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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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@Nothin'ButAttitude DEAD at Melissa realizing she was irrelevant. Yep! With that said there was a bit of rewriting about the finale. Teresa and Melisa went in there with their guards up but Jaq's attitude was stank. She was ready to fight and the way she talked at both of them necessitated her getting cussed out. They all were to blame so Im not here for anyone acting like the injured party


Chris Laurita looks EXACTLY like his youngest son. Them some strong genes he passed on.

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RHOC Reunion

Surprisingly lowkey first part. Maybe because all the women were guarded. The Three Witches were careful not to overreact -- I assume because of the backlash they've been getting on social media?? lmao. I did notice Heather pull her Jutting Jaw of Discontent at one point -- she must be absolutely livid to be sitting out in the boonies. Other than that, she had barely anything to offer. Seriously -- Meghan's embryos got more Me Time than her.


Even though I am against The Three Witches on principle, I am pleased that Andy brought up Crooks. Suck it up, Vicki -- your refusal to clear up your role in the whole mess just makes people ask more and more questions! Having said that, I don't give The Witches a pass. They've been dragging and crucifying Vicki for two seasons now, desperate to have her kicked off the show. She has been their whipping boy. I'm so glad she told Shannon to "get off my show!" even though the context fell flat.


Tamra is being super-careful not to lose it; I personally cannot stand to look at her gloating face. I cannot believe we got a segment about Tamra "the peacemaker." Are you kidding me? Were we watching the same show? Tamra screaming F*CK. YOUUUUUUUUU!" in Vicki's face is now a meme gone viral!


Shannon's bloated neck circle literally fascinates me. I cannot get over the change in her appearance. I know she's gained a bit of weight since her first season but this.. this looks like stress weight. All is not well at Casa Beador. Maybe Shannon is taking the social media backlash personally and can't deal with her loss in popularity. Her claims about Kelly's 'affair' made her look ridiculous. Kelly didn't care and shut her down. On the whole, Kelly held her ground well, but the problem is that she cannot out-strategize The Witches. In a way, that's what makes her so winning -- the spontaneity of her attacks. However, it also exposes her weaknesses. She doesn't have a big vocabulary and therefore cannot always snap back with the smart digs. Also her bee-stung lips (literally -- they look painful) are distracting. Her nose job is all wrong for her face, too. Sorry to be bitchy but it's true!


I hope they get to Ireland next week -- I need The Witches dragged to Dublin and back.



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I was totally on Teresa's side until that delusional bitch said Jacqueline and Caroline called the Feds on her. She totally lost me then. So dumb, just so dumb. Otherwise it was a pretty lame reunion




Im not sure how I felt about the premiere. It came off way more staged and fake than it usually does. The ladies just don't come off as natural at all at this point, which makes it hard to enjoy. 





Shannon has gained so much weight. And it was really weird and creepy how invested she was in the time that Kelly was separated from her hubby.


Kelly was absolutely the MVP. She's not the brightest but when she's sober she can keep up with the bitchy trio. Absolutely looooved when she said, why should I fight fair? I really hope she comes back next season and they give her and Vicki some allies.

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Heather caught with her pants down, pulling all the diva behaviour she can to try and get Kelly fired. Heather is so full of crap. Her neighbourhood won't let her film at her house so what good is she? She says the restaurant walls were paper thin so Kelly's language could be heard by everyone as a reason for why she left...while screaming F*CK at the top of her own lungs? Nice try Heather. 


As an aside, Shannon is huge. She is incredibly bloated or has put on 30+ pounds.

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What I like about Kelly is that she gives ZERO f--ks. Like when  she went in on Shannon and Shannon got all shocked. Kelly was like "who said I was going to play fair?  Excuse me, are there rules?" I was DEAD. She owns her sh-t, does not play victim and I can respect that

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Sheree v. Kenya is a match made in shady Heaven. The exchanges and shade between the 2 is hilarious. As I've said before, I truly believe that these 2 like each other and know they need each other to remain on the show. 


Good to see Kenya/Phaedra drop their daggers and be civil to each other. It grew tiring watching these 2 battle it out over nothing but unfounded lies. 


Porsha thinking that Kenya shouldn't've kicked her out is ludicrous. You pulled this woman by her hair. You charged at Cynthia. You attacked Jami. I wouldn't allow you in my house either until you showed me you changed. 


Momma Joyce is a hoot. She sees what everyone else has long been saying about Phelony. Phelony is a big ass liar and should be sitting right next to Apollo in jail. I thought it was hilarious that Joyce got a talking head too. 




So glad this is all over. All I gotta say about this half of the reunion is Melissa/Joe were exposed. Chris/Jaq backed their asses in a corner  numerous times. Melissa getting all angry and flustered while Jaq remained calm proved it. Just shows that maybe Melissa did orchestrate Jaq v. Tre, so that she wouldn't be the target again. 


Tre is a dummy. This reunion further highlighted that. She should seriously consider being a mute. Also, when she said that Kathy, Rosie, and her Aunt Maria were a disgrace to her family, I felt sick. No one is whitewashing any of their wrongdoings, but Tre has a major issue with owning her crap. That's why I will NEVER like this b-tch, and I hope Danielle dismantles her ass (if she is brought back) after getting done with Jaq and Melissa. 

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IA, I think Kenya and Sheree are enjoying the hell out of this 'feud.' It is so obviously made for the cameras. I have to imagine RHoA stepped in to 'regulate' the SLs because apparently last season took about 3 years to film lol because they were scrambling around for story. Still, Nene must LIVID about Sheree holding a peach this season and her not being on the show. That Bravo cheque would have come in handy with the IRS.


I know we talked about Shannon Beador's weight gain on the OC... is it me or has Phaedra added curves to her curves too?


I am really warming to Kenya this season. I think it is unfair that people are attacking Moore Manor and the fact that it was partially incomplete when the party went ahead. It took her less than a year to renovate from the ground up. Contrast with Chateau Sheree which took over 5 years and may not yet be habitable! I am worried about this Matt SL, tho. Matt is playing the passive-aggressive game with Kenya, and it is NOT a good look on him. The fact that Cynthia and Kandi were highly unsure about him in their VTs is a warning signal.


Mama Joyce was hilarious and the truth about Phaedra IS long overdue -- however, Kandi getting her mom to be her mouthpiece was shady.

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