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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I don't doubt she is getting social media attacks. There are cray cray people out there.


I didn't think Andy was "letting them have it". It came across to me as him giving them an opportunity to clarify things. And I was surprised by their answers because they made sense. I still think Kyle has turned an ugly LVP like corner and she and Teddi  think they are very important. Moreso than the other ladies.


I don't understand why they didn't just shut the conversation about the alleged affair down. Just shut it down and not keep commenting about it. They were all outraged when accusations were made about drug use while filming. If they had refused to discuss it further on camera would there have been a story? Do the other HW shows bring such accusations against each other? I have only ever watched BH.


Rinna's (obviously coached? ) daughter's comment re: Garcelle to me show there is some major unhappiness going on in that household for Lisa at the present time. I had hopes for her during the breakfast with Denise.


Kyle, Rinna, and Erika have turned a dark corner. Teddi I think just wants to be in a clique. Any old clique will do.

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No worries! I don't mind rehashing, I just don't want you all thinking I'm some crazed anti-Bethenny stan still obsessed with hating on her 4 years later, lol!


I think Bethenny left on a personal high. S11 was a good season for her. I find her tolerable and actually fun, informative and interesting on Instagram, especially with her daughter. She is compelling reality tv for sure, and she brought something to the show (Greek chorus, voice of God) which is missed by many. But at her worst, that highly toxic narcissism, which would suck all the air out of the room, was out of control.


Her past was very much weaponized against the others, and she learned to manipulate at her mother's knee. For me, she is a fascinating psychological study, but I am grateful for the breather this year. 

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I think they should cancel BH. It’s just terrible and looks like it gets worse next week with Brandi shrieking what she did to Denise. 
I wouldn’t mind a season with the original cast (although I’ve had enough of Kyle to last me forever) I would be interested in an original cast season for NY and OC too.


Potomac is currently my favorite. I feel like most of the other franchises are stale. 

Edited by Chatty Cakes
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Watching the Season 2 RHOP reunion right now. And it is interesting to see how far everyone has come. 


And Gizelle suuuuure was feeling herself sitting in the main seat. Liked Charisse still got her.


And yep...Watching Ashley here vs her in the new season so far. Night and day. She is so irritating here. Part of the reason I didn't mind her karma in Season 4. 


And Karen...the evolution to a true grande dame is just amazing.


@Faulkner, I love it when someone watches a past season and discuss here. As @Cat can attest to, I even go back and read for seasons I get around to watching that I never saw the first time. For me it was RHOM. Keep them coming.

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They did. I believe if I am not mistaken, they aired the first 3 seasons here. They still haven't aired Season 4 here.  And then after a very loooooooooooonnnnnnnnng hiatus they were planning on filming Season 5 this year before Corona hit. 

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Yeah, I had a slightly more positive feeling about Bethenny until I watched S8. Dorinda’s S8 was pretty bad as well, but I was happy that Dorinda held Bethenny’s feet to the fire at the reunion.


Thank you! I love getting people’s perspectives here. I just wish there was more available HW series on streaming (I want to see Melbourne or Jo’burg) for me to dig into.

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True but unlike Rinna, I don't see Gizelle getting away with her antics this year. Candiace already threw her under the bus about the plot to spread that lie. Monique and Karen are ready to eviscerate her come reunion time, and I expect Ashley to jump on board as well come time the Michael affair part 1000 pops up again. 

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Rinna is not necessarily getting away with her antics on BH this year either (thanks Garcelle + Denise!). But regarding Giza Rinna on Potomac, I always think "This year Gizelle will get exposed" and every year Gizelle ducks accountability and Andy continues hyping her up. By pitting Candiace against Monique, Giza has pretty effectively diverted attention from herself. So far. 


About last night's episode:


Gizelle's girls do not trust Daddy Chocolate and that is a red flag. I still think Gizelle is 'with Jamal' for a SL or to get her new house paid for.


I know it is early days with Wendy and she is still presenting herself to the group and the audience. I liked when she talked about her Igbo roots and her love of public policy -- you can tell she is proud and passionate about both. But there were times when I felt we were getting Wendy playing the role of 'Dr. Wendy.' Like at the sip-and-see where she tried (and failed) to start something with Karen (Karen moving away to start a convo with someone else

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). And when she stirred the pot with the fraught group dynamics. I don't even blame her for the latter 2 things -- production is def encouraging her to get oar in there. Probably the 'Dr Wendy' persona is a defense mechanism. She has done her homework and knows what happens when you reveal too much about yourself -- these women POUNCE. 


Seeing Karen defend Candiace (who on social media has said the indefensible and sought an alliance with Charrisse) makes me think that Candiace is not ok and Karen knows it and is protecting her. After decades of being gaslit and manipulated by her monstrous mother, Candiace has this rage lurking within her and the women, like sharks, can smell it. That's why they poke her. She is trying to keep it cool, and Chris is essentially her therapist at this point, talking her down. Last year, I thought Candiace was on something that ended up heightening her rage.


Monique was poking the Candy-bear at the sip-and-see but it's understandable. After allying herself with Charrisse, Candiace is now not to be trusted and Monique will not forgive that betrayal. 


Charrisse slithering her do-nothing vile self into that party and then sits there like a bump on a log -- doing f*ck all as usual. She gossips off-screen and thinks that's enough to get her back on the show permanently. As usual, she brings me nothing but a wet patch on a sofa.

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What did Jamal gift his daughters? Partnership in a restaurant? So strange. It was painful to watch the birthday dinner scene. 

i usually don’t like Ashley but I am warming to her a bit this season.


Why did Monique and Char Char fall out? 

Wendy is very accomplished, not sure why she needs the show. Why is the Grande Dame not impressed?

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