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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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New York is in fire this season! So different from what I expected.LuAnn has been showing her ass for a while, but that was extreme. Cat got a lot of flack for her comments to LuAnn on WWHL, but she was right. Even that night LuAnn was saying rude things like how Alex is a lower class and shouldn't be associating with them. That along gives Cat enough reason to give her attitude. I hope Alex and Andy eviscerate her during the reunion.

I LOVED the scenes with Sonya and Ramona. They were so cute and felt like real friends finding joy amongst all this craziness. Jill also came off very well in this episode for me. Cindy has calmed down as well. Kelly proved she's just as crazy as she always was. I knew that newly sane ACT wouldn't last. Even crazier is that she didn't realize how crazy and stupid she looked.

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Bitch. Just get her off the show. I really tried to like her in the beginning but as the episodes go by, its clear she adds absoluetly nothing to the show and is unnecesary. This ugliness just solidifes that I have no use for her. Id love to see her go on Watch What Happens Live when NeNe and/or Sheree is there. Better yet Phaedra and have these allegations brought up against her. Im confident that either 3 of those women would chew her out. I prefer Phaedra bc she'd do it the most intelligently while still looking classy and making Cindy look like a fool without much effort.

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Bitch. She needs to be axed, she adds nothing to the show. She can take her science experiment wonder twins, her non-existent baby daddy and her brother/husband right up 5th and get waxed.

And the idea of Phaedra giving her a dressing down is too delicious for words. She would eviscerate her.

This week's episode confirms to me that Luann is the vilest member of this city's cast. I thought it was Jill, but no, Luann out did Jill in every way imaginable.

Cuntess LuAnn de Lesseps is in a class all her own.

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Yes... Cat was right on the money when she dressed down Luann on WWHL.. do you think it had any effect on Luann when Cat did that? She did kind of look a little freaked out. I like when others outside of the show calls Luann out on her [!@#$%^&*]. If I were on a show with her.. I'd say 'it's been my experience that classy people never go around proclaiming they are classy.. they just live their life.'

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Me too! I also was waiting for someone to tell Andy that he spit all over his mouth... you could see Jenny's "OMG, nasty, do I say something" look... and then Jeff finally just casually mentioned it. Classic! :D

The OC reunion was just so mean... these poor ladies just hate each other. Next week's will be even more vicious with Slade, Peggy/Alexis, Jeana, etc. I guess they won't even bother bringing in Fernanda...haha.

I felt bad for Vicki. I'm surprised at how Briana is acting, and that Vicki would mention that in the first place. I figured they'd be old enough to just accept it and not lash out like they're teens.

I just LOVE Kathy and her family on New Jersey! Her kids are so cute and fun to watch. :)

I'm still Team Melissa/Joe. I love how Gia loves her uncle though, and how all the kids are so close. I hope Teresa and Joe can work it out in the end.

If I were Jacquelene, I'd be pissed at Chris for buying Ashley a car behind her back. Those types of decisions have to be made together, especially if you're on a TV show. I bet she felt so undermined, and feels like Ashley can always go to Chris without going to her.

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While it WAS a stupid comment...Tamra, bitch, please, spare me getting upset at Gretchen's comment.

She would've made the EXACT (and probably nastier) comment had Gretchen been the one to get sick and not show up to one of her functions.

ITA. IMO, if anyone's to blame it's Vicki. Donn stated he was getting ready to retire and enjoy a quiet life. Meanwhile, Vicki was just getting started, wanted to travel all over and rule the world with her insurance business.

She's so OTT OCD control freak, she must be tough to put up with. HAD Donn tried to hug her or kiss her she would've brushed him off (annoyingly) claiming he was interrupting her e-mail sensing time. :rolleyes:

Tamra is the trashiest skank I've ever seen on any of these shows, and she has PLENTY of competition from the other franchises!

She took things to the next level by throwing the cease and desist letter in Jeana's face. That turned everything physicial, and Jeana SHOULD'VE drowned her in the pool, along with whoever that was in the blue dress.

Throwing the wine in her face was just...NO. I would've loved to see someone try to pull that crap in say, Atlanta. YOU KNOW NeNe/Shereé would beat the living daylights out of them.

Shut up, Tamra's Mom. WHY is she crying?!?! :mad:

OK. This cracked me up.

