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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lawd!  Monique slayed!  I mean, SLAYED!  The great thing about her serving The Green Eyed Bandits was that it wasn't from a mean hateful place.  She was telling the truth.  And verbalizing Gizelle living off of tithes?!  She has my heart now!  Gizelle had no comeback.  Pointing out Gizelle is a liar was just icing.  There were replays to back up everything even Robyn lying!


Then there's Robyn who believes America is so worried about her well being.  No bitch!  We are embarrassed for you!  


Karen continues to be the lying liar who lies!  She didn't bother to mention that the house sold for almost $1mill below asking and almost that below market. Trying to say the women weren't coming from a good place with their concern?  Why should they, old bitch?!  Can't stand this poser!  


Ashley still my girl!  But Charrise will remain on my chit list until she stops talking like that!  Its awful!



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I'm so glad this show is back, as lowkey as the opener was. In a way, it is too bad Heather and Terry are gone, if only to see their new house and see her get her long-awaited comeuppance. Kelly Dodd was on E! News (or whatever they call it -- FYI, it's not really news, lol) and said that Heather was asked back in a FOH capacity and she got offended and walked. Since then, she and her former BFFs have distanced themselves from one another.


Shannon has definitely... gained some poundage. She is also clearly transferring her issues with David onto Vicki. Looks to me like David is once again disinterested in his wife. Shannon is so unhappy, and it is not because of what Vicki said last year. Her SL is the most watchable right now, though. Also, her new house is not as great as the one with the basketball court, which was SPECTACULAR.


Tamra is quick to repeat certain self-help/I'm-Chrishun-yall stock phrases, including the ever useful "God has a plan for me" which can be inserted into almost any conversation! However, apart from that, I... liked Tamra this episode? Voice of reason, especially with regards to her friendship with Shannon and calling out the truth. I also liked Tamra on WWHL afterwards. She answers any question, seems like a good sport about her face-lift, which along with her haircut looks great! BTW, I would never have recognised her in those flashback shots from her prom/knocked-up years. She looked like her mom in a permed wig. That is a lot of plastic surgery Simon paid for! Yikes, I need a Tamra intervention, @Nothin'ButAttitude !


Vicki is going to lose me damn quick with this "I'm still in love with Brooks" nonsense. That "bad boy" is not James Dean on a motorcycle, Vicki. I just do not understand why she is still thirsting after that tubby, balding, slimey turd. Also did Vicki say she was 54?? She is younger than I thought.


The fact that Meghan is on her THIRD season with this show is mind-blowing to me. Now that there is no Heather to call out on her hypocrisy, what role is there left for Meghan? I did melt when I saw her adorable baby, though. And I've always had a soft spot for Jazz Hands, so seeing Jimmy coo over his little girl was sweet, too.

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Maybe Tamra is serious about finding Jesus...she does seem calmer...and she was at Sydney's graduation per Instagram.


I think Shannon moved to start over fresh...but as I learned from watching the tv show Sisters.  You can move houses, but you also bring your problems with you along with the furniture.  I hope for some fun scenes of Shannon with her three girls.  Her oldest Sophie has grown up!


Lydia...i just love

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Vicki...she needs to stop mentioning brooks...or im praying to God that she gets demoted come season 13.


And I'm glad Eddie asked T amra not to meet Vicki.  I'm sick of the contrived gatherings...and people being angry having to be in the same room.  The thing that made all the old fights and drama pop..wad that it was organic and not so contrived.  Vicki and take a don't film much together this season...so I hope the show uses the anticipation of a face off between Vicki and tamra...as must see tv.


And I think the group vacation should be one of the only times all the housewives should be required to be together.


That's why I'm not into RHONY this season...they are always together and very little is shown of their lives.  At least Jules had stuff to show last season with her kids and marriage.

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I've only seen about half of RHOC so I can't comment just yet except to say it looks like another exceptional season for the little engine that could. I see the first episode is higher rated than the highest rated episode of the current NYC season. I love how well this show does with very little promo from Bravo. Looking forward to it! 


Now as for that trailer for Dallas....horrible. As a Texan whose been to Dallas many times it is just terrible. They do not represent Dallas or Texas which is an incredibly diverse city and state. I'd be okay with it if the ladies were interesting, but they just aren't. I'll give it a go with the first couple episodes, but that trailer didn't excite me. It looks like more of the same.

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I actually thought the Dallas trailer looks exciting!  I'm looking forward to it.  I love the new housewife's mom.


I think Dallas is more like this cast than any other Texas city.  It totally fits the stereotype of Dallas that you'd hear from the rest of the state.


I think they got Married to Medicine Houston 100% correct in terms of diversity and how the city is represented.


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Hmmm... do I want to give Dallas another chance? 


They are def trying with this trailer. But I feel it might add up to a whole lot of poop again. The only vaguely Texan moment is when they trotted out that girl's mother barking in Texan about "the bizniss." Other than that, this could be set in any medium-sized city in America. 


Also Leeann Locken bothers the everlasting sh*t out of me. I'm not even surprised she's gone for a flesh-eating illness SL this season. Victimhood, thy name is Leeann.


Interesting that they don't show Brandy's husband. Last season it seemed clear he was ready to bolt.


I guess I might watch if they don't stretch the season out to 24 episodes.

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Yeah, that's a big NO to Dallas. I was iffy on Potomac's first season, but glad I stuck around for all of the second season. I couldn't even make it through half of Dallas though. The women were vapid and shallow and the fights were sh.t. Literally. No thanks. 


