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I... enjoyed the Reunion 

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as toxic as it is so far, it is watchably toxic (unlike another Cali franchise I could mention).


Kelly came into Reunion primed to go after Vicki from the very first minute, and so Vicki decided to go after an ant with a sub-machine gun. As always with Vicki, she WENT THERE with hearsay and gossip. People are shocked, but this has been Vicki's M.O. for many seasons. It has also been Tamra's. OC is the Survivor of the RH franchises. However, I was also glad to see Gina, Emily and Shannon telling Vicki & Kelly to cool it with the toxicity and attacks. In the past, we have never really seen other HWs speak out in favor of curbing the viciousness. 


Vicki lost me with not just the cocaine comment, but also the "Michael said it was 14 years of hell" comment, which was plain mean. And judging by Kelly's reaction, I am starting to think I am wrong in thinking she might be on the coke. Kelly was so adamant about it, in a way that suggests she was unfairly accused. Moreover, her getting Michael on the phone was a good move from the POV of the audience because he totally had her back. 


Gina, surprisingly, acquitted herself well this first part. She was on point, good with her answers, and said more than Emily, Tamra or Shannon combined. I wouldn't necessarily mind if she got a second season now.


As for her ex Matt, the streets have been saying that he is (A) movie-star gorgeous, (B ) maybe had an affair, and (C ) maybe had an affair with a dude. And just to make that clear, this is totally Vicki-style hearsay and no actual proof of fact! 

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He is extremely attractive. Way more attractive than Gina. He clearly was having an affair. 


I also agree Kelly came to the reunion guns blazing at Vicki, which she should know by now Vicki has no problem going to the gutter when she feels attacked.

Edited by Antoyne
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Basically tho Vicki knew Kelly would come after her for the double date thing, and she didn't have a leg to stand on in the fact that she didn't really care about Kelly's feelings when setting up Michael on a date. So she smeared Kelly. And the more I think about it, the more bad Vicki looks. Kelly should know Vicki is going to smack back hard, but Vicki looked bad with what she basically admitted was retaliation alone. I kind of felt for Kelly after a while because it's clear she is sensitive. This isn't just a Survivor like game for her. Maybe it's good that Reunion this time around drew a line in the sand about what is acceptable to say on the defensive, and what is just toxic smearing.


It's a shame for Vicki because she had a good season... but she kind of messed up that goodwill here.

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From what I saw...it's just rumor for now on Twitter. re: cancelling RHOD. I know that over on TT one of the commenters had mentioned Cary's blog in the comments. So a few days ago, I was playing catchup online since I no longer have internet at the house and saw on Twitter that there were links to an article mentioning that coming out of the reunion that D'andra was out. I saw also that LeeAnne gave a thanks to one of her cast members but she haven't named who it was. I don't think it was Kameron...though her and LeeAnne appear to be thick as thieves still. So I do wonder what went down at the reunion. And Bravo is being extremely hush-hush over what went down. So yes...I really could use a trailer as well. lol. 

When I was on Twitter, I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw this. And LOL as well.


Another show that needs to drop a trailer. 


What I found interesting is that Bravo did not even really advertise the first part of reunion being on Sunday at all. Or they made it sound like RHOA wasn't coming on and that OC was paired with Dirty John. Or...I think you get what I am getting at. I was fully expecting it to air in its usual timeslot. Bravo over OC already??

Gina's ex is worth the google.  





You know what? That was good. Eva vs everybody was worth it. It made me think of the time the girls were on Shady Phae Phae about the due date for Ayden. 


That said...


EVA. I thought she held her own. Did everyone see the looks Marlo was giving her though. You could practically see Marlo's jealousy over Eva getting that peach. So no wonder she started this mess. HOWEVER...when Nene isn't even still up for you and she was your way onto this show...you might want to watch your back. In any case, she was messy and I was actually rooting for Kandi, Marlo, and Cynthia. And just wait until they see what she has been saying on the show. As Porsha would say...'your a$$ is in the hot seat!!!' when the reunion gets here.


NENE. Shame on you for not having Eva's back in some way or form or fashion. I hollered at your shade though. 


KANDI. Yep...go on and tell Eva to own her sh&t. LOL!!!  


PORSHA. The best I can say for her is that hey, she's happy. And she was fun with her digs and looks during the game.


CYTHNIA. Keep paying Eva no mind.


SHAMARI. Still liking her. Though I see word on the street (@Giselle) is that Ronnie didn't like her revealing the open relationship talk.




I see Marlo was kinda jealous of Tanya, too. She might have met her fashion match. lol. And I have to say...I like Tanya so far. However, I still want to know the tea she will be dropping in Tokyo. The anticipation is too much since I heard NOTHING. lol.





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This might get me into some trouble. Why? I actually liked it. Or more specific, I liked that Viki fought back. 


