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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This week's Auckland was so good. I don't fault Louise and Ann for slating Angela's book launch - it SUCKED. Julia is such a dumb bitch, throwing around racist language and gossiping about everyone and spreading what they say about each other behind their backs - Julia clearly wasn't raised properly, you talk sh*t about people behind their backs!

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I bet they are waiting to see if any drama breaks out in HK, and then....a promo.


So Season 7 appears to be Kyle, Lisa, LIps, Eileen, Erika, and two newbies and a lot of Camille.



Edited by Taoboi
Internet connection is no bueno.
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I feel Yolanda should have stayed in the cast this season.


Hear me out! She is '90% miraculously cured' now. She's manipulative and a liar. She just went through a much media-covered, slightly mysterious, quickie divorce from "My Love." I love seeing her kids, Gigi, Bella and Anwar. Right now, Yol is swanning around the fashion shows of the world (as opposed to doing Vitamin C IVs with that creepy 'health advocate' Daisy holding her hand). This to me is v watchable!


ALSO, even though Eileen and Lisa R were going after LVP last season, neither of them were dupe to Yolanda's machinations. They know she is a steely-eyed operator. Lisa R mentioned that she felt they were pawns in some kind of weird proxy war between LVP and Yolanda. It needs to be brought into the open.


As it is, things might be a little dull this time around. LVP wants to be known for her charitable animal causes, but frankly (and I know I sound superficial) I don't think I can watch multiple episodes of LVP marching for the dogs of Yulin. It's a bit dull. BH is about contentious relationships between women, Hollywood secrets, and glitz and glamour. LVP wants to repair her image which has taken some hits, but maybe she just needs to embrace the pot-stirring, Alexis Colbyesque role she has on this show. It's not a bad role to have. It's better than being a victim (Kyle) or a people-pleaser (LR).


How would people feel about a Brandi return along with Kim??

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Image result for Lisa Vanderpump laughing gifs


How could you forget??? The QUEEN of Malibu! The QUEEN of KeepingItReal! The QUEEN of #Hashtags! #RealFriendsDon'tQuestionYouEverTheyJustFollowOrders #LymeJourney #That'sJustYouKnowBrandiBeingBrandi! #MyLove #MyKing #MyRefrigerator #TheStateofCaliforniaSaysIShouldGet50%ofDavid'sFortune


Image result for Yolanda munchausen gifs

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@Cat, I'm sorry but I don't (and won't) miss Lemonhead Hadid. She gave all she could give and should've been booted back when Brandi was. 


I am not worried about Lisa b/c even when she's not looking for drama, she gets dragged in. I like that Lisa Rinna/Erika/Eileen, much like Brandi & YoLyme, have a raging hard on to take the Queen down, so she'll never be out of the drama. 


Word is that new girl, Eden [Sassoon], is stirring the pot, so I doubt it'll be boring. I've heard rumblings that she isn't getting along with Rinna and Kyle. 


I don't blame LVP focusing on her charities. It's a safe bet for her. When sh-t goes down this upcoming season and people wanna point fingers, she can simply sit back and watch the women tear each other to shreds as her hands are clean. I feel like this season she has to play defense and can't be proactive b/c these women are itching to play her out her position. 

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All them bitches are pure trash. 


I am so glad that Vicki bust Tamra in her talking head bringing up the time she tried to get Gretchen drunk. Just shows that Tamra most likely had her bony ass fingers all up in that. 


Shannon is such a puppet. Heather too. Both of them stay doing Tamra's bidding. 


But what I am most happy about tonight is that it showed all the people that like Heather that she too is just as trashy as the rest. She is just trash with a rich hubby. It was just last week that Heather was scolding Kelly for bringing up Tamra's child but she did the same. I hope she catches major heat for the remainder of the season onwards. 

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