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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Same. lol. I was so excited to have back to back NJ, SLC, and ATL with my tv working. Then I dozed off around Jennifer vs Melissa of NJ and was in and out of sleep until 2:30 in the morning...right at the last five minutes of this Sunday's RHOA. lol. To top it off...NOW...my system is acting up again. LOL!!! Currently playing a game of clerk tag in my building. 


My apologies. Yes, Whitney and Heather were filming for Season 2 of SLC.





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Tamara Tattles has some good tea: https://tamaratattles.com/2021/02/27/exclusive-several-tiny-cups-of-bravo-tea/


Shah’s of Sunset trailer should be coming soon and Southern Charm was renewed. Housewives related, she makes it sound like RHOM is early in development and not a sure bet due to casting. I think since Bravo has confirmed it, it will happen, but I do think casting will be an issue. You have so many desperate people vying to be on the show and they need to get it right to be worth it. Also, Peacock will be adding the international housewives franchises!

Now the best note is on RHOC. Elizabeth, Shannon, Gina and Emily are 100% back. Kelly is a maybe. Tamra will be back. Vicki will be offered a Friend role but isn’t expected to accept it. Heather Dubrow May return and they’re looking at two newbies. 

My question: how the hell is that a reboot? Tamra did two seasons with Emily and Gina and the chemistry just isn’t there. I don’t get why they keep holding on to them. Even if you have the four from last season, plus Tamra and Heather it doesn’t leave much room for new blood. Overall I’m not impressed. 


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I admit I am excited they will be offering the international housewives shows to a bigger audience.


For OC, I assume that since Tamra was the man behind the curtain last season, they figured they might as well bring her back. She is still connected to all the majors currently on that show.


Looking forward to what POTOMAC she heard since everyone else is abuzzing over the new potential Housewife Mia Thorton who is friends with both Karen and Wendy. 

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Well, TT definitely looks like she's confirming all this like everyone else. DEFINITELY NOT a fan of the green-eyed bandits.


And Gizelle thought Monique was bad with her FOUR homes. Mia has at least EIGHT to TWELVE beauty related products if I heard correctly that was made available even during Corona.


And where is EveryHue again? 



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These women are a mess. 


For one, Tanya blew the whistle on herself. Kenya provided the rope, and Tanya hung herself and Porsha. 


I am glad that Marlo and Kenya aren't the only ones that heard Porsha's activities as people love to deem them as liars. Kandi coming clean about hearing the antics just solidified it. And this "girl code" bull only applies when you are friends. Porsha and Kenya are not friends, so anything goes. 


LaToya and Kenya... weird. That relationship is weird to me. 


Drew hung herself tonight too by lying to her husband about being at Porsha's. It makes me think something more is going on in that chaotic marriage. I can see that marriage imploding next season if Drew returns. Ralph and Drew lie too much to each other. 


Overall, this was another good episode. Now I feel like the season is starting to take off. I think we are in a treat for the second half of the season. 


I just hope that LaToya is bumped up to full-time along with Falynn and Sheree is brought back full-time too. This show needs to stack with the cast with as many heavy hitters as possible. 



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Finally!!! Lol. I watched last week and this week's episodes back to back. And what stood out? Well, Production gave it away last week. They knew who they were aimed at just looking at her reaction shots to Kenya's Bolo Court. But this week? TANYA let it out of the bag.


Ever since the Cookie Lady situation, Tanya really has not been the same to me. Kenya did taint her after she was a breath of fresh air in her first season. And for me, she never recovered. Especially given how she came across in the virtual reunion last year aka thirsty AF. Funny given her bubbly personality. So when rumors surfaced that Strippergate would be pointed at her, I would have thought that she would be fought against it or came across with some kind of dignity. I even thought that maybe Porsha would defend her friend tonight given she could have used the 'I'm single and that's ALL you heard' excuse. Instead, she shot herself in the foot. I was with Kandi on that one...why put yourself at the scene of the crime?


Cuz she did it. However, her mistake...was not owning it then or having a good abili. And it looked like it is going downhill from here for her. Short term, Kenya WON. Long term, Tanya was collateral damage in their new feud. 


With that said...


KENYA. I wish I could say I didn't feel something about it...but sorry. Tanya never recovered in my eyes from the reunion. And she made the mistake tonight of coming for Kenya when Kenya did not send for her. And Kenya clapped back with the quickness. And did it well since it made Tanya slipped up and 'confess.' She should have...for better or worse...pulled a RHOP Ashley and owned it. Yeah, it took Ashley's years to do it, but Ashley did. Tanya did NOTHING, but bury herself. Don't go for the Queen. So...KENYA WON. But...karma gathered Kenya up real quick by the end of the episode with Marc filing for divorce. Le sigh. And even I have to wonder if the reason Kenya is coming for Porsha now is because Porsha made out with her girl crush Latoya. Another layer to why they are feuding.


