pot-stirring, but I also appreciate that Lydia has done the show before, knows the main players, and was anxious to get past introductions and into "friendship whisperer" mode. She was polite and friendly with Shannon at first, introducing her to her mom and husband. Shannon was not quite YELLING as she does next week to Kelly, but she did get agitated very quickly and raised her voice in a polite setting (kid's birthday party). Then she went to Tamra to bitch out Lydia so that Tamra could summon Lydia back for a SECOND dressing down from Shannon. When Lydia did not defer to Her Highness, that's when Shannon ran out of there in a tantrum. And all because Lydia said she and Vicki were a lot alike!



All three are SO alike! All 3 consider themselves the true queen of this franchise. All 3 cannot abide when somebody speaks truth to their power or expresses an opinion different from theirs. It's like "BETRAYAL!" All 3 are desperate to be viewed as blameless, beloved heroines by the audience (our ongoing preoccupation with good vs bad absolutes! Vanderpump suffers from this, too) and love to sweep the nastier things they have done under the carpet. Tamra is possibly more inclined to fess up to her evilness every now and then, but even the Chrisshun Conversion by her Pasture suggests she prefers playing a goody-two shoes role nowadays. And the very things that make them so similar are precisely what they hate about each other.


Kelly hasn't made an impression thus far, but just seeing her boldfaced cheeriness as she shows up to dinner is glorious to me!  

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 She knows she just has to breathe in Shannon's direction for Shannon to turn apoplectic.

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Did you see the clip of next episode shown on WWHL last night? When Kelly told Shannon to eat a bit more, and Shannon slammed that plate on the table saying, "It's not even my plate! You f-cking bitch!"  Mind you, the plate was sitting right in front of her and obviously had to be hears.  The restaurant they were at was called "The Quiet Woman." Guess it wasn't quiet that night. 

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I wonder if this will change anything with RHOC and RHOBH?  




Also, Kim officially announced she'll be returning to RHOA - "More than a friend, less than a full-time housewife".... sounds like she'll be around much more during the last half of the season, now that Don't Be Tardy finished filming.



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With Kim back on RHOA I wish they'd go back to how it was in early years when a housewife can be added midway. We know that from the moment she joins she'll be a full-time housewife, so why not add her to the credits and call it a day? Not a big deal but I do miss that. If she's gonna have talking heads and everything you may as well. It's season ten so go all out. 


Now onto the important stuff...RHOC continues to just be perfection. The last few years have just been the gold standard in my opinion. Focusing on this year, the cast has been nicely refreshed but no drastic changes which is par the course for this franchise. They rarely make a misstep in casting. I love that this season has more of a focus on individual scenes and less group scenes. Some of the series seem too by-the-numbers by constantly forcing the entire cast together at this lame events to create friction. Since everybody has family to film with and interesting family lives we get a nice balance on this franchise. That way when they DO come together it's more interesting and there's more anticipation for the viewers. I like the smaller groups we're getting so far. Shannon is just hilarious as she becomes unhinged. I don't understand why she stays on reality tv but I'm thankful for it. I LOVE Lydia as I did her first season. She's a good girl, a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer, she's fun, she's funny and has a cute family. Peggy is still fresh, but I love what she's bringing to the show so far, a dose of diversity and glamour and something different from the other wives. Kelly was a favorite of mine last season and I still love her. I have watched the promo for next week at least 15 times lol. I dread the day she makes up with Shannon. Tamra is irrelevant to me. Vicki is still a guess. Meghan has grown on me so much since her horrible first season. This show is giving me everything I need.


Not looking forward to the bland and boring Dallas, but I can't wait for New Jersey. If the reports are correct they may have finally gotten their act together with this upcoming season. Time will tell. Hopefully BH has a decent season as well. 

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Kim says she wont be and I buy that. Kim isnt here for these women and thinks she's above them. I dont see her interacting and getting involved like a full housewife would be. Oh and I hate when women are added late in the season. I dont even like when they arent in the first episode

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No I haven't but omg this scene sounds spectacular. You can't really go wrong with a fight featuring Shannon representing the fat-shamed, and Kelly representing the ganged-up-on-by-mean-girls! From the episode previews, it also looks like a manager at the restaurant comes over to try and get Shannon to stop making a scene lol


I hear that Kelly did eventually make up with Tamra and Shannon though.


I wish I could find a gif of Kelly saying "Why don't you start shaving that friggin chin hair?" during the bus ride from hell. The soapy reaction shots from everybody were  Shannon will never forgive her for that one.



And this is why I've always despised Kim since S1. That stank, better-than-you attitude wafting off this lazy-ass hoe. Glad she'll only be a FOH.

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Just saw the OC episode.  Peggy is beautiful - the hair is everything.  Lydia is kind of annoying me by trying so hard to insert herself into the mix and force these ladies to get along - it doesn't work that quickly and you weren't there for 4 years.  Brianna left that party so quickly that it was almost pointless to show it since nothing happened.


NYC - Ramona is my girl, but she annoyed the F out of me tonight until she got with drunk Lu at the end.  Their room situation is out of control and i can't believe that took up 3/4 of the episode.  Carol looked the best she's ever looked in this episode - her hair was gorgeous throughout.

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