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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I believe I said this somewhere upthread, but the minute I heard about RH D.C., I *knew* that famewhore Paul Wharton was going to wiggle his wormy-looking way onto the show... and SHO' nuff. I'm from the D.C. area so I've seen his hosting work on local TV after I'd first seen him on that model show that used to come on VH1 where he got into it with that bitchy yet highly entertaining British agent. He also maintained a super pretentious blog for our local CW affiliate though I will give him the benefit of the doubt somewhat b/c he was playing up to the "fabulous life" thing they were going for. At ANY rate, I say all this to say that he in ways redeemed himself for me as a viewer on that last episode. To their faces and to the camera in the confessional-type commentary, he called the ladies out for how easy it is for them to say that Michaele should go back to selling makeup at Nordstrom or slinging hash as they sat up in Lynda's condo at the Ritz-Carlton Georgetown which you know SHE didn't pay for... well, not entirely. A D.C. modeling agency isn't bringing her in all that dough. They want to see Michaele and Tareq go down, I get it, but it really is simple: just stop associating with them. And they have. You can't (legally) wipe someone off the face of the earth, their social circle/the world will deal with Michaele and Tareq accordingly. Personally, I found them quite entertaining and I don't want to see them go. Michaele is the type of "villain" soaps should try writing sometimes. The sweet, smiling, passive-aggressive innocent. Michaele never does anything, bad things jsut happen to and around her. :rolleyes::lol: I kind of loved watching her.

However, my favorite character, the real voice of reason, has got to be Stacie's husband. He was cracking me up that last episode when Michaele and Tareq left out the back door.

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Totally watched part 1 of the D.C. reunion. Cat is so hilarious (her facial expressions, and her snappy one liners) Lynda was a funny, warm person (so not how the promos portrayed), mary is just a void but kind of funny, Stacie is nice but a little too sensitive, and Michaele's weird take on the world (and everyone's facial expression's every time she speaks).

RHOBH: Kyle is my favorite, Kim looks to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Lisa is so Alexis Carrington for the 21st century, Adrienne is a scary person (looks and her flattening that guy), Camille is very delusional (sad she spends time talking about her husband... women should look at her and do the opposite in terms of living in hubby's shadow), and Taylor has been nipped/tucked too many times that she looks like Frankenstein's bride on the loose! If you have to have surgery because you fear losing your husband, perhaps it'll be best to just lose the man and go on with your life.

I think they should do a Real Housewives of Chicago. Chicago is such a melting pot with high class, middle class, working class, blue collar, and poor people that it would be interesting to select women from different classes to see how the jive with one another. A sociological experiment at its finest!!

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I watched the tail end of Beverly hills, and I have to say that I love Kyle and lisa. I'm definantly going to watch but not on Thursdays, it will be on sunday because I have to watch greys anatomy/private practice. Didn't Kelsey grammer dump Camille for some plain jane young girl? Kim said she was a child star, what was she in?

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I wanna know why Dwight keeps lying about money? is he broke or something. If he came in the last 5 days of her fashion show, theres no way he paid $30,000, majority of the people Sheree hired would of had to have been paid up front months ago. My mom has put on several small fashion shows and that takes months to plan not 5 days. I think in a way Bravo can be blamed a little for making it seem like Dwight did all the work, all he did was direct people from the footage I saw. I find it interesting that Dwight mention Kinko's for the fliers or watever, that wouldn't of cost more than $200 at the most depending on the quality of prints, and he mentioned a seamtress that wasn't all that great according to Sheree. Even with the seamtress fees it would of been no $30,000. If Dwight is telling the truth why doesn't he show Sheree bank statements and receipts, I'm surprised Sheree didn't ask for them.

Edited by EricaKane70
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They are. I hated how they could not answer a simple yes or no question without talking in riddles. They are full of sh-t. Michaele crying last week was about the only genuine emotion Ive seen from her all season. She did that after being asked if she goes anywhere without her husband and she said no. I think he does control her and she's completely defined and dependent on him. The other girls said they noticed a change after they married and she's become his perfect little Stepford. It would be sad if she werent so vile.

Like others said, I didnt like Cat in the beginning but loved her by the end of the season. She is abrasive and in your face but she says it like she means it and what you see is what you get. She doesnt BS around and you gotta respect that. I hated how Michaele kept calling the girls out on wanting to hurt people intentionally but she kept ripping into Cat. The comments she said about her husband and marriage were so harsh and unnecesary. She will be eating them when her own marriage blows up in her face bc I bet it isnt as perfect as she makes it seem.

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm loving BH! I'm so envious of those bitches! There outfits are more three times my rent per month. I can't remember the name of the chick who flew in her stylist and was picking out clothes and the camera panned to the price tags. Damn!

I laughed with the BH live premiere and the host said Jacke Collins wrote a blog and said they weren't "real" Housewives of BH because they weren't wives of moguls, famous celebrities, studio heads, etc... *meow* Ah, Jackie! Love her books :lol:

Anyone catch the segment on TMZ about Kim Zolciak (ATL) when they ragged on her because she's claiming she's thirty five and they countered not only was it not true but they doubted she was even a woman. Hilarious!

Anyone know which is the highest rated franchise? I think it's ATL but I'm not sure.

Edited by Money
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At this point it's always a toss up between ATL and NJ, but OC is very high as well. NYC's ratings have improved, but it isn't has high as the other three. DC got flack but it's ratings are good and in the final few weeks kept rising each week. BH hasn't been able to hold it's audience. The reunion got around 1.6 last week, and BH had 1.4 I believe. Everybody expected it to be a huge blockbuster series due to the location and money, but so far it's just doing ok. I do wonder why the press doesn't mention it, yet always harked on about DC's ratings.

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Being a DC fan, this is what I would like to know! DC beat BH both times they aired on the same night... with DC's ratings continuing to rise from week to week. Yet BH's ratings are some of the lowest the franchise has seen, but nothing is being reported about it. Not that I want BH to fail, I just hate how DC gets [!@#$%^&*] on.

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I think the ladies of D.C. need Michaele whether they like it or not. If they're smart, they will bring on another "villainess" to pad the nest if they just can't BEAR to be around Michaele for a 3rd season. They need someone like Marlene Cooke, or one of the nouveau riche Persian "eurotrash" ladies. My aunt would have been perfect for this show.

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I'm starting to be really fond of DC. I felt they were extremely boring in the beginning but in recent weeks I caught up with the reruns and my opinion changed. They need to get rid of Stacie. She's too sophisticated and she brings nothing to the show. Cat however is da bomb! Totally love her. Michaela is too passive aggressive. She needs to own her crap. Mary and Lynda I could give or take.

I did some research and ATL ratings for last week 2.247 million viewers, 1.6/2 HH, and 1.2/3 A18-49. Not too bad.

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