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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Aww - I actually came on to say that I thought tonight's episode was finally entertaining! 


Agreed - that final segment with Kandi/Riley/Ace was so touching, I honestly cried watching it all.  Ace is such a cutie, and it's wild to see how much Riley has grown up since Kandi first joined the show.


Drew - I can't stand her husband and I think she's crazy for even accepting his BS - but I have to say, she's been SO likable on WWHL last week and this week on Bravo's Chat Room - I'm digging her.  We need to see her interact more with the group, but alone, she's very likable.



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Since it has not been mentioned, I figured I should say due to Monique's exit and the producers needing to find two new Housewives, they are no longer planning to start filming Season 6 at the end of the month.


The filming got pushed back to March. 

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I’m glad they pushed filming back instead of just going forward like they did with RHONY when Bethenny suddenly quit. They need new blood and had they just gone ahead with the same ladies minus Monique that wouldn’t have worked. The second half of season 5 proved that. 

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Oh, darn it!!! My eyes teared up at that montage for Riley. She really had grown up. And awwww at Ace being sad since they are so close. And he got a confessional!!! lol.


I agree with Always_AMC. I thought it was an entertaining episode overall. It did point out what has really been missing so far. And someone mentioned it online. And that has been FULL Group Scenes. For weeks now, we have had Kenya/Cynthia/Kandi on one side aka Team Old School (with Latoya) and then you have Porsha's Posse (Porsha, Tanya, Falynn, Marlo, and Joi) on the other side. Then you have Drew in her own little storyline. There have been crossing, but it's been light. Not the full on group scenes we are used to from this show. And tonight they all meant...and it was entertaining from the shade, the looks, and what was going on. And it was old school RHOA again without the toxicity.


I knew due to Co-Vid, they cannot go all the way in yet. You have Porsha still travelling at this point. And Drew was still recovering from an injury. But I believe the Kandi's event next week is when Drew will properly be around more so I cannot wait. Meanwhile, we need more of Team Old School vs Porsha's Posse. For me...that's going to be where the real fun is at.


KENYA. Queen of Team Old School, it was nice to see her back in fine firm. Latoya is bringing her back to life. And that can only mean one thing...MESSY. I enjoyed seeing her clowning with Cynthia and Latoya in lingerie. I enjoyed seeing her light sparring with Tanya. And of course, she is still mad at Porsha. Even if it is not her fault that she was uninvited. But you can already tell it is going to turn into a bigger conflict. Right now, it's just a light fun. And yes, I loved her shade at Nene. #gonebutnotforgotten


PORSHA. Queen of the much fun-ier posse. And...SHE'S WRITING A BOOK!!!! I liked her family scenes. I never knew Lauren was her half sister. She does not at all act like they are. And nor does it matter. They are sisters. HOWEVER she is more fun when she is getting under Kenya's skin. And SHE WAS. I love the fact that her being unbothered by Kenya is driving Kenya up the wall. Who would have thought? Is it not usually the other way around? And she (and Marlo with those boots) was dynamite at the engagement party fashion-wise. 


CYNTHIA. OMG! She and Mike thought JOE BIDEN was going to be at what was her engagement party? Really? The producers really enjoyed poking fun at her for it, too with that countdown. And then they walked into their own party...and didn't know??? I can't with her. lol. It was cute that she asked Kenya and Kandi to be BRIDESmaids. hehe.


KANDI. Yeah...I bet Kandi does know what she's doing. GO KENYA...lol. And Kandi with the 'yessir!' look when Kenya said if she was to do it with a woman, who it would be. And look! MAMA JOYCE!!! And again...that Riley montage...awww...she (and Ace) giving that real moments.


DREW. Still off with Ralph dealing with his dad's death. So not around this week.


LATOYA. Yeah...her and Porsha seem evenly matched on clapbacks in the brief exchange they shared. That said...she's been fun and less tryhard this week. 


