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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Also, just bringing back the “Legacy” series won’t address the diversity issue, unless Bravo is cynically betting on that moment having passed. Or that it’s been long enough for people to have forgotten the Eboni/Leah mess and are just missing their old faves, minus Ramona. I dunno.

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What annoys me is that in all of this, a potentially great housewife was lost in the shuffle of a bad season: Bershan. I place all the blame on Leah btw. I think Eboni was very irritating, but Leah is the one who truly made that season a nightmare. She ran off Heather, which prevented a Aviva return and she was a party pooper the entire season. Going back to Bershan, I'd love to see her get another shot with the veteran cast. She fits age wise and has an inspiring backstory, has that wacky vibe that works for RHONY and can be fun and still provide drama. She was perfectly cast!

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I had forgotten about the Watch What Crappens boys! It's been a while since I listened to that podcast. Yesterday I jumped onto their latest BH recap and laughed so hard! The Lisa Rinna voice (with the crazy breathless, mirthless laugh). The Cru-Erika Deville voice! Their entire Kyle exposition was a tour-de-force. And "Hello, dis eez Mauricio of Dee Agency..."

Very interesting assessment of Carlos King and his contribution to the RH world. My feeling is that he wielded a fair amount of power and, crucially, influence over the housewives. His years of running RHOA are standouts to me in terms of how deep the show got to go in these women's lives. More recent RHOA (not counting this season's intimist vibe) superficially glided the surface by contrast. Like, Apollo walked towards Phaedra wielding an electric saw, for God's sake! He was practically frog-marched to prison and the cameras were there, and he and the RHs were openly talking about it. There was an openness and a comfort level that no franchise has replicated since. EVERYTHING was up for discussion. And the show was also LOL funny. When Nene was on fire, she was the greatest RH of all time. I really believe CK was instrumental in establishing and maintaining all that, and that's probably because of how close and involved he got with the women. 

Edited by Cat
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As one of probably 2 people watching Real Girlfriends in Paris (what can I say? Paris is so beautiful, I can't resist watching this show), I would be more than happy if they wanted to turn the new influencer RHONY into Real Girlfriends of New York. RGIP has a light, fun vibe that reminds me a littke of The Hills spin-off, The City.

As for Legacy.... I think Bravo was too hasty cancelling the original RHONY. Yes, it was an absolutely horrific season. One bad season, though! BH once had about 3 bad seasons in a row and cancellation was never an option. RHONY's problem was Leah and Covid, in that order. I don't know whether it was Leah or production, but someone was out to poke and provoke Ramona into a barftastic Trumpian meltdown, which she eventually obliged. Anyway, I'm glad its returning to Bravo, and I'm glad they've got some RHONY stars of the past to rejoin. Personally, I would give Eboni and Bershan another chance (I know you're a Bershan fan, I know @Faulkner is most definitely NOT an Eboni fan, lol). I think Eboni has a nuanced perspective on her season (Carlos King did an interview with her not so long ago) and after hearing her thoughts, I'd be inclined to give her another chance in better circumstances. Also, I'd give anything to bring back Heather, Carole and Aviva! I really enjoyed those reboot seasons with them.

Oh! I recent blind item i read: Carole and Bethenny ran into each other this summer (maybe with Dorinda's blessing because both are still friends with Do) and started hanging out again. Quietly rebuilding a new friendship. Could be fan fiction but anyway, thought I'd table it here.

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Very good points about Carlos's position as a Black creative and NEEDING to toot his own horn just to be heard in a way white producers don't have to. That's really valid.

Regardless of where it airs, I feel like RHONY: Legacy should retain that title. A big part of what worked about Ultimate Girls Trip 2 was the acknowledgment that these women are famous because of the show. If it were just released as another season of regular RHONY, I fear we'd lose that broken fourth wall, and I think that'll be key to moving forward with the legacy cast.

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That's what I'm hearing as well. If she gets bumped up like Claudia on RHOA did...ooooo...that will be a first. HW from another city coming on as a FOH...becoming a HW.


Well Tamra did say she would come for her. So about time. I still need to finish last season of OC, but I am tired of Emily (and Gina) pot stirring. 



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I finally got time to watch the finale. And...I really liked the finale.


