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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The backlash must be strong. I'm assuming she decided on a tactical retreat, possibly because there were stories surfacing about Terry's alleged cheating a few months ago. I don't know if they are true or just part of the backlash. Maybe she was worried they would pop up on the show -- you know how Tamra can turn on a 'friend.'

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What?! Heather is leaving?! Now that is shocking to me! I agree with that @Cat that this a tactical move b/c of the backlash she received. It was lukewarm in previous seasons, but last season truly did her in. That's that Kelly Dodd power for ya! 

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You know TamRat has to be scurrying right now as she lost her biggest flunky in this move. ShanLoon better be fearful b/c this'll be the perfect time for TamRat to scurry back to Vicki while tossing her under the bus in the process. 


Yeah, Bravo needs to go ahead and do a cast of 8 women for OC. Bring back Vicki, Tamra, Kelly, and possibly Shannon. Give Gretchen & Lizzie back their peaches. Then bring on 2 new chicks to add new drama and blood to the show. Have Jeana be an heavily featured friend like Luann was in s6 of NYC too. 


With Heather & Meghan going, the dynamic is gonna shift heavily. This upcoming season is gonna be a game changer. 

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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@Nothin'ButAttitude IA this is game changing -- almost as game-changing as when RHoNY fired Jill, Kelly, Alex and the grumpy chick. Moreover, still no word on Kelly Dodd -- I'm guessing her hubby and family probably do not want her to re-sign, and Andy isn't too enamoured of her either. Shannon hasn't said if she will continue. Andy *LOVES* her, but she did threaten to quit if Vicki stayed.


I would LIVE if Jeana came back as a heavily involved FOH. I love that Jeana has never pretended to be someone she isn't and was open with her faults and problems as much as her ups. I would also love Lizzie back as she takes no BS, and she and Shannon have fallen out over Vicki. Gretchen? 

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 Eh. I hesitate. And it's not just because Slade is a [!@#$%^&*] albatross around her neck. She was pretty basic, and when she was fired, it was clear the franchise was trying to move on up in terms of aspirational lifestyle. Her budget business ventures all seemed to be on a par with Alexis Couture. The one thing she does have going for her is that she sends Tamra into fits of Exorcist-like rage.

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@Cat I was thinking about the shift of NYC too when I thought of this announcement. Too much change would be jarring for the audience, hence why I feel that they need to bring back Gretchen, Lizzie, and Jeana. 


I look at Gretchen as the classic social climber, which most of us have in us, so I don't mind her on the show. I do, however, hate how she can play up to the cameras at times when it comes to her and Slade. As long as she and Slade don't play up the cameras with their relationship and just come clean that they don't wanna be married as they feel like they already are, then that is fine. That's something that a lot of people could actually relate too. 


I've read on RealityTea that a commenter stated Bravo wants Kelly back and that she is in negotiations, hence why we haven't heard her official announcement to return yet. 

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Erika is extremely watchable, and I love her persona in the VTs. But she is also very icy, controlled and strategic. Her sudden admiration of Kyle is strategic, for example -- Kyle being a producer of RHoBH and much more malleable than LVP. There was a point in the episode when Erika waxed lyrical about talking to Kyle about 'mom' things "unlike those other fools who don't have a clue." I'm sure Eileen and Lisa Rinna, President and Treasurer of the Erika Jayne Fan Club, will be thrilled to hear this. 

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 Eileen especially has a massive girl crush on Erika, and I bet she was lowkey devastated she didn't get invited to Mykonos. I'd like to know how Eileen is reacting to these episodes given that Erika seems gently uninterested in forging a closer friendship with her. Maybe Reunion will be more interesting than I anticipated! 


I loved Kyle's phone convo with LVP and the fact that Portia wanted a sleepover with LVP and the ponies. Nevertheless, I have a feeling this may be LVP's last season. Once you admit to being queen, the countdown is on for a new queen. LVP is not really involved in events with lots of women, and I feel that the lack of comment in blogs by Erika, Eileen and Rinna is deafening. They sort of want to ease her out by denying her existence.


Dorit was winning me over at the beginning of the episode, but lost me when she yapped about Lisa Rinna's vitamin Ziploc. I take some multi-vitamins and recognised some in her bag! I don't think she's a massive druggie, but there may be some Adderall in there too to 'keep the weight down.'


