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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Spoiler alert for @Cat...this week was the reception, next week (with those LoL alum who will be getting speaking parts) is the wedding. There is a brief (too brief for me) of Sophie Stanbury though. Be on the lookout.

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However this week...the drama exploded. Brooks vs Sara. Up until now, I would say the drama has been petty and not really serious at all. But THIS was SERIOUS. Annnnnnd MESSY. This was not at all on my bingo card let me tell you!!! And from Sara. 


BUT...WOW. I guess leading up to this though Production was foreshadowing then. I have been fascinated by Sara since the start. But NOT so fascinated that I have not caught onto how messy she can be. And Production has made sure we see that behind her smile and talks of women empowerment that she can be messy. Because sending a group text to let everyone know what was up, rather than just talking to Brooks one on one? That simply just allowed Brooks to control the narrative, using the very character trait (wanting women to do better) that the other ladies have already picked up on and don't completely like when Sara talks. And goodness knows Brooks has established she's thirsty. Just look at how she attacked poor, struggling Nina at Caroline's reception because she only THOUGHT Nina was pot stirring. Looking for a moment. Now I heard online...but tweets to my knowledge have been deleted...that there's more to this that Production did not show, but Brooks and Sara BOTH verify that Nina WAS NOT the pot-stirrer for this case of miscommunication. So only going off of what I saw...Sara looks messy, Brooks looks thirsty and was drunk...so that was a powder keg bound to explode.


AND THE CONFRONTATION!!! I want (so far) to say a draw. Sara GOT...BROOKS...ALL...THE...WAY...TOGETHER.  Sweet Sara. Nice Sara. Her claws came out when she defended herself and the words she used, and she was a fierce bitca. However, Brooks is no lazy mom (pun unintended) either, and she was arguing with her point by point. I honestly cannot pick a side because they both did something wrong, but at the same time they both had a valid point. It was just communicating the right words. And most importantly...do that SOBER. Because that escalated so fast that a PRODUCER had to step in. And right now I'm not sure if they stepped in because it's illegal in Dubai to yell and scream in public or because there is some tea that the ladies were about to spill on each other. What does Sara know about Brooks...or was she just saying that Brooks should allow herself to be vulnerable when she said real? What does Brooks know about Sara...or was she bluffing when she said the Sara we are seeing is not the real Sara? Do they have tea? I guess we will find out next week.


Meanwhile...Caroline and her reception. It was good. And it was funny that she thought Ayan was trying to upstage her in a wedding dress. Firstly...not a wedding dress. Secondly...she DID upstage you. And thirdly...she gathered her quickly, too. But their feud...as mentioned above is a petty and fun one. 


If last week was the start of real drama...well...it has not consumed the vibe of this show yet...but it continues this one and next. Be on ready. Things are getting juicy.


CAROLINE. And Caroline continues to have to work for her worth. And not just the rivalry with Ayan, either...which was hilarious that she is so threatened over something so silly...though it was even more hilarious Ayan gathered her swiftly. What I meant was the drama with the family. I don't think they EVER showed Caroline's parents on LADIES OF LONDON. Dad appeared to be nice, but a product of his environment. But her mother...hmmm...same? And then meeting Boy Toy's parents. That could be some interesting blended family drama there. In time.


AYAN. Stays winning. Sorry, not sorry. The episode started with her being...yes, shallow true...but hanging with her son. Nothing wrong with that. As usual she was also hanging with Lesa....now see Caroline, THAT is how you join with a married woman and a husband!!! And the silly drama with Caroline was a hoot.  She was pretty much a side character this week. And a funny one at that.


LESA. Not as much a side character, but at the same time a side character. Or perhaps I should say she (like Nina) was the go-to. 


NINA. Poor Nina. All the stuff going on with her father, and THIS happened. She was strong for not only showing up for the reception, but having to deal with a drunk Brooks. And she was classy all the way because I would have had tell Brooks off if it was me or firmly check her.


