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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Shannon set her up last night. It was so obvious. Even Tamra had the same sentiments. 


Shannon is gonna be so despised by the end of the season....


Plus, Vicki should've bitch slapped David when he had his finger in her face. It was disgusting. What I also find disgusting is that Meghan (in her blog) thought it was OK. Then again, I guess she's used to it. I'm sure Jimmy keeps his finger in her face all the time when he's scolding her ostrich neck ass.

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I didnt like the way the show started bc I thought I had missed an episode! I had to double check that they didnt air two this week.


Meagan: "Will you be able to facetime or do you not care?" Nah, he doesnt care. I know I sure as hell dont. Her storyline is so cringeworthy. She's trying so hard and its obvious he has checked out of hte marriage.


Shannon sickened me crying to David about people being mean to her. I usually like him but shame on him for getting in Vicki's face. I dont like men getting in female drama like that


"No wonder why you cheated on your wife!" Go Kelly! DEAD!  That mess was crazy

Edited by Cheap21
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Shannon played her card the wrong way! She's almost as bad as David is at hiding an affair. If she wanted to play the victim then she shouldn't have revealed the stuff the girls told her about Kelly's alleged affair. That came so far out of left field and revealed that she was trying to start something. I only wish Vicki had gone as hard as Kelly did. I also wanted it to continue. Kelly SLAYED and she is going to murder Shannon next week. This season is sooooooo good and that is thanks to Vicki, Kelly and to a smaller extent Tamra. Megan is useless and needs to go, period. Heather is good for the wealth and snootiness and I CANNOT wait til Kelly digs into her ass later on.

I do have a question about a spoiler I read about RHOC:

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So Bravo is airing season 2 of Melbourne and I caught tonight's episode. Honestly because of all your comments, I already don't trust this Lydia woman but even in this episode it seems there's something suspect about her.

Ill comment as I continue watching it.


This take down of Luann is super annoying. Ramona and Sonja come off as so desperate and jealous that Tom decided he wanted Luann over whatever happened with them. And Bethenny, that dumb hateful bitch. She sas literally giddy that she has some gossip to spread. I can't stand her. Carole surprisingly is still like able when she's not with Beth.


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The foolhardy attempt on dimming LuAnn's shine goes to show was awful, selfish bitches these women are. Bethenny is obviously the worst, with Ramona far behind, trailed by Sonja who just seems so sad and desperate with her comments about engagement rings she no longer wears and yachts she never owned. Why trash LuAnn's trappings of the fabulous life when you have none of them? 


Carole is a lot more tolerable without Bethenny, but this needs to be Carole's last season: she has collected a paycheque and provided absolutely nothing all season long. Not one good scene, not one snappy quote. Nothing.


I am rooting for LuAnn and her happiness. I hope she looks amazing on the big day, gets showered in jewelry and lives a great life - unlike so many of these women, LuAnn is capable of appreciating the good times.

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I think Carole has brought a lot more this season that she's given credit for. The one who has struggled for story seems to be Sonja and Jules if anything, but overall this is one of the strongest casts they've ever had. Everybody is pulling their weight.

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With Sonja and Luann I feel like they both screwed themselves early on. Neither had contracts when the season started which is the real reason they were out of the loop so long. It had nothing to do with Bethenny. Notice how the season started with all their scenes together with them living together. That was all filmed much later, as we saw when they reused that footage midseason to show when Luann actually did move in. That's why they were always questioning if they should invite them to events because nobody knew if they'd be full-time cast members. Then once they did sign on Sonja had the Tipsy Girl thing and it caused a rift with Bethenny.

As for Carole, I've enjoyed her all season as a side kick to Bethenny and I've enjoyed her solo scenes as well. I think she gives good shade in the talking heads and is an enjoyable cast member. I don't need everybody to be brash and sassy. I also like that she's stood firm with Luann. She's accepted her apology but simply doesn't want to be friends with her, which shows like this tend to expect. Yes she's talking about her a lot, because this is a soap opera with continuing storylines and they expect you to bring that up since it's relevant. 

I truly have no complaints with New York this year. They finally have gotten it together. None of the drama is too dark and I feel everybody has been shown fairly. Everybody says Bethenny runs things, but she looks so bad that I fail to see how that is true. 

