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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I love your post – almost nothing to add, I don't want to pull a SoapBoy94 in doing so.

Perhaps just these two tiny things: Lisa did look blah, I think the stockings did it. It was quite awful, indeed.

And as for Camille, I know. I'm careful in my change of direction. I do hope she returns and ends the divorce settlement quickly only to marry a billionaire right after it and move into a 50,000 sq. ft. house in Bel Air – real Bel Air – replete with 3 pools, 7 koi ponds, 57 bathrooms, 62 bedrooms and so on. :) LOL. It would make things a lot more fun. :)

Edited by Sylph
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I wonder what the cast make up will be nest season. Wendy Williams had an interesting suggestion that they replace all of them bc there are too many fabulous and messy housewives in BH that they should let new blood. I dont completely agree with this but the show could stand to lose and replace some.

1. Camille. I really have no interest in seeing her come back. She was just vile and not in a fun way. I really dont care to see her be extra fake trying to redeem herself or show her trying tomove on post-Kelsey

2. Kim. She was a mess and it was cringeworthy watching her bc she was so awkward and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Plus with her recent alcohol problems comin out, being in the spotlight may not be the best thnig for her.

3. Taylor. She had 2 main storylines, her feud with Kim and marriage. Her feud with Kim wasn entertaining as it made no sense and if she's gone, so is that story. I didnt like watching her and her husband. They both were very awkward and her business arrangement only highlighted how desperate and pathetic she really was.

4. Adrienne. I love her, dont get me wrong, but from a production standpoint, she didnt really add much. She stayed out of the drama and the only thing she had going for her was her playful bickering with her husband.

That leaves Kyle and Lisa. Kyle was a fantastic cast member as she got involved in the drama, was outspoken and brought alot to the table. Lisa wasnt scared to speak her mind and she had some of the more hilarious commentary. Both are keepers. The Adrienne fan in me says keep her as well.

Im torn whether Id want to see Faye back as a full housewife or not. One hand she is kinda trashy and messy, but that can be good and fun to watch. I think she is the one that stood out the most as a "friend" to one of the housewives that I could see myself having interest in

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What a finale!

I can't believe Peter came to his wedding wasted. How trashy! I also can't believe Cynthia's mother and sister tried to sabotage the wedding by hiding the license! LOL - I felt so bad for them. Cynthia and Peter won't last long... no one seems happy!

I loved Sheree this season, even though she didn't do much. I also really fell in love with Phaedra. Tonight you could tell she loved her baby.

I'm so over Kim.

I'm a bit frustrated with the way this season progressed. I felt like these great stories were told in the first half, and then BAM, they were dropped... until this finale where they were all re-visited and tied up with a little bow. I would have rather seen more of NeNe's story with her son and husband... or Sheree's acting... or Phadrea's struggles as a mother in those 8 weeks before going back to work... instead we got WAY too much of the Kim/Kandi tour in the last half of the season.

Reunion looks good though! Too bad Kim is pregnant - she can't get her ass kicked. JK JK

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What a weak finale. I cant beleive they wasted it on Cynthia's BORING as wedding. Honestly they could have ended the season on last week's explosive episode.

Cynthia's dress was gorgeous! I loved it and she made for a beautiful bride. Her daughter is adorable as well.

Im glad Kandi put her foot down on Kim and the single. Kim is so clueless about the business to not think she owes Kandi for producing and writing the song.

I really wish Phaedra hadnt matured by the end of the season. I preferred her when she was over the top and saying dumb stuff early on.

I thought Sheree's acting was good, to the point where I actually want to see her on screen now. She seems like the typical star you'd see in a Tyler Perry film. LMAO at Lovita giving her a hard time...lol

I was wondering what was up with Nene's marriage bc that storyline seemed to disappear. Glad to see them go back to it. Brice looks so much better wtih his hair cut. He's still a bum though

where have you been....lol. That news was let out a couple of months ago.

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Kim was on Wendy and she said she felt Cynthia only got married to stay on the show bc she's so boring herself. Ouch! I cant blieve she'd sling mud at Cynthia like that especially since there didnt seem to be any drama between them. I wonder if something will come up at the reunion

I loved on teh show when Phaedra said "Some people in Atlanta love to front and act like they have money when they are really in foreclosure and bankruptcy. It really doesnt surprise me that Cynthia was able to pull off this million dollar wedding with 50 cents" LOL

I was also shocked to hear Cynthia was 43. She looks good for her age bc she looks like she's in her mid 30s

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For those who miss the NYC girls, or need to catch up before Season 4 starts on 2/15... they are playing the entire Season 1 on Bravo all day today. Next Tuesday, they will play the entire Season 2! So I'm guessing all day on 2/15 they will play Season 3 just before the S4 premiere.

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I thought the ATL finale had a perfect ending. If the series ended tomorrow, I would have to say it ended on a perfect note because everyone was basically happy.

Nene's played herself out and it seems like whatever con she had going with Greg has dried up. How they are not living on skid row I'll never understand. Her son is an utter disaster...but there she stands, still rocking her red dress, still loud and brash and in charge. Nene is about as deep as a wading pool and so she is satisfied with things as they are and that's great, I wish her well and I hope she returns to the show. She will pull a David Caruso (without the CSI Miami comeback) if she leaves, it sounds like she comes off HORRIBLY on Celebrity Apprentice.

Cynthia is doomed with Peter, but she was happy at the time. They will be divorced in under 5 years. Done. No question about it. Her dress was dramatic. The wedding was...half baked. Cynthia is just so boring outside of her crap with Peter.

Kandi was also dull, but I will give her this, she's not a hater. She is very fair and very calm and businesslike. Also, she's a fabulous dancer, so precise at the wedding. Her mom seems like a lot of fun too.

Sheree came off wonderfully this season, she just became so totally likeable this year. I am really starting to think that her divorce stressed the HELL out of her and that this season was the first we got to see "post divorce" Sheree. She was happy, centred, secure. Her acting isn't bad, she's be great on a primetime soap as a nasty lawyer. You go Sheree!

Phaedra was a breath of fresh air this season. A breath of hilarious air I should say. She was hilarious from the first episode to the last. Just amazing. I loved how she worked her life: balance between career and family. Really a fabulous dame who clearly grew to love her baby. You go girl!

Kim was Kim and I find her funny. I burst out laughing when she brought the bottle of wine to Cynthia's wedding, explaining "Do you really think she'd have good wine with the way she was freaking out about not having a honeymoon? C'MON!" <-----line of the year as far as I'm concerned.

Ultimately, I find the "epilogue" clips at the end the most interesting, the music was a little melancholy, just beautifully produced. Can't wait for the reunion!

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