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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Candiace has the same issue as Erika Jayne, she isn't likable. She was a spoiled brat and wasn't popular with the audience before the Monique fight, so fans didn't feel sympathy for her afterwards. Some of the cast members faked sympathy to get rid of Monique, but as we saw this past season, none of them really liked Candiace, which is her problem going into next season. The cast, Bravo and Andy don't like her and would've preferred Monique. The problem is that Monique doesn't need the money so it's up to her wanting to return which is up in the air.

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I think Monique very much enjoyed being on RHOP and actually never intended to leave. But when fans pointed out to Monique that Andy was doing Gizelle's dirty work at the last reunion and shutting Chris Samuels down again and again... Well, I think Chris S told his wife no way should she go back to that. So Monique turned down the contract, but I do think she regrets it and wishes she was still part of the mix. Hence the Bedtime Fairy Tales stuff on YouTube. 

Also in that Diamonds and Rosé book, one of the EPs, Lorraine Haughton-Lawson, was interviewed and she really tore Monique to bits. So it doesn't sound like one of the EPs wants her back.




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Say what now?? Monique would have been a great addition! You know she would have forged an alliance or two. For some reason, I see her hitting it off with Master Strategist/cat-with-nine-lives, Tamra Judge. What a blessed sight that would have been. Well, this def explains why Eva was there -- I figured she was a last-minute replacement for somebody more exciting. And I'm assuming Phaedra was there because Bravo couldn't bring itself to ask Nene. Ugh, and now I'm realising that Monique didn't get a chance to meet one of Mr. Chocolate's former sidepieces!

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This video....


It took me a minute, but the chick in the brown Kyle wig is actually TEDDI ! She now has a job at Extra (!). What happened to 'All In' and the job as Kyle's butt plug?

Even after this traumatic event, Dorit is still running around looking hideous in head-to-toe overpriced crap.

@1.27 you can spot Garcelle and Sutton in the background leaving Kyle's store.

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"You guysssss! OMG. How great that we are STILL besties after all this time! The Fox Force Five. Reunited again and it feels so good! Hey! Erika! Erika? Eri-- Oh, she must not have seen me. Oh, hey, Rinna! Notice anything different about me? Anything? Anything? No, not the top... YES. The hair! Pretty cool, huh!

Uhh--- sure, Kyle, I can stay outside the boutique. No, I totally understand. You guys need to film. Guess what, I'm filming too! No.... not with Bravo... Extra made me a Special Correspondent! I have a mic and camera and everything. So, come on out, guys, and say hi when you're done! 'Kay?"

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Which really perplexes me from a group of women hooping and hollering in excitement because a heavily injected rapist loving rapper makes a guest appearance.  What has she done to earn their respect?  

Wendy has how many degrees, something she tossed up repeatedly only to have her education downgraded due to a new ass and tits.  Remember the days long ago when an education trumped just about all else 

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I miss Edumacated Wendy from last year. Even though I hated what a *womp womp* she was with Karen, constantly hammering her week after week for something or other. Wendy had no lightness, no fun, no self-deprecation. But there were moments when she let a little wry humor shine through. Or when she spoke to that group of women about local elections? That was some good stuff, and she was 100% in her element.

She didn't need to lose the education. She just needed to acquire a little perspective and some humor. But it feels like someone got in her ear, or maybe the social media onslaught got the better of her. Whatever happened, she is now more insecure and seems to have decided that being educated will lose her fans. It makes me sad. As crazy as this fandom can be, most viewers appreciate a bright, knowledgeable HW who has achieved something on the back of their work (Gina Liano of Melbourne comes to mind).

And yes, the love for Micky Ninja baffles me, too. If she were starting out her career on RHOP, you know Wendy, Gizelle, Candiace et al., would be lobbying Bravo to get rid of her, saying she brings the franchise down.

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Teddi and Brandi are good ones. Why does Kyle keep wanting to sic them on us? I'm leaving out the Never Wases like Yovanna, Cookie Lady and Shame on ATL, and Kim's daughter Brielle whom she longs to get picked as a RH. Oh and half of northern New Jersey who wanted to be part of NJ in the early days (Kim D, Kim G, Ashlee Laurita, the real estate chick, Penny, Melissa's older sister, etc). Jacqueline?

Honorable mention must go to Charrisse and the dogged S5 cameramen who moved their camera line away every time she stepped into shot.

ETA: i forgot about Jill Zarin!

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