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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Not seeing a dragging here.  I'm waiting for someone to really stick it to Ashley and there is a lot to toss at her.  Her husband does not want her, (not eve has a beard), he doesn't want any kids even tho she's trying to trap him into more money, her settlement will be significantly lower, her mother is a leech and taught her everything she knows, etc...

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YESSSS Don't let her get away with it, Monique!! I am so glad Mo is holding Ashley to account. Not only is she a giant hypocrite AND a bad friend (friends don't let friends drive home after drinking), but she set out to destroy her with this.



You're not seeing the dragging? I thought Monique was like a dog with a bone, she didn't let Ashley outtalk or outbark her one bit.

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Before I go to RHOC, I must say that Karen is a national treasure, bad wigs and all. I’ve supported her 100% and I don’t care about her problems with Ray! Some housewives don’t show their husbands, their kids and keep all sorts of things secret. I think she revealed enough to women who clearly DO NOT like her. The pizza thing and constant interrogation was disgusting, especially from Robyn whose broke ass was ready to fight if you got in her business. I hope she destroys those monsters at the reunion!


Now with RHOC I’m still finding it slow but I enjoy some of it. As a group I find this collection of women to be a little dull but I’m not hating it. The two new women I’ve completely given up on but I find Shannon fascinating and I’m loving watching her progress. She’s like an 80s soap heroine. I’m not interested in this feud with Kelly and Vicki. We knew they’d fall out eventually but this isn’t who I wanted to see Kelly fight with. I like Vicki as well but she was so clearly wrong and so clearly does not care that Kelly is upset. She just doesn’t wanna take any heat. 


Hopefully they’re building to a good middle and end to this season. 

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I said a dragging because from this clip, the small promo Bravo is airing, and the trailer for the reunion that it's clear that Couch Left is going to digging all up in Ashley's backside. 


Speaking of which...


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A moment of softness from Gizelle. Very nice I admit.



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Definitely. It looked too staged and Michael isn't a convincing actor. 


Potomac and NYC have served me everything I've needed from a Housewives show this past year. Kinda sad but appropriate that they're both wrapping up now. I still don't hate Ashley but I'm not stanning for her. At least she doesn't come off as an ugly hater like Gizelle, Robyn, and Charrisse. I finally warmed to Candiace on the season finale episode, ironically. She can stay another season for consistency, now that she built up a little bit of a camaraderie with the vets. Karen's dismissive behavior towards Ashley at the rooftop party (in October! They wrapped filming quite awhile ago in comparison to NYC!) had me rolling.  Karen's front she puts up is just funny and entertaining. We can laugh with her instead of at her, unlike Sheree Whitfield. There's creating an illusion, and then there's delusion. Karen is the former; Sheree the latter. 


OC definitely feels like a chore to watch in comparison. I feel like they're already stuck in a story rut, so something needs to jolt things up and switch it around. Kelly Dodd, I feel like she's made it three seasons by default because the other newbies were dull as dishwater and made no lasting mark. She can be funny and mildly entertaining, but overall she's very sloppy and messy and blurts out horrible remarks without ever thinking first. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Video of Candiace and Gizelle filming has surfaced, which makes sense considering her wedding is next week. There is also a rumor Katie may be back as a FOH which I’d love, but same thing was said for last season so I’ll believe it when I see it. 

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Agreed. I'm way over Kelly Dodd at this point.


To reinvigorate the cast, how about *whispers* Lydia. Heather. Gretchen. Alexis.


Why Lydia? Lydia unfairly took the fall for last year's fiasco, but she did get under Shannon's skin, plus she managed to get the franchise rid of that horrendous stepbot Meghan.

Why not? I can't deal with another Nobleman launch/ball-snipping party for her boring husband.


Why Heather? Dynamic, snobby, has a watchably-irritating, receptionist-shagging (allegedly!) husband. Plus she has unfinished business with Kelly Dodd.

Why not? I can't deal with another four seasons about that effing half-built McMansion and that effing porte cochere.


Why Gretchen? Because it would make Tamra go BA-NA-NAS.

Why not? It's Gretchen. And it's Slade.


Why Alexis? Now that Jim Bellino has dumped her, I would happily watch Alexis trying to make another go of it on Fox 5. At this point, they would probably have her as a serious pundit on Fox NEWS. It's National Booty Awareness Month, guys! Also, the prospect of a balding Jim Bellino going apeshit on Tamra and Shannon is made of win.

Why not? It's Alexis. 


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@Cat I definitely think Lydia got hosed and as annoying as she could be I do miss Heather! It just seems she was so difficult to work with they wouldn’t have her back. Gretchen and Alexis I feel are too trashy to bring back but I’d be down for Lizzie, Jeana or Lauri again even just as a friend. 

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I'm liking RHOC so far... it's in the process of a rebuild.  It's a different breed of a housewife show than NY (thank god) and Potolomac.  Its a family show where family is equally in focus with the non family stuff... and I'm sorry.. I'm liking Kelly sticking it to Vicki.  Vicki needs to go, she covered up Brooks cancer.. and that actually bothers me quite a bit.

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Its a family show but many people rejected last season which was built more around separate family scenes and not group scenes! And I’ll say even Peggy and her family life was more interesting than either of the new wives. Their personal storylines are zzzzz so far. I wonder if things will change when Tamra’s younger son joins later on. She mentioned he’s 18 and will be appearing. 




Tonight Andy responded to fans on twitter suggesting Kenya on RHONY and said “Now that’s an idea!” Whether or not it would happen is anybody’s guess, but interesting he’d even mention it. Could be a good time for Kenya to join with Carole leaving. You can easily get rid of Tinsley as well and there’s no telling on if Luann will be full time with all her issues. I’d certainly entertain it. 

Edited by Chris B
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