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Her name was Lizzy Savetsky. She's an influencer.  The official story is she got a lot of antisemitic comments after her casting was announced a walked away from the show for her family.  But I believe some tabloids reported there was a pretty heated racist conversation with Brynn and the N-word was thrown around by either her or her husband and it was a mutual parting of ways with Bravo.

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@DaytimeFan thought you'd appreciate Sonja's response to Bravo promoting the new RHONY reboot 

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I watched. And.... rather enjoyed it. *hides* It feels like a whooooole different show, more in common with RHODubai. This does not take away from my deep and abiding love of OG RHONY, which is the RHONY of boomers and early Gen Xers, of old-school, non-standardized Manhattan. It was messy and quirky and non-self-aware hilarious. Obviously the last few seasons curdled for a variety of reasons. I still say that both OG and this new entry can co-exist. The OG RHONY UGT may decide whether that actually happens.

This nu-RHONY, by contrast, is very millennial and Instagram-curated. All (or most -- I'll get to that later) of the homes look spotless and incredible, like prepped for a photo shoot but not actually lived in. It's all very aspirational, maybe a little too much so, because behind those carefully curated images, I feel someone is going to crack. My money is on Jessel first, who isn't just going through a (rather obvious) divorce, but also seems very aware that these women are competing with each other in terms of their 'aesthetic' and fashion and homes. Erin, too, comes across as a little Bethennyesque and hyper-competitive. The others, like Brynn, Sai and Ubah, make it less obvious that they might be assessing whether their stuff is better than Jenna's stuff.

Jenna is the Queen Bee. I like the work she did to bring J Crew into the 2000s, and I like her quirkiness here.  She also came out a few days ago about a genetic disorder she has which means she has to wear wigs and false teeth (https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/07/jenna-lyons-on-being-outed-and-her-fake-teeth#:~:text=During the appearance%2C she also,lot of money for them.”). The article refers to her talking about wanting to go into fashion so that she could gain control over her physical appearance and try and fit in.

She is very much an OCD Fashion Person, though (and if you've ever had to accommodate an OCD Fashion Person in the work arena, the demands from them are INSANE). On the show it sometimes comes across like she is just a little too curated and particular with her party themes and personal taste. Including the open-shirt/necklaces/boobs-out look she invented. Also, I cannot vibe with her apartment. It looks dark and melancholic, with all the natural light shuttered away. It's also staged to look expensive, but I'm not sure her furnishings and trimmings are that good quality. Ok, ok, bitchiness over!

Erin and Jessel, as I said, are very aware of the pecking order and lowkey worried about not coming out on, or near, the top. Erin is also milking this frenemyship with Brynn for all it is worth.

Brynn has already decided that she is the pot-stirrer. Didn't see as much of her this episode, but I'm guessing ep. 2 she gets more airtime.

Ubah doesn't have (yet) the sparkle and Alpha Female personality of her cousin, Chanel Ayan, but she does seem fun.

I cannot shake the feeling that Sai might be a one-season wonder, but I'm not sure why. 

I'll be tuning into Episode 2.

And the vibe, as @Faulkner pointed out, was more Brooklyn than Manhattan, even though most of the women live Downtown. It really shows just how much the crazy wealth of the super-rich + huge tourist numbers + 0% interest rates (which overinflated the value of other assets, especially real estate) has completely changed NYC in the past 15 years. Manhattan is for the uber-wealthy, or those with a hefty real estate investment, or the tourists. Normally-wealthy NYC have decamped to and gentrified Brooklyn and other boroughs. 



Tamra is doing A LOT. Too much! I would have probably lunged at her if she'd tossed that napkin in my face, so kudos to Jenn for drawing on her years of yoga training and keeping her reaction under control. Having said that, this episode was apparently the highest rated of the season thus far. Tamra is going back to her Greatest Hits to try and woo the audience. I'm not mad about it, as it is way more entertaining and watchable than the last few seasons.

Even if it is contrived, I'm enjoying RHOC because the other women are lowkey calling out the contrivances of everybody. It's part of the theme this season. Heather, for example, is also being called out on her fear of confronting Old-New Queen Bee Tamra. Emily is doing a great job of asking the questions that matter of these women!

