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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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See that was what I was afraid of. I didn't know Twitter worked like that.  But...I will bite my tongue for now.


Andy holding someone accountable? *looks in sky for flying pigs*


Definitely. I hope all three (and Dorit) return next season. 



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He’s been more bold in these at home episodes and he makes it very obvious who he likes and doesn’t like. Both times Sutton was on her gushed so much about her and both times made sure to mention she was only a Friend due to issues with her ex and he even asked advice from Garcelle on how to get her ex on board for next season. They usually don’t admit when people are coming back. 

Similarly when Ramona was on a couple weeks ago he ate her up lol. I think Ramona could be in some danger. Kyle will be safe because she’s the last OG, but Teddi I think is going to be on her way out. 

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It’s two days later and I STILL can’t get over Rinna being confronted by Denise for being an awful friend, ending with Denise comforting a fake crying Rinna. The gall of that woman. That got me so heated. 

Then you have John Mellencamp’s useless child saying she was “proceeding with caution” with Denise, like ANYONE gives a f.uck about her.


These women seriously can’t handle Garcelle at all. She refuses to play their game and it truly has them shook every time she speaks up. Garcelle and Denise are ACTUAL friends, unlike whatever Rinna calls her “friendship” with Denise.


I’m not even going to comment on that Thirst Trap coming back outside of saying I’m so happy her looks caught up with her inside. She’s finally now just as ugly And fuc.ked up in every aspect of herself.

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So Candiace is all over the news. Here she is trying to address the backlash from her homophobic tweets! I have to say, as someone who loved Monique, I expected the reaction to be more mixed with this fight. So far everybody seems Pro Monique and now with these homophobic tweets, Cadiance ain’t having a good season at all. She gonna have to slow down with all her [!@#$%^&*] talking on Twitter. I can’t wait til she’s on WWHL!

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How you holding up in the celibandemic? 

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Philippe was pretty hunky, but my eye was on the absailer who guided Leah through the cenote caves!


The scene at Porfirio's spells the beginning of the end for Dorinda, I think. It pains me to write that because I was such a stan of her's, but the lightness of Luann, Leah, Ramona and Sonja going out without the dark cloud hanging over them was really refreshing. I loved the whole vibe -- enjoying the men's company without getting overly competitive or aggressive; when Leah scored with Philippe, there was no jealousy or resentment.. Even with the drinking, no-one got slurry drunk and angry. It set the scene for the rest of the trip because now no-one is going to take it anymore just to placate Dorinda or keep things sympatico. In a way, she's been holding the threat of her verbal attacks and anger over the others in order to keep them in line.


I am enjoying these episodes as much as possible because this is likely the last season we see the Old Gang together (Leah and Her Crazy Aunts is how I've heard it described). Looks like they will shake-up the casting, which is inevitable and needed, but a part of me is still playing a sweet, sad violin for this RHONY group, you know? LOL. Twitter is screaming for Ramona to get fired, but I am enjoying the mother-daughter vibe between Ramona and Leah, as contentious as it is. This is the first season in like 3 or 4 years that Ramona seems invested in relationships with the women.




Agreed. I preferred Jules. She would have had an amazing story for S9 in her journey towards (I hope) independence from her horrific cheating spouse.


Bethenny was awful to her at reunion, saying she preferred Jules' husband to Jules (how lovely) and that she came on the show to divorce (as a SL). Jules's tortured "WHAT is WRONG with you, Bethenny?" really summed it up. Bethenny assumes that everything in the other women's lives is oriented or staged for the benefit of the show -- because that's what she does (or used to do).


Bethenny at the time basically all but acknowledged that she got Jules fired, and that she wanted Luann gone too, but on the latter, the Bravo honchos were like "LOL, no."

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Agreed. The episode got me riled and that stayed with me for a couple of days.


Re: the bold. The gall of Farmer John & the Hat She Sat On expecting Denise to "prove" herself to her. The self-importance (in her own mind) is laughable when you consider her actual position on the show.


I need to watch WWHL where Andy lays into her and Kyle. He has been over the Droning One for two seasons already.


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Well, in tribute to the old, more fun Dorinda...