PORSHA. While I continue to enjoy seeing Porsha see her worth and seeing her growth cuz old Porsha would have dragged Kenya again rather than walk away, I was saddened she did not stick up for Tanya more. And yes, Porsha...you deserve more than a hot dog. 


DREW. Ha at her trying to make her man jealous. How @NothinButAttitude feels about SLC Heather is how I feel about Drew right now though. I see her. And she is doing a very good job of hiding it...that she is working for her peach by coming for Kenya and being messy. She's doing it in a way where it is barely noticeable. But eagle eyes notice it. And growing close to Porsha to make sure she can continue to hide her hands while she pot stirs. Clever. And then she has her drama with her man who soooo reminds me of NJ's Amber's Jim. He is just as thirsty. And just as much trouble. Wanting to be jealous when he is just as bad. Even if Drew is a one and done, I expect them to wind up on one of those MARRIAGE CAMP shows.


KANDI. I was with her the whole time. People were showing their backsides. And so was she! lol. Her chat with Don Juan when she was just saying that they should not be talking about the bachelorette party was funny. She was being messy. 


CYNTHIA. Comic relief this time around. And Mike was hilarious. 


Good episode. Bless this mess. 

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I am probably biased, but I find the relationships between a lot of the NJ women authentic? Dolores and Margaret are close outside of the show (one of the more unexpected but welcome friendships IMO, given that the show has essentially separated the cast into Team Teresa and Team Melissa). Melissa, Jackie and Margaret apparently hang off-season too. Dolores is, of course, close with Caroline Manzo and no longer close with Dina. And then we have the husbands who seem to love hanging with each other. Even David is in on some action.


Jennifer is a little isolated in Paramus but nevertheless, I loooove Jennifer. Her calling Melissa out on her fake SLs gives me big joy. MeHo is the luckiest 'wench' (S3 reference

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) in RH history. Because what has Budget JLo contributed to the show? On Display? Milania took over and destroyed that meme. 'WE ARE BEGGIN YOU TO PLEASE. STAHP. HURTIN. US" ? Sadly overshadowed by the two Joes and Joe Gorga's spray-on hair. Melissa has become a lot smarter about keeping her hands clean while still in the mix, but truthfully, Bravo loves Joe Gorga and Melissa stays by default. Which is why I am shocked that she would foolishly come after Jennifuh about her SLs. Girl, everyone knows the illegitimate sister does not exist. The baby SL was fake AF. The marriage trouble SL is likely fake. Jennifuh is wielding the truth like a whip and you are not going to win this one. 


"Wow, Melissa. Maybe if I was a mirror, you would greet me." Never remove that foot from MeHo's neck, Jennifuh!


@Gray Bunny you hit on something: Teresa is completely islanded. In the past, she at least had soldiers like Danielle and her family to fall back on. Her family was everything. But now that Papa Gorga has passed, Joe is selling sex toys out of a car boot in Italy, and Gia is at college, she really is an outsider. Added to this strange dichotomy is that fact that the cast still treat her as Queen Bee. Margaret calls Teresa a damn idiot in her VTs, but at Lake George she is easy, breezy, let's talk about something else, Tre. The cast are cowtowing to her power, but Team Melissa is quietly ready for her to go. Especially Jackie, the henchwoman who thinks she's a star. Given Teresa's innate boneheadedness, they may get their wish this year. Or they may not, as Teresa no longer minds being production's stooge. 


You're right about Marge. It's a Picasso puzzle of old and new Marge attributes, and the sum of their parts have not coalesced yet.


BH: IA. I hate this sex doll look with the fire of a thousand suns. Erika, Dorit and Rinna are constantly copying each other, getting the same surgery/procedures, and it is jeopardising their uniqueness in the process.

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Stop. No. Nobody is asking for this.




Mary is the gift that keeps on giving. We have Jen Shah, Heather and Lisa fighting for top spot, and LOL over here is Mary stealing the show from under them! She's got a little Kim Richards/Katie Rost about her, and also the church side which is a whoooole other (perhaps unsettling) dimension to her.


The thing about Kim/Katie/Mary, though, is that they have this fragility which makes me worried that Bravo is going to gobble them up and spit them out. All seem to have dealt/be dealing with unspoken trauma, including Mary. I love the unique way she sees and expresses things, and the clear way she got everyone together; I just hope she's strong enough to handle the show and keep it calm and collected as she did in Reunion. Mary stayed composed even when deeply emotional. Her vulnerability came across as authentic to me because I don't think it was planned/targeted to get the audience on-side.

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