...Except for Gina who is equally as contrived and all the more irritating for it. Gina has a problem with Jenn and with Heather for sh!t that is really Gina's problem, not theirs's. Also that fake loud laugh with Travis in next week's trailer. 

Emily's phone call with her mom was unexpectedly tender and lovely. Shane continues to not give a F.

Next week: Vicki is back!

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I get that, too. Or she'll be immediately demoted to a "friend of" for a season or two, to see if she can gage with the other women outside of being a primary housewife.

I'm going to be honest... I watched the premiere... and have missed every single episode since. Forgot it was on, honestly. Whoops.

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Sai is new money..which is why I can sense a warmth and good natured humor in her...because she grew up working class.

I love that Brooklyn is be all end all in NYC now...after years of Alex being made fun of for living there.  I think Alex would have fit in better with the crowd..imho.

Ubah being the exact opposite so far of her bitch of a cousin Aylan is why I like her so far.  She seems less snooty and laid back.


Tamra has been right about Brooks, Gretchen, Jim, etc..so she's probably right about Jen's boyfriend.  She needs to back off because she's looking worse than the other person...maybe she take a page out of Meghan's Nancy Drew playbook.

Jen is interesting to me...she seems calm and has a backbone.  She understands Gina's issue with her, but also has said 'it's not my responsibility to not be a trigger for you.'.  And she riled Tamra up by saying 'watch your step'...which makes me think Jen knows something about Tamra...or else why Tamra run off like that.

Emily was being a good friend by nicely pointing out to Heather that she does talk down to people and can lack self awareness...which Heather did not like.  (She can dish it out but not take it).

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The manic energy from Bethenny's YT trailer turned me off, but if @Gray Bunny recommended the interview, I might give it a listen. My uneducated view is that both Bethenny and Jill made a deal with the devil, and it suited them when they had Andy's ear and made $$$ off their fame from the show. Now that Andy is bored and everyone has moved on, they seem to be looking for relevance. Jill hoped to get back on the show, once after Bobby died, and again when Legacy was in the works, and she hot played both times. Bethenny is looking for a crusade, and yesterday posted an IG thing calling for a RH union. Now, I totally understand why and support this endeavour at this crucial time for Hollywood when journeymen employees are trying to save their livelihoods and not get used by these tech barons running the studios. But as Nene also pointed out yesterday, she's been saying the same things as Bethenny for years.... but wasn't listened to. Hmm.


A really good episode I thought. Kamdi saying that she didn't think Drew was innocent and naive but is good at pretending was a light bulb moment. And so Atlanta's Scandoval commences.

Kenya is good at digging scandals out of others' private lives, but won't bring Roi around the other ladies. We see you, Kenya.


It's only been one episode so I can get into Sai as the season progresses. It was just my snap reaction, and I've been wrong before. Same with Ubah.

Alex would have been a great addition. Especially as a contrast because she's pretty self-deprecating.

Good spot re: Jenn having something on Tamra. Tamra was very keen to direct the convo elsewhere. There were rumors when Tamra left that she and Eddie had an open marriage situation, so it could be that there were flirtations with Ryan which she thought she could use to her advantage here.

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Two things can be true at the same time, and IMO it is both a production and cast problem.  S10 RHOA is replaying where I live, and is where the shift to mediocrity started happening, in my view. If it wasn't for Kim Z getting put in her place at reunion, the season would have been a write-off: a sudden emphasis on lewks & glam; filler produced scenes to fill in space where there was no story; the HWs allowed to self-produce whatever image they want to project (Kenya keeping her husband away while making her marriage the entire conversation); and the length of time spent rebuilding Porsha's ruined image into a TV-ready personality (which ended biting Bravo in the butt when she found her sugar-daddy and dumped her reality career). A lot of those tropes are still in play in the current season, but we are so used to this crappy production team that we've just grudgingly accepted that this is the lacklustre way it's going to be. There is a lot less humor, quickness, tightness and energy, production-wise. It means the episodes feel lethargic and stitched together.

And obviously the cast do not have star power in numbers to hold the show together like, say, M2M has done. Kandi worked hard at this most recent group lunch to subtly bring out gossip, but as you say, this is a marketing platform for her. She and Todd have had the same SL over the past 9 years. Kenya is once again hiding a love interest from the cameras, but jumping on everybody else for their choice of BF. I don't know what this Marlo + BudgetPeterThomas coupling is, but a relationship it is not. Sanya and Marlo don't have the It Factor. Drew is still playing the ingenue and could be good as a HW if she wasnt hiding so much. Sheree is still bareface-lying to camera. 

