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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Trust. As I said back then, I'll say it again: We get Karen Huger's schtick. We are along for the ride with her. We know it's not delusion; it's just an illusion. A fun ride for the cameras. 


Excellent rundown. +1 



Agreed. Love her or hate her, she's what makes RHONY what it is, and it's been chugging along for 13 solid years. With things so uncertain regarding this current cast, I would sooner bet the network put this gossip out there on purpose to gauge viewer reaction.  Leah is tanking fast and hard while Eboni hasn't landed well overall. Honestly, the only safe bet these days is Sonja Tremont Morgan, bless her heart. 

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I don't know how unclear I could have been considering how many times I repeat it. 
But that's exactly what I was talking about with GDW; seems there is a bit of a blind spot among fans regarding Karen.
Anyhow don't assume that because someone is not a stan, that it means they are a hater. I like these ladies and this is probably the only franchise where I like them all.

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It wasn't clear.  That would be why I said it.


And don't assume that someone is calling you a hater. 


I like that they all bring something.  But as you catch up above, it bears repeating...no blind spot here. La Dame is seen clearly. Simply don't get triggered by it. 


Again, I did mention it before...

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My irritation at the first comments after yesterday's episodes were generic and while I am glad some have her number, perusing this thread makes pretty clear not everyone does.
The imbalance between the bile directed at Gizelle and Candiace vs the others is pretty obvious so, yes, it feels like some things need to be said just to temper the conversation from time to time.
If it is not relevant to you, great! You can add your two cents which are generally a lot more detailed and thoughtful than mine and ignore my pithy attempt to defend the entire cast against overeager fans.
Anyway back to the program itself...


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I can't speak for anyone else, but my unapologetic love for the Grande Dame (since season 1 when everybody else hated her) is due to her blend of wit, heart, and delusion that I find absolutely irresistible.


Karen Huger has made me rediscover that loving feeling that I lost when Sheree from RHOA left and the rivalry between her and Gizelle fulfill the promise that RHOA dropped the ball on by failing to find a worthy rival for Kenya, post-Phaedra.

Edited by VirginiaHamilton
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So Bershawn was brought on to get things moving on this show.

She clearly has watched the show as A. She was expecting the drunk ladies from last season and now half the cast doesn’t drink. B. She knows of Sonja’s previous drunken clown behavior because until tonight Sonja has been sober around her.

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Try as they might, and they tried this episode to give us fun and drama (and even “touching moments” with the women rallying around a grieving Eboni and defending Sonja), but this RHONY cast has zero chemistry.

Bershan definitely came to get it poppin, but it felt as forced as Leah’s bullsh!t (and it’s rich that Leah had so much to say about Bershan’s behavior—two peas in a pod). 

For me, NY is the most rewatchable franchise, but I’ve begun skipping reruns this season.

Edited by Faulkner
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Bershan was hilarious tonight! She was giving me Dorinda teas tonight. That was just a hot mess in every way and I loved it! She’s right! They have been boring. She wanted to have fun and while she didn’t accomplish that, she definitely brought things to life. 

Next week looks insane! Sonja, Ramona and Bershan are my MVPs this season. 

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