BROOKS. Why did you have to go at Nina like that? It just seem like Brooks...while some of her points are valid...was searching for a moment. In a way...she got one with Sara. But I can't say that I like that she was spreading around the group. Though...so did Sara so...


SARA. Still like her somewhat, but she was messy for that group message. Granted, Brooks was doing the same thing. But...for the most part, the drama was mostly on Brooks. Now Sara also have 'blood' on her hands for what she's been doing. Well, I cannot say it's not organic drama from such a simple question, but it does make one wonder if the drama is no longer organic. And she DID...NOT...BACK...DOWN. Nice girl got them claws. lol.


Can't wait until next week. 


Edited by Taoboi
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Erika was just served with a $50 million lawsuit upon landing at LAX with Rinna after they took a vacation to Hawaii. There's even video of the process server handing over the documents.


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Apparently, the next season of OC will be back to just 5 castmembers, rumor has it: 

Tamra, Heather, Shannon, Emily, Gina. 


With this smaller cast, one question remains: Who will Shannon pretend to be close friends with this year? 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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RHUGT 2 was very enjoyable, and it felt like visiting with old friends. I would not mind this same cast to come back together again at some point down the line. Maybe in an Andy-hosted reunion. The fact that it was held at Bluestone Manor, which meant cameras were even in the bedrooms, grounded the viewer in that pleasantly familiar vibe. It may also have gone some way to explaining Dorinda's behavior.

I may have called Brandi a 'natural heroine' on this show. It is certainly a slightly odd statement considering Brandi's past with the RHs, and she is definitely thirsty to return. Nevertheless, in the context of RHUGT 2 by itself, I felt she was bringing me along with her emotions and story, and I felt for her. Maybe 'anti-heroine' is a better term for her. Like a true Scorpio, her bedroom looked like a hurricane had been through it. Her burgeoning friendship with Tamra and Vicki was nice to see, because they used to hate each other for years. 

Imagine if Brandi, Vicki, Tamra and Taylor all went to RHOC to join Heather and Shannon? That would actually be a pretty solid cast with plenty of history.

Like you, I really enjoyed Phaedra, but her obfuscation when it came to talking about her marriage and why she left RHOA was evident. It got to the point where it felt like Phaedra lies very easily -- she lies as she breathes, and for no real reason that I can understand. It underscores how shady she is, and towards the end of the RHUGT run, I wondered if everything she had said was just words.

Dorinda. This show really exposed all her faults. I'm not sure if the past two years she has done any self-reflection on why the RHONY fans turned on her. Like you, though, I think she has a heart, but we are seeing all facets to Dorinda, and not all of them are perfect.

Taylor fizzled. And Jill struggled to stand out. I thought it was very Jill when she narcissistically complained that no-one chose her to sleep with among the group. 

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I thought having it at Bluestone manor was a bad idea.  Neutral location would have been better.

Plus, I was with Vicki that it was in the middle of nowhere and nothing to do.  At least the Hamptons would have provided some fun whoop it up moments.

And I moved to Mass last year and no one goes out.  I think all vacations should be at fun places.

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They really ought to have a reunion, given all the Dorinda/Vicky, Jill/Dorinda, and Tamra/Jill drama.  Had Jill said a small fraction on the show that she has in the press… it could’ve been fireworks, but maybe she would’ve totally crumpled on the receiving end of Dorinda’s real wrath?!?

That does sound like a solid OC cast, but when the drama didn’t center around Vicky & Tamra’s(/Shannon’s) fallings out, that show (or def. the Heavy Hitters, Tamra & Vicky and even Shannon and Heather) has heavily, heavily relied on a fall guy, most notably Gretchen and Kelly… I guess Brandi would be the de facto target.  Lol

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My guess is they'll try out a couple newbies and either add 'em in our make them "friends of" to help pad out the cast to keep it light and fresh. But yeah, a Tamra/Heather/Shannon/Emily/Gina cast is actually pretty solid given the history and animosity amongst so many of them. 

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