Yes, we knew that Andy would bring up the Michael situation. And yes, I liked that Tamra, Shannon, Gina, and Emily were trying their best to get Viki to see how bad she handled that situation (and broke girl code). However, Kelly was picking and picking and picking. Maybe she thought she would be dealing with the weak Viki that has been at the last two reunions. And what usually happened when one housewife picked and picked on another housewife a la Wig v Kenya? That's riiiight...Viki brought her to tears. #yepyoutriedit


Now...like the saying goes...a hit dog will holler. Kelly recovered just fine from the coke comment just fine and should have let it go. Instead, she started to get really upset over it...opening herself up to Viki verbally KO-ing her with the Jolie comment. NOW THAT was low and I DID NOT LIKE Viki saying that. #nevercomeforthekids Still...none of it would have happened if Kelly had maybe come at it differently like what the other girls were doing with Viki. 







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OC Reunion Part 1


I enjoyed it for the most part. Both Emily and Gina were far better than Peggy and Lydia last year at the same time.


Vicki gave several lethal blows to Kelly, but the Jolie comment is what knocked her out cold. And that made me dislike Vicki. It was a really bad look. Kelly should have stopped poking the bear, because it was bound to happen.

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Yep. And she even had the first 5 minutes of Reunion devoted to Andy telling her that Brooks duped her like Dirty John! 

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 This was Vicki's triumphant return from the wilderness years. But bless her heart, Vicki never changes and never learns. She doubled down on the David-hits-Shannon/Eddie-is-gay stuff in S11, and we got 84 years of nobody talking to her as a result. Now she pulls the exact same stuff with Kelly. Luckily for her, Kelly is not half the cast, but still... girl, you gotta pick your battles. And you gotta go after someone with some semblance of truth and proof! That's how Tamra gets her targets -- she is able to hit them with unpalatable truths and not just stuff she makes up.



omg this so much. I break out in hives at the thought of Meghan, Lydia and Comatose Peggy.  The cringe was real.


Image result for RHOC Meghan gif

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Considering Peggy was going through breast reconstruction surgery during filming and probably was on pain medication... calling her comatose is kind of misguided.  With that said, if I were her.. I would have opted to sit out for season 12 and tried out for another season once the procedure was done.. and she wasn't on pain medication, etc.  Seeing how my mom was during her breast reconstruction surgery... I don't know if we what we saw in season 12 was Peggy at 100 percent.  I think she either should have been given a 2nd chance.. or been put on the waiting list for another season.


With that said, I say keep Emily and cut Gina (her voice sounds too much like Bethenny.. and her personality is grating like Bethenny's.  There is a reason I don't watch the east coast housewives much anymore because those voices are like nails on a chalkboard to me LOL).

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I get where you are coming from, and as someone whose own mother went through her own medical issues and slow & uncertain recovery process, I should have been more aware before using that word.


I still don't think Peggy was a fit for RHOC. Maybe it was the recovery process that blocked her from connecting with the others, or maybe we had a group of personalities which just did not mesh. Certainly none of the other women had much warmth or sympathy towards her. And I think that is one thing that turned me off last season -- none of the women seemed to have real warmth or empathy with each other. I think that's why I am warming slowly towards some of the women this year -- Gina emanated empathy on Sunday's episode, and so did Emily. I also liked how Kelly was Shannon's biggest supporter this season.

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 I feel ya. That's how I felt about Meghan for 3 long years. Will try to temper my gushing.


Changing the subject, but has anybody heard any news about Season 5 of Melbourne? It's usually around this time they start promoting it. I've been missing it lately and really enjoyed S4.


And TT has an article about how ATL's ratings are tanking, but Bravo does not mind because it is increasingly focused on attracting a younger female demo for ad sales. The article was interesting for many reasons -- 1. because it indicated that Michael Beck and his Don't Be Tardy crew had been replaced by a female producer and another team. And 2. because all that talk of the Young Female Demo took me back to the early 2000s, when Daytime soaps started casting young sexy looks over talent and sidelining its older, popular characters (and imo started on the road to cancellation and ruin).


Since the RH franchise is essentially an evolution of Daytime soaps, this development is interesting to me. It explains why there has been so much Porsha and Eva on ATL this season (even though Porsha must be approaching 40 at this point). I can see they are already steering BH to towards this demo. I hope they don't touch NYC though: I love all those women, and do not want to see Ramona, Dorinda, Luann or the others sidelined for some newbie whose only qualification is 'younger.' 



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That could explain why OC cast Gina and Emily, who had young kids.  Most comments on social media said one housewife with small kids would have been ok.. but not two LOL  And a lot of young moms I know that watch the OC told me they enjoyed the Andales scenes much better than the mommy and me stuff (since they couldn't wait to get to an age where they could go away without worrying about their kids LOL).



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