RH Twitter keeps mentioning how much it misses Nene, Porsha, Cynthia (and a couple people even miss Phaedra). I know there is talk of rebooting RHOA completely, but I think fans would love the old cast back, and some kind of resolution to the Nene-Bravo fallout. JMO.

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You know I found time to watch that first episode.


And...I liked it. Like others have mentioned it does feel like the city itself is a character. And in that regards, Production did such a great job with all the location shooting. And I like the angle they appear to be going for with showing how New York is NOW. 


I do miss the OGs, but I do feel this could work. They are already doing the right thing by establishing that this is a group of friends NOT co-workers. That should allow it to be fun and authentic. And of course means the drama WILL be real.

And in terms of Cheesegate...I thought it was a nice petty silly feud to start off the new era right. We were given the chance to get a feel for everyone. And I loved that it really was not that serious in the end. Or was it...?

As for the ladies...


UBAH. AYAN'S COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked her, but she was pretty much background.


JENNA. Enigma and I LOVE IT. I was already hyped because everyone's reaction to her being casted. And then to find out we share the same birthday?? lol. Ooooh, watching her is like watching myself at times. And YES, how her house is designed...the mix of melancholy with a good vibe...is...accurate.

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 And I liked that it's clear she is the Queen Bee among these girls and simply have to do NOTHING for it. I am sure that will be an issue as time goes on. And not only does she seem transparent about herself, but reserved at the same time. But not so reserved there isn't some fun shade in there cuz a house party with the food being the very drama everyone else was having...hahaha.


SAI. I like her directness. I also like how she was able to prove her innocence in Cheesegate and keep it moving. 


JESSEL. Girl...your storyline is screaming DIVORCE. Shame cuz the hubby is kinda cute with stubble. Not since Lisa on RHOM have we gotten a divorce story in real time though and it might actually be raw and transparent so here for it. I also loved Jessel's mom and Jenna vibing. Sooooo cute. 


ERIN. I didn't think I would like her and she appeared plain in promos, but I really liked her. And I liked she was the narrator for us to get into who these girls are. And the shock of seeing her whole family who she currently does not look like. Just so much going on there. And I giggled at how she and her husband clearly can't keep their hands off each other. Awww...love. hehe.


BRYNN. Hate me if you much, but I loved her. She looks like Rachel from ONE TREE HILL (and sounds like her) but she was giving vintage Brooke Davis (from the same show) and I LOOOOOOOOVE Brooke Davis so I enjoyed every moment she was on screen. No matter how silly. And (for now) she does not take herself too seriously. 


So far, so good.  Will be back for more.





I really need to finish my binge. lol. 


And Kylie...WIN!!!



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Episode 2 of nuRHONY was better than Ep. 1 IMO. Focused entirely on the trip to Hamptons, and without Beautiful Brynn to hog the spotlight, it allowed other cast members to come out of their shells. I'm thinking specifically Jenna, Ubah, Jessel and Sai.

Jenna talking about her relationship with her mother and her general awkward shyness were actually quite endearing. Ubah sensing all that and deflecting Sai's questions about why Jenna's girlfriend isn't on the show were also quite endearing. I really like that Jenna does not have typical RH attributes in terms of her personality. Ubah has a joyousness which came across the whole episode.

Jessel came across less harsh also. It's clear her roommate-marriage is in serious trouble. Having to hide the pain and trauma of multiple failed IVFs from family and friends was an a-ha moment.

Sai did more this episode (including trying to bring out the fact that Jenna refused to bring her girlfriend and son on the show) but I'm not sure I warmed to her at all. Also, she's an influencer inconveniencing everybody with her 20 bags and countless wardrobe changes. Her backstory is interesting but I can't shake the fact that there may not be much substance there.

Erin is Miss One-Upmanship. She's got to have all the caviar, the best house, the best taste, and honestly, I'm waiting for her to get nasty if she suspects one of the other wives has got it better than her. She's already snide about Jenna.

Next week: Brynn shows up in a college tee + a full fur coat. Very "Look how rich I am! And how relatable I am! But mostly rich!"



