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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I did find it interesting that Kenya and Todd called Porsha out for acting because she's not really crying... and she really didn't, until after she got backstage.  But in the moment, she was "crying" but her crying brought no tears, which is interesting...  


Phaedra literally had zero emotions tonight.  


I love Cynthia... go on girl.


Also - Potomac is just boring, I wish I loved it more than I do.   :/  


Gizelle's make up is literally the worst.



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Phaedra got DRAGGED and it was glorious. I loved Andy finally turning on her as she was getting called out left and right. She was such a liar and couldnt even keep things straight. Ive never see someone obliterated quite like her at the reunion. I loved the peanut gallery of Kenya, Shamea and Todd commenting on her BS




Scratch what I said a few weeks ago, Robin looks dumb as hell. Her situation was fine if it were strictly platonic but she clearly wants more and keeps redefining what she and Juan have based on his actions and trying to keep up appearances for everyone else

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Phaedra should be fired.  Falsely accusing someone of rape is a crime and Kandi should press charges but I know she won’t. If this accusation was made against a man folks who think this isn’t a big deal would be signing a different tune. She should lose her license. Phaedra has no credibility, zero morals and if I was a client of hers I would drop her in a heartbeat. What I found interesting is that even after it was revealed that Phaedra lied, Kandi was still very unwilling to reveal everything she knew about Mr. Chocolate. All bets should have been off at this point. For 2 years Kandi knew that Kenya was right about Mr. Chocolate (and other men) and she sat back and said nothing while Phaedra continually called Kenya a liar and slut. Phaedra was dragged but it could have been so much more justifiably worse. Everyone should have called her out but they mostly kept silent with Kenya smirking and Cynthia’s few words of advice. Forget advice. Time to get gansta on a b.itch! It’s in that moment I missed Peter.


As for Porsha? Trash. She should have been fired 2 seasons ago. Bravo lost their credibility when she wasn’t fired after dragging Kenya by her hair across the reunion floor. She continued initiating physical altercations with people and Bravo did nothing. Her entire reaction was an act which she got better at with producing actual tears. When Andy asked if Pheadra and Kandi's friendship would recover and Kandi kept silent that would have been a HELL NO for me. Phaedra still got off relatively easy in hindsight.

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Press charges for what? Phaedra didnt accuse Kandi of rape. Porsha didnt either. Not only that but Porsha didnt file charages against Kandi  (bc again she didnt accuse her of anything). No crime was committed and Kandi would be wasting her time

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Kandi does have a really good defamation case. All Phaedra needed to do was tell one person and Kandi has a suit. Porsha wasn't lying when she said Phaedra told her 3 times that it came directly from Kandi. 


Sheree was actually watchable because, unlike Kenya, she didn't treat this whole mess as a personal vindication while pretending to care about either party.  Kenya as the little chorus was so annoying.  Cynthia was awesome and you knew she was talking from the heart.  It was despicable what Phaedra did and she should have known better.  She must have really wanted to hurt Kandi to something so trashy.  And I truly believe Porsha thought the accusations were true because they came from a friend. When Porsha hit Kandi with it at that table, she was talking as someone who just revealed a dark secret.  I didn't see the original scene but I saw the playback.  When Porsha first mentioned the drugging and rape, I thought she was lying, just like everyone else.  Phaedra said nothing.  WOW!


If Shimea became a HW, she would not last more than a season.  She doesn't strike me as someone who gets nasty and dirty for a paycheck.  Much like Kim Fields.  She has her limits.  


ETA:  I still loathe Kandi!

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Robin is such a bore. She just keeps repeating the same old "you should mind your own business and talk about something else", when her situation with Juan is BASICALLY HER WHOLE STORYLINE.


Ashley needs to fix her own messy life before fixing Charisse's or even Giselle's.


Monique is growing on me with each new episode.

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Yup. Just as I thought last week. Robyn's nice, and her and Juan are sweet, but that's the story. Every talking head, every story beat. This is all she got. 


Yes. Ashley is stirring the pot for the sake of the show, and it's looking a little desperate. 


I think Monique is the only one I really like, and she's the newbie! She's not into the B.S., she's smart, funny, and confident. 


Gizelle keeps making herself look like the old haggard have-not who's jealous of the new young rich girl who has it all.


Karen is just a poser; I don't take her seriously. Everything looks put upon for the sake of the show, and her husband and son know it, and just smirk and deal with it while the cameras are rolling. I loved when the potential buyers kept saying her house was outdated. It definitely looked like it hadn't been updated since the 90's. 


Chaarriissee... ugh. I still think she's stank. And quite literally, on Gizelle's back porch, she was hiding some massive wet pit stains on her blue top; half-way through the conversation, her hair was magically covering just the right spots to cover up her sweat stains. She, like Porsha's mom on ATL, needs to learn to cover up her arms. Charrisse is another poser, and I LOLed when she gave that awkward speech at her sad party. 


I think part of the reason I watch this show is because I don't like half of them so I just spend the hour making fun of them. 

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You're right. At the very least Kandi can sue Phaedra for defamation of character and she will win. Phaedra admitted the lie/rumor came from her so that's an admittance of guilt. When she tried to backtrack Porsha came at her hard and she admitted she used "bad judgment". Kandi has a case if she wishes to pursue. At any rate the bitch is gone, per TMZ.  


After reading Nene's tweets, if she always knew that Phaedra was such a fraud since she debuted then why did she try so hard to befriend her when Apollo went to jail.  Nene always has selective amnesia. Bravo always plays a clip where Nene is looking like big bird in that horrendous wig when she visited Phaedra at her home. Phaedra boo hoo-ed that out of everyone Nene was the only one who was there for her. Nene was very friendly with Phaedra and Porsha. It's not until the trip to Jamaica? where Nene showed up unexpectedly and both Phaedra and Porsha distanced themselves from her then Nene started saying she thought all three of them were cool and she didn't know why they turned on her. Now she wants to act like she was never friendly with Phaedra. Nene can have several seats.

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Yeah, if there's one thing we can count on from Nene, it's inconsistency. After years of dogging Sheree, she's been her champion for the past couple years. Kenya's another one where she's back 'n forth. I'm all for letting bygones be bygones, but she's definitely a fair-weather friend. I see the OG's (NeNe, Kim, Sheree) teaming up against Miss Moore for season ten. 

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I am so glad I tuned in to the 4th part of the Atlanta reunion! I was bored by the other parts and didn't think this would deliver. However, the way Phaedra was exposed was so damn satisfying! Like a longtime wrong was finally righted.


I sort of understand Phaedra's initial motivations for revenge: she lost Kandi as a BFF when Todd edged her out and had Apollo's back. And then there are Don Juan/Mama Joyce who do Kandi's bad-mouthing for her. However, ruining Kandi's rep with accusations of criminal behavior? She's lucky she didn't get slapped with a lawsuit. I cannot possibly see how anybody in the legal or political community in the US will associate with her now that she has been exposed so thoroughly. All that was missing from the episode was proof that she was the brains behind Apollo's fraud crimes! (Though Kandi practically provided an Amazon link to Angela Stanton's book).


Porsha is the luckiest bitch on this show. She stays slandering others -- and hitting others -- with no consequences. I'll bet she'll be back on the show next season. I'll be shocked if Phaedra is.


I liked the ending with the birthday cake. I know people think Cynthia is a bore, but I like her. She seems nice, she is beautiful ofc, and this season she finally shook off the albatross that was Peter and gained independence. I need somebody calm and grounded on these shows to balance the evil and the cray.


With that said, as messy as Nene is -- I am ready for her to return in a fulltime capacity.

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