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Also - tonight's episode of WWHL with Erika and Kenya was HILARIOUS.  Kenya shaded Sheree when Andy asked if anyone has tried to break into Chateau Sheree - she goes "No one lives there".  Hahahaha, that sh!t is still going on.  So funny.  

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Andy knows that Sheree ass ain't in that damn house, but I am glad that Kenya bust Sheree's ass out. Still a damn shame that Kenya bought her house last year and is living in it while Sheree still can't get in Chateau Thelma. 


Kenya threw ample shade at Phelony, which I loved too. I knew Kenya was gonna be team Kandi and come for Phaedra, which she should. You couldn't smear my name for 5 years and expect me to let it go. I hope Kenya pounces on her ass at the reunion. 




Dorit does not bother me that much as she does most. She gives me old school Camille s1 vibes, which I miss. We finally have our polished and refined villainess that isn't trashy and gutter like others (Brandi). 


I'm sorry but I am over Eileen and Rinna using their late parents for stories. I don't mind them grieving, but stop using their memories as a way to weasel out of the tension with LVP. I think PK was right to state what he said about Eileen & Rinna. IMO, Eileen didn't reveal her mother's death to LVP b/c she assumed it'd possibly be a way to get LVP to fold and apologize altogether, which it didn't. With Rinna, she's using her dad's death to justify her actions when she could've simply buried Munchausen-gate after Erika's BBQ last season. 


So glad that Camille is back just wish it was in a larger capacity. They seriously need to add her back to the show. I enjoyed Eden too. Seriously, they should've just had a cast of eight women like NYC back in s7. 


Can I mention that Eileen is a sh-t stirrer? I am glad that Dorit shut her ass down. Eileen always talks about others talking too much, but she stays butting in sh-t not consisting of her. 


I'm ready for Dorit v. Kyle/Eileen/Rinna/Erika next week. Dorit won major points from me in the preview by snitching and calling out Kyle's sneaky ass as she did laugh and subtly encourage Dorit to buy those damn panties for Erika. I am over Erika, who claims she doesn't give a f-ck but does, playing victim in panty-gate. Heffa, you shouldn't've flashed your stank cooch to everyone and it wouldn't be a discussion. And Rinna interjecting next week along with Eileen again...

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Welp RHoNJ fans: looks like ENVY won't be happening next season (if there is a next season). Poor Melissa will have to find a new SL. What new career will she pretend to have next??


(And the fact that the ENVY owner is liquidating all stock at Kim D's Posche store must really sting!) 

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Im with Eileen. I dont get why PK adn Dorit have an opinion on how she handled the death of her mother. And she really didnt recall that convo? Give me a break! How does one forget talking about the deaths of two cast member's parents?


I like this Eden woman. IA with her and Rinna on the hair. Its iconic.


Camille! Im glad she got a reintroduction and talking head. Is she a friend this season, bc her past appearances just had her showing up in the background


Image result for joseline sick of you ho


I was willing to give her a chance but Im over Dorit. She comes across very judgemental. I couldnt f--k with her. Girrrllll, she tried it at that brunch

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Eileen made an ass of herself with Doritos who faked stupidity really, really well. So well you'd almost believe she's that dumb. 


I don't believe Eileen used the deaths of her family members as an excuse at all for what happened with LVP. I think Eileen didn't like being called a home wrecker when that's exactly what she is and didn't like being told to close her legs to married men. 


Lips seemed to misunderstand PK - he wasn't criticizing her. He was saying it made absolute sense that she would change her perspective on conflict after her father died. Lips seemed to miss that point. Otherwise, I loved how she didn't understand Elliot Mintz at all - that was funny. 


I still dislike Doritos - she's likely renting that house and her crummy relations with Erika annoy me. Erika did nothing to her - I don't understand why she wants to stir things up. 


Great seeing Camille and in case anyone is wondering - she has two houses in Malibu. The one we saw in this episode which cost her $2.3 million and one right on the beach which cost her $6 million. She is living a great life. Good for her!


LVP and Kyle didn't have much to do this episode. It keeps them above the fray and I enjoy a good scene at the dermatologists office more than most - I am curious what LVP was having done to her neck. 


Erika and her Creative Director, Mickey, seem to have a very solid friendship when they are their private selves. 


Eden could be a total hot mess - time will tell about her. 

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Are we even watching the same show? I get you obviously don't like ED  or LR but there is no way they are using their parents death to get sympathy - I think you opinion is really off on this one.


The puppets Dorito and PK, who are clearly being manipulated by LVP, are so obvious - she is an idiot and he is a disgusting pervert.


ED was completely in the right to stand up for herself when being discussed by other people when she wasn't even there. Don't tell me you would stand for that in real life if other people spoke about you behind your back.


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Yeah. We are watching the same show. It's called having one's own interpretation. Thank you very much. 

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Furthermore, no one has an issue with Eileen standing up for herself. Everyone has an issue with her constantly inserting herself in sh*t that doesn't concern her (i.e. Dorit v. Erika). 

