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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Carole thinks she is some kind of downtown style leader. It's hilarious that she thinks the 'girls' [(c) Luann] are jealous of her and that fug body tatoo stocking. No, Carole, they're just turned off by your stank attitude.


She was on WWHL last night sounding bitter and dumb as [!@#$%^&*]. The other guest used the term DIY and she had to ask Andy what that meant.

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I've always felt a little sorry for Kyle, even as I often wonder why I should (I guess it's partly because of her upbringing and partly because some of the people who were against her, like Brandi and Carlton, were so awful), but she really is a vapid moron (and good luck pushing those TV projects now). Given her abusive relationships with her mother and sisters, I guess I should not be surprised she's there to help another Kim.



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I can see both sides of the Sonja issue. On the one hand, it's tough seeing Sonja enter parties putting on a brave face and all the women shunning her and giving her the evil eye. Sonja seems to have aged exponentially this year. At times she looks grandmotherly. I don't know if it's the aging facelift, but I feel like she is worn out and depressed; the pretence she has kept afloat for years is coming off the rails. She barely believes her delusions anymore but she's still floundering in them and can't pull herself out. Everyone around her has evolved but she refuses to. I can see why Dorinda has lost patience and Ramona has outgrown her drinking buddy.


However, they are far too harsh with her. Sonja seems so fragile and vulnerable, and her two friends are climbing on the Carole and Tinsley bitch train. Dorinda purposely got Tinsley riled up and it was not a good look on her. At all.


Carole remains awful, bitching about Ramona's party. Girl, your marathon run just isn't that important. Maybe you'd be happier hanging with Hipster Mumbling Man-Bun and nibbling some rabbit food.


Tinsley making that classic sophomore mistake of targeting another HW right off the bat and looking like a desperate beeyotch. She's a vapid piece of lint.


Luann was DELICIOUS when she asked Dennis how he met Bethenny and then apologised in that icy, elegant way. And that little smile. Sometimes B need to be reminded her hands aren't so clean.

That was a beautifully worded, spell-checked apology penned by Kim's lawyer! I'm so happy to know Kim doesnt discriminate -- when it comes to [!@#$%^&*] rich guys of any race, colour or creed.


Heartwarmimg too to know she is paying lawyers $$$ when her hubby is literally unemployable, they have 17 children and her show is hanging by a thread. Bravo won't like that she shut down production on Tardy! Idiot.


Despite myself, I like Kyle too sometimes. She's human and her tragic dynamic with her sisters explains a lot with her. However, she needs to follow John Legend/Chrissy Teigen's lead and step away from KZB. She has no business commenting, and the sloth will only drag her down and taint her by association. I can only assume Kim's lawyer needed a house in the Valley and called begging for a favour.

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Well worded apology from Kim... yet I always believe that an apology means nothing without a change in behavior that warranted the original apology.  Before the bathroom tirade, she could have played up being ganged up on.. since she was in essence... but she is her own worst enemy and I doubt she will come back from this even with an apology unless she changes the behavior.


Dorinda herself could stand to get some therapy since she's a hostile angry person.  Unlike most in here, I've never warmed to her because I could see the rage boiling beneath the surface.  She should check herself into rehab because the girl cant handle drinking (she's a mean drunk.. and those are the ones that shouldn't be drinking).  I do think she hasn't moved on from the death of her love, but she can't say that they would have still been together if he hadn't died.. no one can predict that.  She's basically frozen in time, still in love with him, and only dated John because he was the opposite of her late husband.  I also can't forget her blaming Kristen and other women for John being a pig.


With that said, Sonja could also use some therapy as well because I think the delusions she's been harboring since the 4th or 5th season have now started to affect her outer appearance.  I still recall in season 4, Kelly Bessimon (sp) remarking how Sonja's townhouse was in shambles and wondering why no one was bringing that up to her.  I recall the other housewives shushing her.. but in that moment, I knew that the Sonja we saw in season 3 and 4 was probably a front put on for the cameras.. and that what we're seeing now is the real Sonja.

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Wednesday she shut down production on DBT and summoned her lawyers in a fit of pique towards Bravo for not backing her up at Reunion! In no way did she believe she was wrong for her remarks -- if anything, she thinks she's the victim. Judging by this latest IG post (clearly not written by her), the lawyers sat her down and put the cold hard facts to her: she risks being decimated by Bravo/NBC Universal legally and professionally. Plus she will lose her show (the Biermanns' only source of income) and all associated income opportunities tied to that show. 


ITA that based on Reunion alone, she would have come out with her career intact and coasted on the idea that she was unfairly ganged-up on. The bathroom comments put a stake in all that. Her true feelings came out and they were ignorant, racist and ugly as hell.


She won't change her behavior because Kim never admits she is wrong in anything. Her entire bathroom tirade was all about how she is in the right and life is so unfair. Even in the IG post it states "I truly pray that the people wishing horrible things on others, and on me, channel that energy into something positive. Our world would be a much better place if you do. I am committed to making this world a better place to live. I will continue to learn from, and be open to, ALL people." NONE of this is about HER changing her behavior. It's all about OTHERS changing their behavior and her 'continuing' to do what she's always done.


I haven't quoted it here but IA with your remarks about Sonja and Dorinda. Even though I love Dorinda. And Sonja! Both women have their issues and are very relatable in their flaws. Dorinda is clearly still v angry about losing her husband but never dealt with it. And Sonja cannot accept that her Morgan status and lifestyle is long-gone. Both need to work on these issues, but I fear that while Dorinda has a chance, Sonja may be too far gone. Psychologically, she just cannot deal with what is happening to her. She can only deal by shutting it out. And that's why she can't move forward.

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I watched it and I must say I see exactly why the DA dropped the charges about her uttering threats. There was nothing about the “I’ll kill you” that would satisfy the criminal standard of a threat. 


Luann said “I’ve done nothing wrong my love” a dozen times, wasn’t really aggressive given that she was arrested and was clearly drunk. This whole thing seems ridiculous. 

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I watched the BH reunion last night and honestly, I don't think I could be around someone like Dorit who literally has no regard for the truth at all. She's similar to Kim Zolziak in that it doesn't matter that they're being filmed, they still deny what is literally shown coming out of their mouths. That would literally be the absolute worst.


Erika Jayne...god can she just get bored with this show and move on. She's so snooty and humorless, there's nothing enjoyable about watching her.

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Yep. And Gizelle is wasting no time in turning it against her next week. Candiace was naive in telling ANY of these women her financial business. Even Karen told her to not to say anything. Gizelle tells no-one about the alimony Jamal Bryant pays her, I notice -- or where he gets the money from.


I also noticed that now Charrisse is now tattling about Monique to Gizelle. I'm sure this will be news to Monique.


Karen is the gift that keeps on giving. When she tried to put on sunglasses to distract from that expanding hairline, and when she smacked Candiace's hands away and barked 'I GOT IT, I GOT IT' lol.

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