MARLO. Shady diva...and I was here for it. She hasn't had awesome boots since the goddess boots she wore during Season 6 and I DREAM OF NENE era. 


Good episode.


I think it's a good idea as well. While I don't want Gizelle to lick her wounds (or Andy Cokehead to continue to do damage control as he has been transparently doing since the RHOP reunion), they are not at all ready to be filming right now. 


Another bonus...they can keep building some great buzz as we all wonder who the new ladies will join and will they be the ones already mentioned. 

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First of all, Team Asian Kenya on Twitter tonight. Apparently, she and Stephanie got into a catfight. Bravo had Stephanie do a tour of her closet...which is NOTHING compared to Tiffany's closet we saw tonight (blows Cha-Cha's Champagne Room to bits, too). And also seem? Stephanie being jealous. Clearly. So Tiffany clapped back so quick. And rather than not be messy, Stephanie had to show that two-faces...and it's been on. lol.


I thought it was a nice episode. It's funny how petty the feuds are going to be on one hand. On the other hand, tonight shows hints of karma coming for some of the people who deserve to get it. And...that's been 2021 so far so I'm here for it.


I want to say I didn't like it, but I felt that everyone showed a little bit of...potential. Intrigue. Mystique? And that...can go a long way.


TIFFANY. First of all...she let Brandi off the hook waaaay too easily. Hopefully, that won't come back to bite her later on. Second of all, SHE'S RICK, HUNNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her giving LeeAndra and Stephanie the tour of her house (complete with big closet with custom-made purses) was just architecture porn. And the fact that they were clearly jealous when they were the ones who asked her to give a tour. Really? She was not even showing off with her money. She was being. Nothing wrong with that. Sorry, not sorry they were pressed about that. Third of all, the only time she really slipped with me was in her about-to-be feud with Kameron. Kameron is always ditzy...but fun. Kameron also does what she wants. And is rich, too. So hopefully they find a middle ground cuz I would hate to see a feud starting over chicken foot. ETA: PS...I liked Tiffany mentioning how racist people were to her as she is busying working on saving their lives. I have dealt with that in my field as well so I feel that.


LEEANDRA. So...when D'Andra started, we compared her and Mama Dee to Jabot and Y&R. But this tea she spilled...about the fact her father had TWO wills and she had to fight with her brother and stepmother over it...sounds like the stuff of soap operas. Have they mentioned her brother before now? And then the stepmother reached out to say her brother had a child? Why? Hmmmm...shades of DYNASTY? I was intrigued by that. Not as intrigued by her continued obsession with LeeAnne. Cuz the shaman...the humming with the crystal to mellow herself out. It was better AND witty the FIRST TIME. With LEEANNE. Already looking like her so you are taking storyline cues from her? Just...hmmmm. And I want to say @Cat and I called it last season. With LeeAnne gone, Kary and LeeAndra are slowly, but surely turning on each other. That it is with the same tactics Kary used on LeeAnne last season is ironically delicious. I was loving the looks LeeAndra was giving to Kary at the dinner spoke volume. I look forward to LeeAndra 'This ain't Phaedra' moment that is surely coming with Kary. 


KARY. I see online people were saying that she was just throwing shade. Yeeeeah NO. She was just annoying. Trying to be sarcastically witty when she was instead...just obnoxious. I was rolling my eyes right along with LeeAndra. But I called her when she first came on. She's going for the next alpha dog...which is not her. She is going to sit there and poke and poke and POKE and then wish she didn't when she gets her head bit off. Meanwhile...it's surprising to see her daughter Olivia from last season. And shocking myself...Kary's crazy personality has given her a pretty good daughter. And the culture shock from living in LA and going back to Texas...as an Arkansas to SD transplant....I felt that often when I was going back and forth.


KAMERON. Mmmm...Court. lol. It seems like Kameron pulled him aside at some point and let him in on the joke. Because they were the comedic duo all episode. And? I liked that. It seems clear to me that while Kameron can be ditzy and in her own little world...how much he loves her for it even if it drives him a little up the way from time to time. Hehe at the hiding of the chicken feet.


