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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Season 9 was Cynthia's redemption and she was the ONLY housewife that actually prospered whereas the others took a dark turn


Kenya - No one was here for her storyline with Matt. It was draining and the parallels of abuse seemed exploitive especially when she could have just walked away instead of continuing this for a storyline

Porsha - telling ugly lies acting like Phaedra's puppet. The drug and rape conspiracy allegations is probably the darkest thing this show has had to deal with and really brought it down. Recycled Kenya's old storyline but not as interesting

Sheree - she has always been messy but kicked it up 200%. Nothing about her read organic as she sloppily carried bones around, stayed in other people's business and was the cause of 90% of the fights. She and Bob werent fun or endearing and clearly was her angle for a plotline

Kandi - Kandi was retaliative but it did come across as messy as she was leaking tea that we as viewers probably shouldnt have been privvy too. It was almost like breaking the fourth wall. She also came across angry and very aggressive, more so than she had in the past. She was being defensive and i cant entirely blame her, but it showed an uglier side to her

Phaedra - fake ass bitch. We always knew she was but she got really exposed here. More lies, messiness, plotting to destroy her ex-friend's reputation, acting like she's above the mess, yet in the thick of it. The final reunion truly exposed her for the evil snake she is.

Cynthia - she got a chance to redeem herself after last season where she came across bitter, lashed out and seemed unhappy. Here she got to move on with her life and made peace with Peter as they ended their marriage. She is in a good place with her business, her daughter and genuniely seems to be happy. Season 9 was a win for Cynthia Bailey

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OC had Jeana at one time. 


NY lost Heather (even though she was preachy), but I guess Dorinda has taken her place to an extent.


Eileen would say she is the grounded one on BH....


NJ is a [!@#$%^&*]-show now that Caroline is gone.


Cynthia also made a point on the final part of the Reunion, and today on the Bravo site, which was this:


"My heart went out to Kandi. She had been battling the lies that Phaedra and Porsha said about her all season. It's really disgusting and sad to see grown women make up blatant, disgusting rumors about each other with absolutely no remorse, receipts, or confirmation of truth. I honestly believe that if the vicious lies don't stop amongst our circle, it will be our downfall. There should be limits morally and legally as to how far you are willing to go to try to hurt someone and their family. I was grateful to not have been affiliated with this garbage in any way. Thank God the truth finally came out, and Kandi was vindicated."


Obviously gossiping about other HWs is part and parcel of those shows, but slander for revenge's sake -- because you are protected by the no-sue clause in the Bravo contract -- has gotten way too vicious. I'm not just talking Atlanta and Porsha, but also BH where Lisa Rinna was like a machine gun of slanderous comments. Unfortunately, unlike Phaedra, I don't think Rinna will be fired for being a loose cannon but rather celebrated by TPTB. Because she was 'open' about it.

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 When Cynthia mentions downfall, she's not talking about her group of friends but these shows as a whole.


@Cheap21 100% agree with your assessment of each HW this season.

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I still don't care about Kandi. She was still a messy, stank face, a.sshole this season BEFORE the drugging allegation was even uttered.


Honestly I get why people were happy about Phaedra's downfall, but I didn't mind her. Who I still can't stand is dumbass Toyota, who threw her alllllllllll the way under the bus to save her job. The fake hysterics, all of it was complete bullshit. What happened was Porsha realized her job was in jeopardy staying on the sinking ship with Phaedra so she said deuces. I didn't buy any of that s.hit she was trying to sell.


And Kenya sitting there like a pig in s.hit. Girl you're still a messy, lying, dumbass bitch, who hits low and then tries to play the victim when someone retaliates.

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I do agree with Jeana....meghan on season 11 was grounded...pregnancy made her logical and calm...who knew lol


Rhobh...adrienne in s1 and 2.


Rhonj.....delores came closest since Caroline.


On Ny...sober Dorinda...yes. 


I think Vicki on OC should have been fired...she crossed the line in season 10..and again in season 11.


Rinna...thats a tough one.  None of the women would want to film with her to make her get fired.

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LMAO IKR?! Eileen is not objective whatsoever. Perhaps if Rinna weren't around I'd agree with this but she is so... I'd probably give the title to Kyle. She's been on the wrong side of the audience to many times to ever try and be anything but neutral and objective. Still hate her though.

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lol I'm not saying I agree with it, just saying Eileen would probably nominate herself as Voice of Reason of BH, even as she attacks Dorit and Eden in order to deflect from Rinna.


Speaking tangentially of Kyle, in another example of Great Parenting, one of Kathy Hilton's spoiled, entitled crotchfruit got his ass arrested trying to break into his girlfriend's mom's home and steal her Bentley. TMZ has the video of him screeching gay slurs at the police, then he tells one of them "I’m Conrad motherF*CKING Hilton, and don’t you forget it.” 

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 Robert Shapiro is going to defend his ass in court. #OJMemories #SixDegreesofSeparationRHOBH


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Crotchfruit. Ha! 


I will say one thing: I don't think Rinna was wrong about someone doing coke at Dorit's. Was it Dorit doing coke? No. Was PK? Eh. Were some guests? I bet so. When Rinna asked Dorit again at the reunion if people were doing coke in her home at the party, Dorit's facial expressions betrayed her words of "No." of course, I get saying no because SHE wasn't and because any doubts could alert child protection services etc. etc. but I don't think Rinna pulled that claim out of her ass entirely. 


(Sidenote: geezus my spell check refuses to accept "Dorit" as a name!) 


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I am sooooo annoyed that they have successfully redeemed Bethenny and that I like her again...I'm nervous though because from the clip showing the whole season it looks like she does get back involved in all the Luann and Tom [!@#$%^&*], which is never a good look for her.