Eden is pushing too much, and I can see why she didn't get a diamond this season. The thirst is real! Somebody boned up on House of Hilton. I'm side-eyeing the starry-eyed memories of Kim and Kyle about their 'wonderful' mom who lived off their careers and pimped them out to the richest men at the Polo Lounge (literally, it is a MIRACLE that Kyle prioritised marrying for love and giving her daughters a real family life). However, do we really need to rehash Kim's sobriety again? The audience knows Kim isn't just a recovering alcoholic, but also abuses prescription medication -- which seems a perfectly acceptable habit in Hollywood since Eden copped to it, too. I just can't deal with another season of Kim in Cujo Mode.

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Erika and LVP are more alike..hence why Erika admitted the LVP that she is like a spider...and that while her questions are innocent, her intent behind the questions leave a lot tip be desired.  Plus, Erika's almost blame response the Dorit's thirst and bethenny's attacks make her a unique personality on the franchise.

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I'm surprised everybody is shocked by Heather's exit. I knew she wasn't coming back since the backlash she got when the season ended. Apparently she was offered a FOH deal like Yolanda and turned it down. I understand why they did that. Remember how they completely slammed her in the season 8 uncensored special? Well they made a point of mentioning how difficult she is with production, which we also saw this season and you never know which Heather you're going to get. Plus they've been stretching this house thing out so long which I feel was a ploy to get her contract renewed. I'm glad she's gone. They needed a new dynamic so you can reset Vicki. With just Tamra, Vicki, Kelly and possibly Shannon that gives you a chance to reset alliances since you'll have at least two-three new wives.


To avoid the NYC/NJ curse though I WOULD bring back at least one past housewife. Especially if Shannon doesn't return. Kelly, Vicki, Tamra, Lizzie, Gretchen with one newbie could really work.

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As we've seen with Atlanta (sheree), NJ (Dina), and NY (bethenny)...bringing back a past housewife isn't always a good thing.


With that said, if I could choose a past housewife to come back for the OC..it would be Lizzie because she has stuff going on in her personal life, plus she could spare with tamra..and is more sympathetic then Gretchen ever was. Plus, I feel there is more of her story that could be told.


Gretchen has nothing going on in her life..and production in the season 8 special seemed happy to be rid of her.  Plus, she was kind of like tamra....and one is enough LOL


That said, I think it's time to perhaps evolve the franchise beyond petty fights, toxic behavior, and forced get togethers.  I'm not sure where it would go...but given how mean spirited our society is nowadays...perhaps not rewarding bad behavior aNd shade on a reality show might be a good 1st step.

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I'm really excited about the possibilities with the OC.  I agree we need a former housewife back.  Lizzie would be good.  We didn't get enough of her IMO, so i never had strong feelings about her either way, but I wasn't bored with her... if that makes sense.  I may be the only one, but I think Laurie would be a great choice.  She stirred up so much sh!t when she returned a few seasons ago.  I also love that she's an original and her family drama with Josh and her daughter was interesting.  


Anyone watching Celebrity Apprentice this season?  I hate to say this, but I'm actually enjoying Porsha on this show.  She's fun and bubbly.  She's actually pretty creative and smart too, at least moreso than I originally thought. She puts in the work.   Kyle is also good on the show - they didn't mention once her connection to the Hiltons though, which I thought was odd.

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IDA about Sheree and Bethenny. Sheree was perfect last season. She really brought good energy and made for a great supporting player. Bethenny helped NYC recover after the slump it was on after the overhaul. Last season was the best in years bc of her frenemy status with LuAnn


Dina's return is the only one Id consider a fail but NJ as a whole is a mess and she wasnt going to save it especially since she didnt want to give Bravo the story they wanted which was her family problems with Jaqueline and Caroline

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I agree. Dina is only housewife to return that was a damn dud. I never even understood why they brought her back when Dina was a bore the first 2 seasons (to me) anyways. They should've used that money and brought Danielle back then. She was the shot in the arm this show needed after s5. I guess Bravo FINALLY caught the hint after this season as they are finally entertaining her return. 


I wish the higher ups at Bravo would ignore Andy and bring back Jill on NYC. She's been in limbo and punished enough. I think she has enough story to offer this show in a future season--her relationship with the girls and Bobby possibly succumbing to his returning cancer. 

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Love or hate her, Bethenny saved New York. She's brought attention and she doesn't shy away from the drama. That was smart. Sheree sucks this year, but her return last year was very well worth it. A proper OC return, which they never do would be helpful. Unlike other series the ladies are actually still friends, so it won't be too jarring. Lizzie should've never been fired so she's the first one I'd bring back. She has wealth, is pretty and has interesting relaitonships with the ladies. Gretchen wouldn't be my first choice, but yall know Lauri and Jeana ain't coming back.

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