STEPHANIE. *cough*sniperfromtheside*cough* Deserves the dragging she is currently getting from Asian Kenya. And enabling Brandi? Girl, bye.


BRANDI. She was in Florida? Really? This was back in...June/July? How crazy was Florida by that point? Ewwww. That said...fake tears. Trying for a moment. I hope Tiffany would have kept on her neck a little longer. Everything with her was fake. Thankfully, she was really only in the first 10 minutes of the episode. 


JEN. I'm starting to wonder how much of her was edited out since she was put of the drama. But...nothing. Yet. At all. It's weird.


So other than Brandi...I felt everyone...even people I don't like...gave a little something. So the potential is there. And the best HW shows are those with a good ensemble. And I feel there's something here. I would like to see if it gets juicy...or just bad.





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I agree. After some bum seasons, they found the right combo (along with potstirrer Danielle) to keep going. And if what little tea has been spilled on this season (they did a GREAT job keeping just about everything under wraps) so far is true...well...that might not be the case after this season...


Oh, is that the video that Captain Lee from BELOW DECK got roped into some online drama about. 


In any case, lol at someone selling her out as the NJ trailer drops. Delicious!!!





Now THAT'S a BOSS move!



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OMG! I have been waiting for RHONJ to start for over a month now! If its another 12 episode-season then this is going to be jam-packed. That trailer threw everything in there. And Joe Gorga is earning EVERY PENNY of his paycheck! Every penny!


Months ago I heard a rumor about the season, that Jackie's husband Evan was cheating on her and it was all coming out during filming. Jackie had a fit about the affairs even being mentioned and refused to film with anybody except Melissa for a while. 


The cast pic is... something. Jackie looks by far the best. Dolores has been hitting the spray booth hard and is giving Luann's Diana Ross moment a run for its money. Teresa's face looks (badly) Photoshoped onto someone else's body. Jennifuh = living Bratz Doll. Melissa got another nose jawb. I don't know who that person masquerading as Marge is -- is that Kim D in a silver wig?



So, I haven't watched a RH show in over a week. For the obvious political reasons we've all been glued to the TV lately.  I just didn't have the capacity to concentrate on it. Well, my anxiety finally reached a peak and I decided it was time to reintroduce fluff back into my life, and RHOD was it. I am enjoying this season so far and glad that it's a whole lot of nothing wrapped in architecture porn. I heard Ep1 got horrific ratings, but I'm choosing to believe that this is because Bravo released it online a week early. Hopefully the ratings firm up a little because IMO RHOD is a bit underrated.


The Good:

-Dr. Tiffany Moon. That voice is still channelling major Valley Girl, but I love that she mixes the superficial with the brainy. She's smart and energetic and an inspired choice for RHOD.


-Stephanie's True Face. Hmmm maybe LeeAnne back in S2 was right? Stephanie does not need to be starting something with DTM.


-LeeAndra's Soap Opera Life. God, I can't help but love this fool even though I hate her sometimes. Yes, she's needy, weak, lazy, a spendthrift, insanely jealous of anyone trying to outshine her... but god she attracts soaptastic drama into her life. Also, her face has finally attained LeeAnne Likeness, so that's one thing off her To-Do list.


-Brandi only appeared for 2 minutes. And that's how I like it. She wasn't missed.


-Kameron & Court generally. 


The Bad:

-Let's all poke fun at Chinese food! Who the hell thought this was a good idea? I'm sure they sold this to DTM as 'introducing her culture to the other women,' but I did not need to see a litany of barf faces (Kam's was the best, just saying). That joke was old in the 80s. This better not be RHOD's season-long Pantygate.


-Kary. How is she still on the show? She really thinks she's got some special sh!t to contribute, huh. Girl. No. Highly annoying during the restaurant scenes. She's trying everyone's last nerve, including mine. I can't believe she is going to drown DTM next week. 

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