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Honestly, you could have dropped Carole entirely from this season and it would have little impact on it.  She has not brought much to the table. She tried desperately to make a storyline happen with LuAnn and it flopped. LuAnn's love/hate relationship with Ramona and Bethenny has been much more compelling than Carole trying her best not to film with LuAnn while shading her in her talking heads.

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But how is avoiding filming with Luann desperately trying to make a storyline with her? She seems fine not being around her or talking about her, but obviously it's the main thing brought up. You really think it's her going on and on about her in talking heads? That's what they want her to talk about. It's her main takeaway from last season.

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bc it was attempting to generate a feud. LuAnn was over any issues they may have had before the season started. Carole wasnt. She was playing the victim to make LuAnn out to be the big bad villain that wrong her. She played that up in all her scenes with Bethenny and the other girls when they discussed LuAnn and she kept it going in her talking heads. The only thing she has going for her is her cookbook with Adam, which Im sure she is aware is not interesting tv which is why she kept that silly feud with LuAnn going much longer than it needed. Im sure production prompted her about LuAnn...I know how it works but that speaks volumes to hwo irrelevant Carole is, bc she didnt really have anything else going with the other women. I beleive the only reason she is still around is bc Andy loves her but she is so irrelevant its not even funny.

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I think Luann just knows how to play the game better than Carole. Luann knows you go balls to the walls and do what you gotta do to create drama, but then next season you apologize, make up, film together and go from there. That's what they expected Carole to do, but she is obviously stubborn and not over their issues and isn't going to go for that. I've never felt like Carole was a MAJOR player at the center of anything, but I've always enjoyed her. I feel like it's good having her in the mix.

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Not here for Melissa's fake storyline. Her banter with Joe is so staged this season


Rosie....she's so desperate to be back in the circle. Teresa does not care about you. Let it go. She seems real bothered by her


Delores and Siggy are REALLY working for me. Love their interactions with their kids. D's ex husband is hot. Siggy comes across more likeable here than she does on the Wendy show


I want to root for Jaq and Teresa's friendship but Jaq just keeps waiting for her to fail. Teresa JUST got out of prison. I dont like how she expects so much out of her. She has bigger issues. Ashley was real messy to put it on Jaq's head that Teresa was being fake about when Teresa contacts her



Meagan's story is the worse. The show is giving way too much attention to it. Haha at even her though for assuming that Shannon was in on the setup.


Over Tamra, the Christian Fitness guru story


Let's face it, Vicki gave Briana that house as a gift. Briana ain't paying her back


Shannon is so confrontational. I dont get why she expects everyone to apologize to her. Her Indian comment about Kelly was disgusting. Her clapback in the previous episode about Kelly cheating was so weak bc Kelly clocked her own tea in her first episode

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Last night's episode was pretty blah. Too much Meghan. She's a horrible public speaker. There's just something that's so unsympathetic about her. 


I like Kelly, but she's not the best at confrontation either. She either looks like she's drunk or about to cry, and stammers a bit. I didn't think she stood her ground as well as she could have during her lunch date with Shannon. That said, Shannon is looney tunes, a shrew, a constant Debbie Downer/Negative Nancy, and totally set Kelly up at her Mrs. Roper 70's party. 


I like when Businesswoman Vicki comes out, as she did when she was walking through Brianna's house for assessment. Nice starter home; I'll take that bathroom. 



1.5 million viewers. Dang, even New York is gonna pass you up! 


I like Siggy. Her loud, bubbly personality is cute. Delores is okay. Her look kind of reminds of drag queen Shangela. 


Melissa's Envy store storyline is so tired. We get it; Joe is a caveman who wants you at home, barefoot and raising babies, ready for Little Joe and his poison at any given moment. We've heard this song 'n dance since Season Three. 


Oh, so Jacqueline's middle child still exists? He's hard to remember. Ashlee's botched up face at 25.... Christ, she's following in her mother's footsteps. Jacqueline is such a hypocritical mess regarding Teresa and their "friendship" and next week looks good when Drunk Twitter Jacqueline's messy antics are back on display, mouthing off to Teresa about her legal past yet again. 




Don't forget thirsty Kathy and her dry cannolis. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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