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Well I see Mo got the memo on how he looked last season and has gotten back to trying to get his sexy back and pot use off camera.

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It was a decent episode though it leads more toward meh. If there was not so many LOL moments I don't think I would like it at all tbh.


It was also nice to see more of Harry Hamlin. He's no Kathy Hilton, but having him on scene again for any extended time brings his own self of quirks. And confession...I lived him since original CLASH OF TITANS.  But he was just such an enigma. He at times did not seem to want to be there, but at the same time when he would interact with Ex Soap Opera Star, he had a very 'in the joke' vibe about him. 

And as I said above...it appears Production has started to edit. AGAIN. 

But still...a lot of funny moments. 'Hunky Dory.' Harry Hamlin greeting everyone in Italiano (and making the dinner). Everyone in heels and the montage. Garcelle messing with her son. Dorit checking herself as Sutton has yet another meltdown. I'm sure I left some out.

KYLE. Why are any of these girls her friends? I would think at this state of the game they can tell when she has her Producer hat on and not her Friend hat on. Last week, I said I felt it was Kathy that started the last fight between Sutton and Crystal. This week was TOTALLY Kyle. And I giggled at her gasping over 'ugly leather pants.' Oh and we got the Kim changed her number news this week. Hilarious. BTW Kim's tell all is back on the publication date.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Interestingly not bugging me at all. Dare I say she almost seem like Lisa Rinna circa Season 5 again, and not Ex Soap Opera Star. Almost. And her interaction with her husband were interesting. 


KATHY. I cannot wait for @Cat to see her house. So rich she invites people over...whether she is there or not...to use her tennis court. THAT is pretty rich. And she was doing a little bit of pot stirring this episode. With Kim. With Thomasina. But I feel it was all in fun. 


GARCELLE. Loved her interacting with her sons. So real. lol. And she was messy. And I loved that she tried to meditate between Sutton and Crystal. And I hollered when it went left, that she reached for the tequila bottle.



Paige Larson - Wikipedia


SUTTON. So disappointed. I expected it, but I wished she had just owned the fact that she was jealous. Yes, JEALOUS that Garcelle and Crystal were getting along and she sees Garcelle as HER friend. Add on that she forgot to bring a gift (odd for her) and the others did. Multiply by Crystal...someone she does not like...being smug. And she just white woman meltdown. It was hilarious to watch on one hand. But it was sad on the other because she was totally acting like a Karen.


CRYSTAL. I don't like she used the violated. However I give her credit for standing by her truth. And while I don't like her smugness, she is giving Erika a run for her money in the Ice Bitca department. Erika better watch out.

Looking forward to next week when Garcelle starts asking question about Erika. IT begins...


ETA: Just realized I forgot about Dorit. Lol. She really has turned into Terry...uh...Terri...uh...that blonde chick from last season. And that bridal idea...is lmao and the mentioning of her 'swimwear' line is hilarious. 

Edited by Taoboi
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The All Lives Matter tone aside from her first appearance, Im loving Bershawn and the fun energy she brings. Im glad she  has different opinions from Eboni bc she brings a new perspective. I think she ultimately is a better fit for this cast.

Ramona is a Trump Supporting priveleged white woman that cant acknowledge her own prejudices. I like that Eboni challenges her although I htink she is going a bit too strong.

Sonja is a breath of fresh air and the only cast member that is coming across well this season. Her work is amazing as I thought she looked great in her confessionals this week



Sutton is making it really hard to support her. I cant stand Crystal but she needs to let this die as her white fragility (as Eboni would at) is nauseating. She isnt a victim and she is barking up the wrong tree bc Crystal is hitting her with a Nene "I said what I said". She completely ruined the mood at Garcelle's party and that was not cool. I also noticed how she always has a gift ready to give the women but brought nothing for her "friend". Very telling


Kyle was messy with the way she keeps bringing up Scott Disick. I wonder if she talked to Rinna about that beforehand so Rinna wouldnt look so bad always talking about him

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And...IT BEGINS....