It's been clear that this was a transitional season. And as far as the girls gelling, I felt they did. And since it seems they will all be back (at the moment) for next season, I'm looking forward toward it. Even the girls that I don't like (which as of now I would say are Marlo and Sanya) fit with this group. I feel like with the setup done that next season could be for them what Season 6 was to Season 5.


The only thing I didn't like was that Marlo was being too much. Her too much-ness threatened to turn this into a dark season. And that was nothing anyone had in mind when she finally got that long overdue peach. But here we are. She destroyed all the goodwill she had built with the audience. I don't feel she will...or even know how to get it back.


Meanwhile...ShebySheree. Speaking of people who had the goodwill of the audience, she has had it for 14 years running. Longer than Marlo trying to get a peach. I felt she was practically redeemed this season. And this show was EVERYTHING!!! The cameos! Deshawn from Season 1! Tammy from Season 8! Dr. Jackie and Ms. Quad (and Lisa Nicole Cloud, too!) from M2M!!! APOLLO!!!! It was a who's who's of ATL and RHOA Past, and a nice full circle feel to the season. These are our girls going forward. A new golden age a la Season 1-4, Season 5-10? Time will tell.


KENYA. In some ways, I really wished that they had focused a little bit more on Business Kenya. It was clear with her (and Kandi) they knew what they were talking about with Sheree. And looky, looky!!! Her products are now in CVS. And where I live...there are at least 5 CVS around me. Barely a block from each other in some cases. That said...she had a good season. And it's noticeable here that her interaction with Marlo was VERY light. Her shade was still hilarious. Nice she got a good edit. 


KANDI. Really thought she had a good season. I liked that after wanting her vs Marlo for years that we finally got this year...and for the most part...IT DELIVERED!!!!!  I don't like the basis for it here, but that it was giving great moments. And I will always remember they made up over Jamaican KFC. lol. That said, that meeting between her and Marlo's mom seem a bit...fake. But I don't blame that on Kandi who usually will film with anybody.


DREW. If you had told me that I would like Drew, I would have thrown a shoe at you. HAHHAAHAHA!!! And this is why we give out second seasons. She came into her own and I cannot wait for her at the reunion. And she was hilarious here with her constant shade of Sheree. I was like 'guuurl, quit!

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SANYA. I'm over her, but I still want her back next season. Even if it is only because I want her and Marlo to fall out and the drama that would happen. Why? Because they are both even matched in being too much and their delusions. HOWEVER, Sanya still has a great family life to mine from. Not to mention her history. So I would like to see where she goes from with a second season. That said...also like Marlo...setting up fake looking scenes. Cuz Ross with Marlo's nephew. Inspiring...but that was the point right? So side-eyed a bit. 


MARLO. Just...smh. First of all, WEST MEMPHIS??? Oh, how me and my cousin ki ki ed over that. When you know, you know.  That said...given all the built up, seeing Marlo's Mom...only highlighted how bad of a person Marlo is. She was seriously side-eying Marlo like she wanted to say something but did not want to say it on camera. Perhaps if Marlo had done this before kicking her nephews out or immediately after, I might have cared. I used to like Marlo so much. Now I just want her dragged and dragged hard at the reunion. Just too much.


SHEREE. Loved all of it. IDC. LOL!!! I couldn't believe that Tyrone actually showed up and tried to start some mess. I loved everyone's reaction to him being there. SAME. It was really her season. And while Tyrone messed up her potential, I thought Sheree recovered nicely. And I look forward to more of her vs Drew. Not to mention her continued delusions. And the fact that she's been drama ever since the finale (ShebySheree crashing, the claims about the clothes not being her online)...ooooooh she's coming back to be humilated some more. Can't wait. And let's we forget...Dwight as the star at her fashion show...PRICELESS!!!


Good finale.

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Very obvious move by someone who has deluded herself into thinking she's the ultimate chess-player. They didn't fire me, they just couldn't afford me!

Speaking of deluded, a 'source' whose name rhymes with Risa Linna ran to Radar Online and burped up this fantasy fiction:

"At this point, Bravo needs Lisa more than Lisa needs Bravo. She was a star before Bravo and will be a star long after Bravo too.”


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