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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Word. These women look like the very definition of chav. Tacky, tacky, tacky.

I have family in Ireland who make these women look like paupers. Real Irish society wouldn't touch this show with a ten foot pole on account of how bad the Irish economy is. If this was 10 years ago, you'd see a really interesting, rich cast with a lot more class than these women.

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Gia was a huge brat but Jackie shouldn't be giving any parenting advice when she couldn't handle her own brat. And reading that book was ridiculous. That said Teresa needs to teach her daughter to respect adults. Joe is her uncle. When I was that age and I repeated a mean nickname my dad used for his cousin, my father made me apologize. That little girl shouldn't be maknig little comments about her uncle and aunt.

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Gia to Fat Joe: "I think you need a bra" laugh.png The way he talks to Teresa is disgusting. Its borderline abusive

LOL....Teresa and Gia were hilarious. I like their relationship and how Gia was super embrassed by her.

Speaking of Teresa she was on the Wendy show today and she didnt throw any shade at the women. I thought she handled herself well with class. Wendy said that she thinks she should leave the show and Teresa agreed. She pitched possibly wanting to do a cooking show. That might be a good fit for her. She's already written a couple of books and loves to cook. She'd need to take some lessons being in front of the camera though bc Giada she is not.

Teresa: "we have an amazing sex life" Then Wendy asks her if it was true taht she didnt have sex with Joe until she got married and Teresa goes "I dont want to talk about my private life" Huh? Just 3 seconds earlier you were bragging about your sex life

Lauren's weight issue story is boring. Its getting WAY too much focus.


IA. Jaq was borderline harassing the little girl. She should have left her alone.



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Yeah Teresa shouldn't have her kids apart of this. I could see if the cast was like the others shows but the people on her are family and close friends. I remember last night Gia said she hates her uncle because he is mean to Teresa. I'm pretty sure much of the drama is staged but Gia thinks it is all real and hates her own uncle. Smh.

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New Jersey's Caroline is so hypocritical. She gladly told Danielle how she felt about her and would never share screentime with her, but yet here she is doing scenes with Teresa and being nice to her face, but totally trash-talking her with Jacqueline and in the interviews. Something about Caroline and Jacqeline totally rubbed me the wrong way on Sunday's show. And with that said, despite her blind loyalty to her husband, I'm totally Team Teresa.

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Caroline was Teresa's friend and vice versa. They've known each other longer and their familes are very close. We are seeing the disintegration of this friendship play out now but Caroline hasnt cut her off yet. She's tolerating her bc of the history there and bc of Jacqueline and I think at this point she's hoping things will change but unfortunately they do not.

She was NEVER Danielle's friend. She tolerated her bc of Jacqueline but she never had any allegiance to Danielle or was close to her. I dont think its quite the same thing at all. These interviews are filmed after the fact and Caroline is brought in to comment on stuff that happened weeks/months ago. Her feelings for Teresa definetly did change by then, hence the comments she's making as she's asked to recount what happened

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I totally get that and understand. Something was just off to me. Like Caroline seems so quick---and eagerly willing--- to write her off, even at this point that we're watching now.

I wish we knew the details of that fight that happened offscreen in Punta Cana. Time to do some Google searching! :)

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Jody & Mia were such bitches last night. I couldn`t believe they had the nerve to serve Mary with legal notice that they were going to sue her. It looks like Jody is going to become alienated from the rest of the girls. I hope Ronnie, Mary & Christina tear her a new !@#$%^&*].

I wonder if Jody is really as rich as she claims. She kept going on about how only her and Ronnie are really the wealthy ones. Her little comment to Mary about her being a renter was lame. I loved how Christina defended that comment. I just love Christina.

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