La Dame dropped some little sips of tea in her interview with Brice Sanders.

1) She has Wendy's back during the drama with Gizelle.

2) Sounds like a lot goes down leading up to the salad toss.

3) Her and Gizelle might have reached a truce by the end of it. In fact, sounds like all of them are in a decent place due to the pandemic. 






Erika got dropped by Fenty allegedly. And has a new lawyer on her team...probably because now that the victims of Tom can come after her for their settlement money, she will need it. 

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I've watched the episode now and ITA. It was much, much better than the last 3 episodes, and that's because it feels like it is finally going somewhere. Yes, we had the teaching (and something about the "I want to know if you are aligned with white supremacy" declaration felt stiff and scripted). However, the cast, in their different ways and for different (probably selfish) reasons, actually talked about some of the issues affecting the show that we have mentioned here. I found that refreshing when the show almost broke the fourth wall, for example when talking about the press saying that RHONY will be Eboni's platform.

I feel like the Eboni's mom who voted Trump story will be brought up again. Meanwhile, Sonja remains a cool breeze blowing through a stale room, and Bershan's dynamic with Luann and Sonja felt comfortable and unforced. 

Edited by Cat
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With different editors and background music there's a fine line between Kathy Hilton and Ramona Singer.  They are both face lifted, long-time republican, peaked in the 80's, superficial gals, who feel compelled to tell others how to dress, act, and present themselves like ladies, as if the male gaze is the most important thing to value on the planet.

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Well, Ramona has done and said a lot of things Hilton has been smart enough not to on camera so at least the latter is smarter.

But there is a reason she is not a HW.  It is easier to be an amusing sidekick as a Friend. If you take a crown, you'd be better ready for the incoming. Rumors are her kids are not having it.

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This. It kills me seeing people say that about Bershan when on her social media she *only* seems to have black friends. There’s this narrative that she’s a “safe” black cast member and that is unfair. People like Bershan because she has an interesting personality and is fun. 

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What a bore.


I finally made it through last week's episode. I thought maybe it was me since I've been crazy busy with work and tired. But nope. It took me THREE times to get into it. It was the first time this season that I was not feeling it.


Or Eboni. 


Yes, after giving her the benefit of the doubt so far, I am on the same page as the rest of you. It just felt like she was gaslighting Ramona. While Ramona was being...Ramona. I also did not like that she had some tension with new girl Bershan. And her smirking at Ramona set me on edge. It's *Sutton*not nice.*Sutton voice*



That said...




VICTORIA. I stay liking to see Lu relate to her daughter. Again, it brings a very human side to her. Given how larger than life, Lu can be, that is very much needed. Especially given some of her bad moments so far this season.


HARLEM. I've been binging RUN THE WORLD which takes place in Harlem so I will take it anyway I can get it. Since I've lived there and stayed there myself briefly, it's nice to have more information versus when I had none.


BERSHAN. YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORTH THE WAIT!!! And her story about being told she had 3 months to live and 15 YEARS LATER....Strong woman.


RAMONA. It is interesting in little ways to see how she is actually taking in Eboni's word so far. So no need to push it. Like the picture at the Harlem party. Baby steps.




THE LECTURING. Yeah...over it too. Do uncomfortable conversation need to be had? Yes. But if you beat someone over the head with it too much, they zone out, losing the lesson. 


THE GASLIGHTING. I am glad they resolved it, but it was not cute. For the first time for me, I felt like Eboni had an agenda.


Okay onto the next episode...and PS. LOVE Sonja's new confessional. She...looked...gorgeous!!!!

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Yeah, it's Eboni's smirk/pursing her lips when she throws a bomb and watches reactions... that annoys me.  She knows what she's doing (and I think she's being asked to do this honestly).  As good as her intentions are, and as much as I respect what she's trying to do... you can't keep doing something and expect a different reaction.  That just makes you look crazy.  It's also something I just don't want to watch week to week because it's not entertaining.  I watch the Housewives to be entertained.




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