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What the hell type of host is Andy? In part 2 of the reunion, there was a moment where all 5 housewives were talking and going back and forth with each other at the same time and you couldnt undesrstand a word that was being said. This lasted for like almost 2 minutes and they were worse than the women of the View.

I still get sad everytime Ihear about Vicki and Don. I felt for him when his interview was showed

Alexis....what an idiot. She really came across looking like a fool. When she was turning thigns around on Peggy and said that she as her friend should have told her that she dated Jim, yet she didnt expect he as her husband to do it? She's trying to act like her ish dont stink and the lengths to defend her husband while throwing her "friends" under the bus to do it is just pathetic. And now she beleiving her husband that Peggy stalked and broke into his house. LOVED Peggy's response to her. "If he wants to comment on stuff then he should have the balls to come on here and do it himself" Awkward silence. LOL

Jeanna looked great on the reunion. She looked more like an older witch at the finale but she cleaned it up. Oh and Tamra is such a hypocrite about her. She keeps saying Jeana needs to stop talking about her marriage to Simon and butt out of it, yet she is constantlty talking about Slade and his child support when that has nothing to do with her

Tamra's being damned naive to think her kids cant find out about whats been going on on the show. I think the oldest is 11 years old. Like Alexis said, they know how to use a remote and she isnt with them all the time. This stuff is all over the internet and of course there's other kids at school. She shouldnt have been flaunting her sexual relationship with Eddie on camera.

Edited by Cheap21
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OC: Loved Part 1 of the Reunion.

I really felt for Donn, Vicki treated him like dogshit and she knows it, at least she takes responsibility for herself.

LOVED Alexis being an absolute MORON and giving Tamra the ammunition to expose their fraud. I would LOVE it if the California Attorney General's Office investigated the Bellino's for fraud because the short sale on their house was obtained fraudulently and Tamra explained each step of the fraud perfectly, her real estate license sure came in handy!

Also loved this line from Tamra "Is your ass jealous of the sh*t that comes out of your mouth?"...very quick.

All of these women are loathsome.

Can't wait for Part 2, go Jeana!

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OMG, I dont like Tamra but that line was perfect! Im gonna have to start using it.

Just wait till Part 2, bc Alexis will look like an even bigger moron when they get to her and Peggy's issues

IA on Vicki and Donn. I liked that she did take responsibility for her role and said that he was completely right about all he said. That was pretty tacky and classless of her to not discuss the divorce with her but rather have him served at work. Thats humilating, embarassing and a horrible way to ruin someone's day in public. Screw what the lawyers said. She should have had the decency to not blindside him like that bc he isnt some awful man that would think to retaliate and hurt her, at least from what we've seen portrayed of him

I dont agree that all the women are loathsome. I think all but Peggy. She is the only one that came out of this season still looking good and she maintained that throughout the reunion. I didnt want to like her early on, but I ended up doing just that.

I like her and her kids but cant stand her husband. Theres something sleazy about him that I dont like

I felt bad for Jacqueline when she said Ashley only needs her when she needs a ride and of course now that she has her own car, she wont need her. Chris was wrong for that. I had to roll my eyes at Ashley's reason for why she's responsible. "At least Im not off in rehab somewhere" :rolleyes:

Oh good lord, now we have another housewife that wants to sing? To her credit, Melissa isnt bad but it seems overkill that someone in every season wants to do it. Someone needs to give her songwriter a record deal bc that boy can sing and he's hot! Im surprised her husband lets her hang out with a younger, hotter guy for a solo project like that. He probably never saw him....lol

Caroline wants to host a radio show :rolleyes: Love her but she is doing nothing for me this season. I dont get what her story or purpose is.

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Wow - very disappointed and surprised by Vicki, especially given all the comments towards Slade and also how she views marraige and life through Christian eyes.

No wonder Brianna is taking the whole thing harder - and being a b!tch to Vicki (as she says on the reunion). Her mom has gone crazy (and) pathetic!

ETA: Oh, and she's lying when she tells reporters that she has nothing in common with these 20-30 year old girls... now she does! She'll fit into Season 7 just fine.

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Haha, poor Alex just gets eaten alive by Luann! I loved that lunch with both of them in all black - just very dramatic.

LOL at Sonja cutting Cindy out of all the pictures. :lol:

ETA: Next week's episode looks actually really good --- back to their roots by showing the ladies within their families! Love that we'll get an update on Victoria (even though she's turned horrible!) and Avery, etc.

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