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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Pettifleur is PSYCHO! This is a lunatic who cannot handle the truth. The permanent victim. What a loser. She thinks of herself as strong? Please! She is the weakest of the weak. She is a nobody. She is out to lunch. Despite Lydiot being a total wanker (copyright Ken Todd) she showed how bizarre she is when she couldn't believe that Lydiot came and talked about herself - that's all Pettifleur does! She is the worst housewife I've ever seen. She needs to go after this season. 


Gina was AMAZING with Pettifleur "If you make people feel like sh*t you won't have friendship" and then she went in on Gamble at the second dinner. Gina was so, so frustrated on this trip and I loved her. The make came off and she annihilated everyone in her path. "Who cares if he was checking out her ass? I'd check her ass out, f-ckin' huge! Probably thinking 'what the f-ck is that?!'"


"Go Gina! Go Gina! Yaaaaaay Gina!" - Janet. LOL. It was so cute to see her flirting with the Sheikh (who was hilarious in his own right)..."Nobody wants you here so get up and f-ck off!"...but UGH, why bother forgiving Pettifleur's ridiculous ass. Her united front with Gina, Chyka and Jackie against Lydiot was a thing of beauty. 


Chyka had the giggles at the table during Gina's incredible tirade. Her family is so cute. She and Bruce did great with BJ...pity about Chessie...but 1/2 ain't bad. Her business is fascinating, the style and extravagance. Her outfit at the second dinner was classic mafia princess: black feathers and Akoya pearls for the win. I LOVED the anger of Chyka: "Hate her." That was WRATH at its best. She zeroed in for the kill, articulated herself perfectly and annihilated Lydiot. 


Gamble's theme song was hilarious and she's right to say so much behaviour was not genuine. Gamble's face during Chyka's tirade on Lydiot was awesome - it had to be what all of our faces were, it was a whole new side of Chyka and Gamble's right, she's frightening when angry. 


Lydiot is such a hater. She calls herself a "quiet achiever"? Good lord. Interrupting Chyka's toast was so tacky and vile. She's been caught, caught out as a massive liar and a bitch and I am so glad that it's all caught up to her. She's had this coming for years. Once she tried to implicate Jackie and change the subject it was evident she'd been caught with her pants down.


I like Jackie. I really don't understand the dislike for Jackie and have always enjoyed her bourgeois and brash she is. She brought the receipts ("You want to keep this real? We are going to keep this REAL") against Lydiot as Chyka, Janet and Gina all backed her...Gina and Jackie have never gotten along, and yet this season they seemed cool with each other - and now we know why. 


Susie - irrelevant for the most part, but this episode was her vindication. She was right about Lydiot all along.



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RHOMelbourne E9:



Damn. That was a dramatic episode. All I can say is that I enjoyed Gina chin-checking Pettifleur and Gamble. Both of them needed to it. 


I do believe that Lydia talked sh-t about Chyka, Gina, and Janet, but I also believe that Jackie said some crap too. She is someone that I cannot wait to see downfall. 




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Potomac is the epitome of posers fighting about nothing. But, its ratings were decent since it followed Atlanta so I guess it's here to stay although it's about as relevant as Miami was to the overall franchise. 


Lord, Lord, Lord... CChhaarriissee is the biggest poser of them all. I cannot with her. I think I'll take smug, eye-bugging Katie over her. Last week, she corrected Ashley's "moot point" phrase and said it was "mute." No, just no. I love hearing these Housewives (OC is usually the funniest) use a common phrase incorrectly (i.e. Ramona's "mountain over a hole-mill") but it's even better when one corrects the other INCORRECTLY and acts all high & mighty about it!  And now this week, she gives us the incorrect definition of the word "narcissistic" and maintains that she is STILL correct in her definition even after Robyn looks it up on her phone and gives the correct info. But the "best" part was at the very end of the night when they're getting their champagne glasses ready to toast, and Cchhaarriissee is all, "Ooh wait I have some news.... my husband and I have not spoken to each other since this show started airing" Translation: "Yo Andy, you're bringing me back next season, right???"


Overall, despite Karen thinking of herself as "the star" of Potomac, there's not a single breakout character on this series. With Potomac and Dallas, it seems the "D-List" celeb status of women of Housewives series will be taken down to an F or P. 



Edited by Gray Bunny
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Hey, lay off Miami!  Lea Black is always relevant!!   Besides, Miami season 2 provided what was, IMO, the most entertaining 2 part episode in franchise history- Lisa's Lingerie Party!!!   If nothing else, we got to see Big Brother Beau get tossed into a pool!   In all seriousness, that party was EPIC!

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RHOM season 2 was one of the best housewife seasons of all time. I feel like Bravo really f-cked the show up when they cut Ana and Karent, and decided to focus heavily on Joanna and Adriana's weddings. IMO, all they needed to do was add Alexia back to the lineup and kept that cast of 8 women. 


Bravo always have a knack for pulling the trigger too soon.