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I'm guessing that all those size 0 exorbitantly priced jeans Melissa ordered for herself didn't fly off the shelves! So Jackie Robinson, the REAL owner, shut that mess down, and now Kim D is going to be giving them away at a massive markdown on Saturday. That old witch must be cackling with glee and triumph! 


Oh well. I'm sure Melissa can fall back on her illustrious singing/marriage advice career. ... oh wait...

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Why is a different opinion from yours wrong? Are you Dorit? lol. @Nothin'ButAttitude thinks differently about this show than I do right now, but that's the nature of this thread and indeed this entire ridiculous franchise. Live and let live.




Dorit and her Dick-Van-Dyke-in-Mary-Poppins accent need to pipe the heck down. Why is she going after Erika and Eileen/Rinna? To please LVP? Of all the issues to blow out of proportion tho. Pantygate makes PK look like a greasy old perv (something his appearance does nothing to dissuade) and Dorit was a complete clown when she tried to 'embarrass' Erika and then go after Eileen at Camille's brunch. The mourning issue makes both of them look terrible. Jesus, leave grieving people in peace! The audience is clearly going to side with the grieving party. PK seems desperate for a HW spot even worse than Peachter! 


LVP defends Dorit/PK in her blog this week. The way she phrased it as 'British humor' confirms my (and possibly some of the audience's) suspicions after all these years of being told that LVP 'throws the rock but hides the hand.' I never, ever thought I would believe the self-serving nonsense jealous Kyle and Adrienne served up in S2 when they tried to ambush LVP, but now it is sinking in. LVP is making her scheming too obvious, and it is playing right into Eileen/Rinna/Erika's hands. Especially Erika, who I suspect will be coming out on top by the end of this season. 


What else happened? I fear this is becoming another one-issue season. Oh, yes! Eden Sassoon seemed a cool addition to the show.

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Porsha is back peddling and p-ssy popping


Porsha: Shamea Hasn't Told Me There's Anything Going on with Kandi


Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I am so ready for 2017! I am remembering today that every end is a new beginning and am looking forward to a year ahead full of blessings!

Bravotv.com: Did you all have fun at Cynthia's breast exam gathering? 
Porsha Williams: I had so much fun, and I honestly did not know you could take your crew with you for an exam! It was very nice to be included, and we all had a great time. When I book a breast exam, I will definitely be taking my crew with me too!

Bravotv.com: What did you think of the yoni session? 
PW: At first it was the weirdest feeling, but I promise after a while if you keep the focus on mind, body, and soul your whole energy will change. We all need to keep our energy positive...so I feel it is very important to remember that everything around us is made up of energy, and in order for us to attract positive energy, we need to give off positive energy!

Bravotv.com: Were you surprised to hear what Kandi was saying about Phaedra?
PW: Speaking of energy… I definitely was! That is why I took it the way I did and tried my best to help resolve the situation. My goal was to give Kandi another point of view and shed some light on the situation. It's certainly possible that Kandi spread the rumors with encouragement from others. Sometimes being egged on can lead to even more mess! There is no denying that we all make mistakes, but my goal was that Kandi realized it is not a good look for her. I did not want any kind of smear campaign against Phaedra to continue. (Phaedra would know all about smear campaigns) It needed to end and be shut down. There is no doubt that it is hard for all of us to keep friendships as strong as we would like them to be -- especially when our words are continuously over analyzed, which almost always leads to our words being misinterpreted. Good intentions can be easily be mistaken in these kind of situations. I can only speak for my intentions, and my intention with Kandi was to fight through all the noise and anger that Kandi felt and let it go once and for all. It is past time for each and every one of us to move on.

Bravotv.com: What went through your mind when Phaedra made those accusations about Kandi and Shamea hooking up? 
PW: Well Pheadra was very upset after hearing what Shamea had to say, and I was in a very uncomfortable position sitting there between two very good friends arguing. It was so hard for me, because one of my friends is defending herself against accusations, and one of them feels that those accusations are accurate. For the record, Shamea has not mentioned or told me that there is anything going on with Kandi other than a close friendship. The reason I mentioned that they were even close is because Shamea is indeed close with them. That was meant in no other context other than friendship. Point is...I really wanted to remain neutral and that is such a hard thing to do when both people who I respect and admire feel passionate in their point of view. () I don't ever want to see someone who I call a friend hurt in any way, and I pride myself on defending someone who I call my friend, but this situation overall was a very tough one for me. My hope is that we can all move on from it. I do not want to watch anyone feeling attacked or throwing any shade. With this group of ladies, if you throw shade out into their world, it will always come back to you. So I leave you with this final thought...remember when anyone throws negativity out in the universe, it always comes back! 2017 is the year that I will keep reminding myself to work hard, continue to love life, and count my blessings on a daily basis. I am blessed even in stressful situations. My motto -- life is too short and I want to focus on only good thoughts and surround myself with those who I choose to spend time with.[/quote]Yet she implied that Kandi was hooking up with her after Phaedra dropped that bomb. Girl, bye

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