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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Jennifuh's new nose is... something else. Like wow. What a drastic change. I do love my queen of Queens, though. Yes, she's messy for messy's sake, but sometimes we need someone to ride roughshod over Margaret and Jackie, because they are so holier than thou. 

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God, yes. Her taking on all three of them and winning at last season's reunion was EVERYTHING. 


I am not looking forward to her being on the ropes starting out this season though.


I am looking forward to the long overdue Marge vs Teresa battle that's been brewing for seasons. 

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Every time I see Erika's “or whaT!” gif I think of Iceman in Top Gun… :  r/BravoRealHousewives

Erika arbitrarily turns so nasty and so rude whenever somebody says anything. Up until now (and bear in mind, it's already been six seasons with this punk), the rest of the cast just took it. Sutton, bless her heart, tried her best to face the gorgon ^^ while everyone else cowered behind their soup.

I'm so glad Garcelle is not taking this like a kicked puppy (i.e. Teddi, Dorit). Instead, The Real has been talking about BH, and specifically Erika, for days now. Translation: don't f*ck with me, Erika, because I can sure as hell shine a spotlight on you.

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You know what? I was watching over the holidays and I was really pleasantly surprised at the level of discussion, only because the show doesn’t receive much mainstream press. Way more depth and less grandstanding than something like The View, even on topics that would be considered relatively trivial. And Loni Love is really great at playing devil’s advocate.

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A lot of people on Reddit have been saying that Garcelle is kind of a confessional sniper. Very cutting in her talking heads but meek in the moment (not backing up Sutton against Erika’s gangsta threats). Of course, she has to be careful about how she handles herself in ways her cast mates may not, but hopefully she gets Erika together.

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Jen and Tre better take Marge's head off at the reunion. She is f-cking messy and miserable. And kudos to Jen for correcting Marge and not giving her the power about Bill's affair. I just hate that this is out in the open and now Jen's kids are going to be affected by this. To think that Margaret was just trying to scold Tre for doing the same sh-t last year and now she's doing it. Just trash. 


And the Gorgas... ugh. I can't with Joe's "woe is me" when he keeps putting himself in precarious situations where Teresa doesn't want anything to do with him. If Tre were smart, she'd cut him out permanently by not even giving him energy. You know it is crazy that my opinion of Tre has changed when I used to couldn't stand her and like MeHo and now it has flipped. I HATE the Gorgas. 

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Marge really thought she did something, but forgets *she* was the mistress lol. Like okay you embarrassed Jennifer, but it doesn’t make her a hypocrite for finding distaste with your homewrecking. 

Re: Garcelle, rumors have it that Erika said something negative about Garcelle’s son and that is what caused Garcelle to become angry. If true, Erika is going to be destroyed after the way she treated Eileen for simply mentioning her son. 

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Oh, that fake a&* heffa better not have come for ANYONE'S kids after how she treated Eileen and how she treated her own.





Well, I thought it was very telling that Garcelle was VERY transparent at the start of last season when she revealed that before she signed on for her second season she got what she wanted when she told the producers that she wanted to clear the air one on one with Kyle and Ex Soap Opera Star.  A rookie after their first season asking for anything? The power!


What made Garcelle great in her first season outside of being real and showing her life was that she gave honest observation. It was clear going into her second season that she had learned how to play the game. And while she definitely was shady in her confessionals, she was quite able to use her words to gather the girls when needed...as shown at this past reunion. But she definitely proved she is not stupid. It was clear they were going to come for her. And it was clear she was careful with what she said. And how she looked because she knew how the heffas were trying to make her look last season and STILL came out smelling roses. 


Which brings us to her THIRD season. Third. And look at how she had...for lack of a better word...or not?...manuvered going into this season. She and Sutton are VERY popular. She and Kyle are close. And she even was constantly hanging out with Kathy. And look!!! She was able to add a FOH. Meaning...more power!!!


It's clear Dorit will go wherever the wind blows...usually backing Kyle. Crystal is such a Pick Me and it's clear who the Queen is. Then we have another newbie with a shady past...but irrelevant. Ex Soap Opera Star...already put in her place with a subtle threat at the reunion because I think we all know who told Garcelle that comment that sounded like something she would say. And she bowed down reeeeeal quick. And if the rumors are true that Ex Soap Opera Star is FINALLY throwing EricFake under the bus. 

Well...I'm tempted to say that she's been playing a nice game of chess and now entering her third season, Garcelle can worry a little less about how she is seen...especially with backup...and properly gather Sour Puss...something that is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue. To paraphrase Nene...bitca, this ain't Sutton!!



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