Ramona Singer is absolutely off her f.ucking rocker. Like I've seen every season of the show and always thought she was a little off,  but this season she has reached new heights of delusion and narcissism. That conversation with Bethenny at the bar was one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed on this show. 

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The Conrad Hilton fiasco really gives one pause about how Kim always says Kathy is the "good sister"...well you don't see Kyle's kids in court or getting arrested. I dislike Kyle and all her crap, but she's definitely been loaded up with a serious burden with her family. 

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Judging from the courtroom video, Conrad Hilton is struggling with serious mental illness. I'm stunned that Kathy Hilton has not sought major treatment for him until now --- the focus seems to have been on sweeping this under the carpet. Sound familiar? 

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 He's been apparently stalking his ex-girlfriend (who is only 21) for over two years -- a fact I only learned of this week. This is incredibly sad, for her who is forced to live her youth in fear and under protection. This affliction of hidden addiction seems to be a running theme in the Richards family.


IA @DaytimeFan Kyle and Mauricio seem to have provided a real childhood and home for their kids. By all accounts, Kyle's eldest daughter from her first marriage is also very well-adjusted and works as a realtor with Mauricio. I've not always been Kyle's biggest fan, but as far as providing a nuturing family environment, Kyle is untouchable imo. She really thought about what kind of life she wanted to give them. I wonder if Kim and Kathy's obvious disdain of Kyle is actually resentment and jealousy that she carved out a happy family life for herself.

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I am beyond annoyed, too. Bethenny was a BITCH last season and basically tried to crush Luann and get her kicked off the show -- all because Luann got engaged and stole Bethenny's thunder. But I am Team Bethenny when it comes to Ramona.


Ramona is f*cking nuts. What was that gibberish? Is she trying to pick a fight because she knows Bethenny is no longer popular with the audience? It's all so random and contrived. She's always been borderline with her utter lack of social skills, but now she looks full-blown high. I wondered if that was what Dorinda referred to when she said Ramona was "emotionally heightened." Also, I don't know whether it's her eyeshadow or botched eyelid surgery, but those Crazy Eyes look a mess. I didn't love the Brenda Walsh choker digging into the thickness of her neck either.


Really liked Tinsley this episode, especially when she talked about getting married at school. Next week looks fun with her makeout session caught on camera! 

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 I feel like Tinsley is still emotionally and in her head 17 years old.


Carole needs to burn that brokedown sofa. I don't care if Lee Radziwill gave it to her (and I love LR).



Oh, I def believe there was something going on. Dorit's non-denial denial and the look on her face when Rinna first mentioned it belied that. In these circles, both on BH and NY, coke and other things must be rampant. Those ladies are media stars and get so much stuff for free -- including illegal sh*t. HOWEVER. I don't think Dorit is a raging cokehead. Just because some dude had coke on his nose at this party doesn't mean Dorit should get blamed for it. And the whole point for Rinna to blurt it out was to destabilize Dorit after she held her own against Erika. It was the equivalent of Rinna pinning Dorit's arms back while Erika and Eileen take turns hitting her. Even if it is 100% true, I think Rinna is a miserable, hungry old cow for trying to get her in trouble with the authorities.


It's like Cynthia said. At what point do these housewives stop making up increasingly nasty rumors? When do they start showing receipts to back up their allegations? When do they start showing remorse? I don't think I have seen Rinna show one iota of remorse. And she will keep throwing mud at anybody in order to keep her job, even as she fails to realize how much it harms her on the show. The audience can no longer trust what she says.

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Agreed, and thank goodness Cynthia has stuck it out on this show because I've come to find her way more refreshing to watch than half the other women on ATL nowadays. She was boring and kinda desperate to make waves her first couple years, but now she fits so naturally and is a sturdy anchor in the sea of housewives craziness. 



NYC: I'm finding this season okay so far, but nothing is really WOWing me. Indeed, Ramona's picking at Bethenny re: "soft porn" and daughter Brynn being accosted by Barbara Walters on the playground, seems too contrived and forced for the cameras. I like it better when the Big B & Big R are friends versus foes. 


Whatever work Ramona had done during filming does not look good, nor does whatever filter or lens Bravo is using on their talking heads. It makes Ramona, LuAnn, look too shiny and haggard. Ramona actually looked amazing a couple weeks back when she and Alex McCord (who still looks good, still kinda weird; some things never change) were on WWHL. Not sure if it was a combo of better makeup, softer camera lens, better cosmetic work, or what, but she looked really, really good at 60. 


Still, this season is making Ramona ugly, and the fact she supports Trump (and was quoted by another WWHL guest saying at a party, "He's gonna build that wall! He's gonna do this & that...") makes me not support her as a viewer. We'll always have "Turtle Time" though... 


Sonja's little jabs at Tinsley "stealing her friends" is too petty to even try to morph into a storyline. Just stop. I'm not sure what the real deal is with Tinsley's living situation. Does she really have no other place to stay in NYC? Is she really just a full-time Miami resident? She's nice, but seems like she's a generation younger than everyone else (and I just googled. She's 41, Bethenny is 46. If someone told me Tinsley was 31, I'd believe you). 


Thank God for Dorinda. 3rd season in and her personal story still seems fresh, and she's still a joy to watch. I liked the bonding scene with her daughter and parents at Richard's gravesite. The daughter still needs to work on her makeup and choose an entirely different lipstick color, but overall very nice and I loved the grounds of their Berkshire home. 


LuAnn's sister has the same smoky voice. "Love the lace. I love lace..." Ha! 

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