Nene and Carlos King sat down for a chin-wag. Here is Part 1:

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I found her a-ha moment to be fascinating.  The reason that I watch housewives is that I am thrilled when we see honest reactions in fly-on-the-wall situations, rather than the preformative games and other types of forced interactions.

But, it was an interesting editorial choice that Jesel is later shamed for feeling bad about her body in lingerie, which admittedly was poorly expressed, while the other women were not judged for continuing to harangue her about having sex when she just admitted such an intimate detail about her life.  I mean, the women seem much more sensitive to Ubah's cultural differences than Jesel's.  Even the reactions to Jesel's mother are only told through an outsider's gaze, and they never appreciate how Jesel feels about not being able to share her IVF struggles with her mom.

Also, they're never going to convince me that these women are close friends when they keep referring to her as "Jenna Lyons" rather than just using her first name.

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Jessel's a-ha moment changed my view of her completely. It is clear her body and mind has been through a battering with IVF and she just couldn't face physical intimacy after she had children. It bothered me that Sai and Erin in particular were haranguing her for not having had sex with her husband. Yes, it's an alarm bell for Jessel's marriage, but it also felt like Erin and Sai pounced on this info in order to put Jessel down (and make themselves look great). "Like, your husband hasn't touched you in over a year?" That kind of competitiveness. They sensed Jessel's insecurity and uncertainty and went for it.

Jenna was the last to be cast by some distance, apparently. The rest of the cast had been found but Bravo felt the dynamic was missing something. Personally I like that Jenna is a 'new' friend and sort of odd man out. We've all entered a friendship group as the newbie and felt that way.

I thought the lingerie was indeed, as Jessel pointed out, cheap and of poor quality. In line with J. Crew's nosedive in product quality over the last 2-3 decades.

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I listed to the podcast. I'm glad she's at a place where she can speak frankly on the subject instead of being heated or bitter. I agree with her that the first few seasons were *real*, as in the cameras followed them around in their real life, as opposed to creating storylines for themselves and performing for the cameras. Without specifically naming Kenya, she said things started to change in Season 5 when Kenya and Porsha joined and that's when people started doing things just for the show, like bringing on fake boyfriends. And since then, we've seen castmembers (she pinpoints Atlanta, but we've seen it on all of them) getting random dudes to agree to film a scene of them going out on a date just for the show. 

Also interesting that Bravo had Porsha on the chopping block after her first year, but Nene and Kandi went to bat for her and convinced Bravo to give her another year. Makes sense for Nene to feel burned when Porsha later turns on her. 

Also interesting/disappointing to hear Cynthia was pushing for Nene to get axed from the show at one point. 

Next week, they dive into the Bravo/Andy lawsuit... I'll be listening! 

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I really miss Nene from RHOA, and appreciated that she talked openly and at length about a whole range of topics. She's not wrong that she built RHOA into a hit. And she has a point about Kenya bringing on the fake boyfriends and this kickstarting a trend of self-produced SL fakery across the franchise (hello, Gizelle!). I remember the rest of the Atlanta cast dragged Kenya at her first reunion for this very reason, and she never really got over it.

I don't know whether Nene will ever admit this, but while I have no doubt that Bravo wanted the highest-paid HW off the network, Nene's ego played straight into the network's hands. After The Apprentice she thought she was too big for RHOA, and her attitude was apparent. I say this as someone who loved Nene and believe she was the best RH. I still want her back! But her attitude really worsened over time.

And if Cynthia did indeed try to get Nene axed (which I am really surprised by; I don't think Cynthia would do that to Nene, though Nene did that to her on WWHL), do you think she was Bravo's willing lapdog? Maybe we will find out in Part 2.

Definitely agree with her that current Production on RHOA is a big part of the problem. 

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Jessel is blunt and probably stand to maybe filter her comments a bit.  At the same time, maybe she felt comfortable enough to be honest with how she felt.

Ubae is much more fun then her cousin.

Sai is like every gay guy friend I have where they pack way more than needed (options for every mood they might be) and one of my 'friends' is an aspiring content creator and I roll my eyes sometimes at him..and he does so with me since I only pack 3 sets of clothes for a 2 day trip (and I try to keep everything to one medium bag).

Jenna is more an introvert so she's slow to warm and relax

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