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That mess was good! Only 2 parts? I was salivating for more! It was really good and all the women brought it, especially Karen and Gizelle. Im glad Charisse fessed up about her marriage bc it was obvious she was lying



Ive always liked Petty for the most part but I can ride with her anymore. She had m siding with Lydia nad you know its bad when that happens. I have to believe she is being fake bc I cant imagine anyone as selfish and insufferable as her at that age. Id kick her out of the social circle. I lived for Gina reading the f--k out of her like no one has done on a RH show before


I loved Lydiot getting called out in th eend. That needed to happen

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RHOCheshire s3e3: 



Tonight was another good episode. I am loving how the scarecrow  Leanne has finally grown a brain. She has finally broken free of Dawn's grip. However, I wonder why she is so quick to wanna jump on the Misse, Seema, Stacey ship? Is it b/c she finds more in common with them? I don't blame her if so, b/c I find Dawn to be a drag just watching her....


No offense but does Dawn actually think her daughter and her group is really gonna be pop sensation? I personally don't see it. Girl groups are a dime and dozen and none of them have popped in over a decade. Destiny's Child was the last huge girl group and no female group since has touched them in popularity. Not Little Mix. Not Fifth Harmony. No one. I think the fad has not come back and I don't see it coming for a long time. Not in the era where most artists can barely carry a tune. That aside, I do think that the girls sound decent. 


Dawn's apology to Misse was crap. It became crap when Leanne called her on it at the party. It's obvious that Dawn just apologized for getting caught and not for what she said. Plus, I also think in typical Dawn fashion, Dawn went to Misse to play nice b/c she needs allies. Much like in s01 when Ampika and Lauren flipped on her and she eagerly tried to recruit Magali by making up to her but to no avail. Again, I am just glad this season is unveiling to those who didn't see it before how manipulative and calculating that Dawn is, and she isn't even good at it. 




I just can't get into this show. I can't! The excessive talk about feces is gross and not normal. Seriously, Bravo should've picked a better batch of women or picked another city. The Grosse Pointe district in NY, Chicago, Seattle....SOMETHING! I seriously think they should've just revived Miami and called it a day.

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Potomac Reunion 2


Katie and Ashley were the stars of the reunion, everything was about them. They demolished the rest of those heifers. And Michael, Ashley's husband, demolished Karen and Uncle Ben - he slaughtered them as only an Australian can. 


Gizelle is a huge hater and she is so freaked out about ageing and not being considered hot and relevant. I'm glad everyone came for her gossipy ass. 


Charyse is a couch stain and her stank attitude was evident but she was also quite fair with most of the women. That said, her failure to grasp the definition of narcissism demonstrated what a failure she is. 


Robyn...whatever. Glamorous hair system.









I don't give a crap about this show because Leanne sucks the air out of the room. 


Tiffany would have made a good contribution to RHOC - she would have been great in that franchise. 

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I'm not bothering with the Dallas show, it looks a bit ratchet.




This show so far is hands down OWNING the other HW franchises this year. That Dubai trip was glorious to look at -- did anybody spot the overhead camera shot at the beginning of the episode? The camera panned across the desert to the horses and luxury encampment where the ladies were having dinner. It was breath-taking. Loved the scene with the sheikh answering questions about the customs of his country. It was all very luxurious and light-hearted, and you could tell the women were sincerely interested in learning about the Emirates. Chyka's wedding planning also looked and sounded fabulous. 


Gina's words to Pettifleur were so glorious, I wish I could have transcribed them. They were up there with Vicki's dressing down of Tamra at Season 9 Reunion. So much TRUTH. Too bad that none of it sank into Pettifleur's skull of arrogancy [ (c) Lydiot]. Pettifleur is a stupid, selfish, delusional person and it was really sad not seeing any acknowledgement or even evolution in her mindset in the VTs (which were filmed later). She is a royal fool.


The dinner at the end when Lydiot's lies came back to bite her in her arse was so much Day of Reckoning. Lydia has been getting away with nasty gossip for two years and the fact that she was exposed is long overdue (wasn't she the one who started the 'Gamble is a stripper' gossip last season?). And that it was Chyka who did it was even better. Lydia is obviously deeply unhappy and deeply jealous of the other women the way she tries to tear them down to build herself up and attach herself to one HW in order to turn on the other. 

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Dallas looks even worse than Potomac, but their preview for the whole season actually looked promising. I'm on the fence if I want to waste my time; hubby seems to want to watch it and Housewives is always one of "our shows" (except Miami... he watched; I didn't) 

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Well, we know that she gossiped about at least two HWs -- clearly, she boasted that Gina's man, Dean, couldn't stop hitting on her. I, too, think that it was something malicious about Bruce and Chyka. That's so funny that you thought Bruce was gay! I think he is 100% straight Aussie metrosexual. Or let me rephrase that -- he is 100% Chyka-sexual, lol. I really believe in their love story, and think he is one of the best hubbies in all the RH franchises. Lydia's hubby though -- yeah, it crossed my mind. :lol: Definitely.


ETA: Janet implied that Lydia said she had lots of affairs, too. Damn, Lydia is such a Lydiot.

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Well then it's a misread on my part. I do think that he genuine loves Chyka but something about him just makes me go....<_< Again, I am taking your word. 


Again, Lydia can't talk b/c she's bearding and it's obvious. Plus, I do believe that she gets around. I think she's projecting what she does on Janet.


I know this reunion is gonna be a mess. The dynamics of this group are ever changing.

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