If you had to guess, who do you think will go? I think there are arguments for keeping or getting rid of all of them, save for maybe Luann and Leah. Dorinda has had a rough season and is doubling down on her bad behavior on social media, which isn’t endearing her to fans. She seems particularly vulnerable for the ax and deservedly so. Ramona has had a reckoning coming for years, but there’s a sense that she IS RHONY. Her relationships with the others define the show. It just depends on how deep the producers feel the problem lies. If they want a full reboot, she’s the one to go. Sonja’s a fan favorite (her “I have an unstoppable pusssaaaay” was hilarious), but all the talk of her mixing of pills and booze is scary. But I think she’s the least expendable of the older ladies other than Luann.

To me, it’s either Dorinda or Ramona (or both) going, a return of a veteran HW (Jill or maybe Heather), and 1-2 new younger HWs (and more ethnically diverse) coming on. 

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It’s so interesting to see Bethenny transparently throwing her weight around. This was the nastiest Bethenny ever (her behavior in the Berkshires was sooo out of line—and she DID steal Luann’s hairdo lol), and I know she was dealing with GYN health issues at the time. But when Bethenny told Sonja that “I want nothing to do with you” over TipsyGirl-gate, you knew it was to jeopardize Sonja’s position on the show, which Dorinda actually sort of aided and abetted by cutting Sonja out of the Berkshires trip.


Jules *really* got under Bethenny’s skin. Bethenny even admitted that she isn’t usually affected by what people say, but when Jules said Bethenny uses humor to hurt people, that really hit her in the gut. It’s funny: I saw that Bethenny was angry on Twitter that Jules called Carole “irrelevant,” but Jules nailed it there too. All Carole did that season was nuzzle her twentysomething bf and ice out Luann. And she had zero impact at the reunion, aside from being Bethenny’s loyal yes-man. 

There was no way Bravo was cutting ties with Luann with the juicy Tom drama ready to explode. 

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Doesn’t Teddi have a sickly baby? She should focus on that and not her reality career. She is terrible at it.
Why does Kyle laugh like she is having the time of her life at her stupid antics? She is not amusing or funny. 
Erika is a very pretty lady but she looks so dumb in many of her getups. 

Andy should cast one of Mauricios girlfriends!

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Oh man! I loved Dorinda's little sayings. One of my faves (which she told Jules in S8) was "Ramona is a dog that bites. I'll pat her on the ass, but I'm not touching her on the face."


I agree that Ramona is the OG of RHONY and that alone might save her. However  the hate for Ramona on Twitter ihas been real the last few weeks. I think both she and Dorinda are on the bubble. 


Without either of them on the show,  though, I think that would leave Luann unmoored. Sonja, too, to an extent, but Sonja is less of an introvert when it comes to interaction with newbies.


I don't see Jill coming back. I think she is still somewhat blackballed by the network  



I never really got past Bethenny's behaviour in S8. I've said it often on this thread so I'll try not to repeat myself, but I found her bullying of Jules, Sonja and Luann egregious.


The scene where Jules at the restaurant talked about her eating disorder and how she had fallen off the wagon, and Carole snd Bethenny were basically freaking out at her honesty was a standout. They couldn't handle how Jules took control of HER story for once, after they had thin-shamed her and tried to carjack the narrative. Considering the stories out there of their own food/body issues (the rumor was that Bethenny was on Adderall to keep her weight low, which may explain her constant rage back then), their attacks on Jules were v low. Carole was a bully's lackey, palling with the Alpha female, having them to go after her enemies, and cheering them on from the sidelines.


I also think when Jules called the women 'menopausal mamas,' that enraged Bethenny who always defined herself as the Young One. Hence we got a full season of FIBROIDS and blood on the pillow, because Bethenny wanted to remind everyone that she was still technically fertile and bleeding every full moon.

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I skipped S8 because work stuff had consumed my life around then (2016 - what a year that was), so I missed a lot of the discussion that obviously happened here in real time. Forgive me the rehash. 

Bethenny can kick rocks. I think she makes great reality TV (her Berkshires rant was sh!tty behavior but spellbinding to watch) and can be genuinely hilarious and fiercely perceptive. But nope... I could only tolerate her if she could accept not always being the (hypocritical) voice of God on the show. Which would mean a personality transplant.


Carole....pffft, lint.


It’s just funny that sweet little Jules was the one who sent B over the edge, but I guess her presence (beautiful, younger, dark-haired, rich Jewish girl who was thin) triggered her. She wasn’t an unsympathetic Kelly Bensimon whom Bethenny could just steamroll. And Bethenny saying Jules reminded her of her mother was such a diversion. Bethenny deploys her fücked-up childhood so manipulatively.

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