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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh, this looks WONDERFUL!  I love that we get a good dose of Heather back into the mix. It sounds like she won't be back ever again, but we can enjoy her while it lasts. Eboni looks to be a good fit for the Sex And the NYCity vets.  Can't wait!  NYC never disappoints. 

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I am always excited for my RHONY! I loved seeing Heather -- which makes it all the more sad that she left filming and is DONE with Bravo and the whole show. 

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 Eboni looks like she is ready to get in. What really surprised me was no sign of the Ramona-Eboni friendship the tabloids were teasing during filming!


People going after Luann having a boyfriend is a little harsh. Luann can't even exhale sometimes without Sonja or Ramona taking it wrong.


I'm not getting a clear picture of the SLs this season, and that was the case with the past two years' RHONY trailers, too.  I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or Bravo tamping down on leaks, which apparently they have been doing more of in order to preserve an element of surprise.

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OOOOOOooooooooo...Already stanning Eboni!!!


And I liked what little I saw of Bershan.


Leah looks like she's heading for the second season curse.


Lu is LOVE. 


The model could get it.

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Tifffany and Dandra bonded due to their moms.  


 I did like Dandra bringing up the medium and haunted house to Brandi during their discussion.


Silent Jen spoke.


Kam is so wishing she was Elle Woods


Kary was human tonight..but liked her daughters talking head basically saying her mom isn't logical and her sister is lol

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And she went on to do the same for Dorit and Ex Soap Star, too.  And Kyle of course.


I do hope more people keep speaking out. I mean if we are going to come for Kenya for that headpiece last week, can we not come for Erika for the fraud of stepping dead people's money? JS.


At least Sutton will be staying on her neck at least...



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Well first of all let me just say SHUT UP, BRANDI!!!! Second of all, DRAG HER, LEEANDRA!!!!! DRAG...HER!!!! And if next week's preview is any sign...looks like I'll be Team LeeAndra, too. Cuz that situation looked like another case of Brandi's starting drama for the sake of starting some. She grabbed the bull, she's getting them horns. 


On another note...SHE'S RIIIIIIIIIIIICH, HUNNI!!!! Tiffany's husband owns TWO HOTELS!!!! And for their luau party, SHE CLOSED OFF A WHOLE FLOOR!!!! A great floor design as well. It was so well done. And I liked that Tiffany took the criticisms and upped her party game. I cannot hate on that. And I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her wedding dress. That train was a thing of simple, elegant beauty.


I felt the episode was uneven, but the end...like last week...made up for it. LeeAndra vs Brandi was good. And just like when LeeAnne would fight with Brandi, she did not back down. How dare Brandi thought she was going to wiggle her way out of it. She still did...but that was because Stephanie saw LeeAndra slip up and she took that opening to turn a dragging into a funny moment. OF COURSE, THE BEST FRIEND WOULD. Ugh. But next week looked like LeeAndra will be on to that.


LEEANDRA. MVP this week. She was the good friend with Tiffany. She and Mama Dee hashed it out, again adding more questions. Who was in the right? Did LeeAndra said that? Did she not? Was that truly the catalyst that started to divide LeeAndra and her brother? Again, it touched on LeeAndra's family dynamic. And the flashback they showed of Mama Dee's relationship NOW took on a WHOLE different light. Was the D'Andra we saw at the beginning just a mask? And this one was always there? It's fascinating. Meanwhile, I loved LeeAndra not holding her tongue and letting Brandi have it. Fake @%^ Bitca. She cannot be sitting there trying to be mock innocent, then talking shade in her THs, talking more mock innocent, and then she wanted to take a dig at LeeAndra and thinking she was not going to get it. Oooooo I lived for the dragging. Brandi got called out what she is: a cafeteria Christian. SHE SEES YOU, GAL!! LOL. I just hate that Stephanie ran interference. Round 1 of this new feud definitely went to LeeAndra. 


TIFFANY. hehe. She was so comedy relief with her and her mom. I loved her mom played it cool. Love the luau party.


KAMERON. Our other comedy relief. And I loved her she was luau dancing. Kary was just hating.

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STEPHANIE. I liked she did something for the students. I simply question HER MOTIVATIONS for doing it. Fluff. Boring fluff at that. Meanwhile, watch her at the LeeAndra vs Brandi fight. She was watching, waiting for a moment to save Brandi. Just *side-eye* 


KARY. Nice try. Too little, too late for me. Sorry.


BRANDI. BUT YOU ARE A CAFETERIA CHRISTIAN, BRANDI!!!! BUT YOU ARE ONE!!!! Clearly, she saw she was not bringing anything to the drama and knew she could not keep picking on Tiffany without it coming back on her. So she was looking for some drama to stay on the show. So...go for the most interesting one. Of course she won't go for Kary because Kary is in her corner and if she wanted a bulldog, she will be useful LATER. No...go for the self-appointed Queen Bee. Wrong move. LeeAndra called her fake butt out on last year at the haunted house. She tried to victim act and LeeAndra quickly keep the conversation focused on the matter at hand. She even took a Mama Dee dig...but LeeAndra was a dog with a bone. But...she was lucky LeeAndra still has flustered moments like LeeAnne does. Lucky for now. And next week, that article she stumbled on...here she comes again. So transparent. 


So...meh. Other than the ending....again. Let the undoing of Brandi begin gag




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