I liked OC's "soft" premiere too. It was a nice reset, focusing more on individuals, their family life, and one-on-one friendships. I wonder if toxicity levels will go up once enemies are forced to film together. Despite their bickering, Vicki and Tamra seemed to have a genuine friendship or at least the understanding of maintaining solid unity for the sake of the show. Interesting/sad that they did not communicate with one another in between seasons, and Tamra said on WWHL that they've barely communicated since wrapping filming. 


I like that Lydia is back. Some may find her obnoxious (and hopefully the bible study classes is just a one-time thing to launch her and Tamra's "reconnecting") but I like her, and she is very much a voice of reason, calling out the crazy that is all around her. As for Meghan, she grew on me towards the end of last season and I don't think she'll be so bad. She'll have Lydia as someone to bond with over raising children (and being slightly younger than the other castmembers). 


I like that Vicki has a new man. Good God, I hope the mention of Brooks was another one-time thing to bridge the previous seasons into the current one. Glad that Briana approves of the new man. Vicki doesn't want to die alone, and hopefully this'll be the man she can eventually be buried next to (boy, that sounds morbid).  Side note: Lighting is always Vicki's best friend or worst enemy. The harsh ceiling lighting in her office shows off her rough skin and makes her look haggard. Then at home, the soft warm lighting makes her look flawless at 54. 


Shannon. My goodness, what a wreck. First of all, her marriage to David is on the rocks once again. He seems detached (and probably grossed out) from her. She really needs to get over the "I hate exercise!" and just do it. Learn to love it. Once you get a routine going, you'll find yourself craving a workout and feeling incomplete when you don't. The first couple weeks are always the roughest. That dress in the opening is so unflattering. She has the look of discomfort. That uncomfortably plump look. Perhaps it's because she refuses to buy new clothes that fit her new & unimproved body? 


Well, she makes for great trainwreck TV, and I'm glad Lydia is already calling her out next week. Crazy Kelly, the OC edition, is okay I guess. I couldn't remember where she last stood with her hubby. They're married, right? Or are they divorced but living together again. Anyhoo, this season looks promising and I'm glad they have a large cast so the ladies can bounce around from friendship cluster to cluster. 

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The (rainbow) voice of reason will strike next week!


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I love seeing Shannon put in her uppity place by Lydia!  Shannon simply cannot take someone standing up to her and speaking truth to her. The fact is, Shannon and Vicki are identical. In reaction, temper, neediness, and delusions. Delusions of grandeur on this show (both feel they are the queen), and delusions in terms of the men in their lives (or not, in Vicki's case, sigh). Shannon running off screaming "I'M FUCKIN DONE!" by the bouncy castle full of young kids (and that deadbeat Ryan if you are eagle-eyed) was

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, but I wish she didn't resort to the dramatic walk-off all the time. She really cannot take a word of dissent from anyone.


Having said that,Shannon is the most watchable HW on the OC; she really puts her problems out there, and they are compelling and sometimes relatable to watch. In that sense, she is the most dynamic driver of story on the show. 

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I loved the soft opening...this show is like your favourite pair of old denim. Comfortable, tested tried and true, and never lets you down.


Shannon is an absolute wreck. If she wants to lose weight I have a suggestion: divorce David - an effortless way to lose 180 - 200 lbs. It is incredible that somehow this is all Vicki's fault when it was clearly explained that Shannon told Vicki about several incidents that she said happened with David. If Shannon made them up or embellished them, that's on her, not Vicki. Shannon needs to realize her marriage is over or is doomed to be unhappy and tension filled. I look forward to Lydia's rainbow getting up in Shannon's grill. Much as I like Shannon's house I wonder why she's still renting. 


Tamra's facelift looked AMAZING on WWHL. Much as I want Tamra to go down for all her evil ways I enjoy how she lets it all hang out. I also admire Eddie for being candid about his distrust of Vicki. These two communicate. Good for them.


Lydia is back and I love her house. She is upbeat and sincere. Let's see how she does this season.


Meghan is back and I don't care but I enjoyed Jimmy being sweet with the baby who is super cute. 


Kelly is still a hot mess but I find her to be good TV - she's too explosive for real life but I appreciate what she brings to the table TV wise. 


Vicki, it sure has been a while OG of the OC. I can't quit Vicki. She's been around for 12 years or so - a long damn time in my life! I didn't like her mentioning Brooks, but it was context specific. Steve seems like a great guy so I hope she doesn't screw that up. I love the look of her kitchen.





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Going by my past viewing of RH shows, and the fact that Shannon and David sold their AMAZING house quickly and at a possible loss -- I'm going to say financial difficulties is the reason they are renting. Shannon is heir to an I Magnin fortune and her father is a major donor at USC, but maybe business hasn't been good to David in recent years. Which could explain why there is further tension in the marriage. 

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NYC is filming their reunion today.  Seating chart is:


Tinsley - Carole - Bethenny - ANDY - Ramona - Sonja - Dorinda - Luann


They should have swapped out Sonja and Luann and it would make perfect sense.  I don't get why Sonja is so close - she isn't driving story at all - she's actually a nuisance this year.

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I think it is b/c Lu didn't really have much this season outside of her marriage to Tom. Besides that, she really took a back seat to everyone (minus Carole). Carole is another one, who should NEVER be seated in anything other than the last seat. Only seasons she truly deserved 2nd seat were seasons 6 & 7 b/c of her rivalries with Aviva and then Luann. 

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