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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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"He's a MAN, he's never supposed to turn around... like, she didn't slap him! She didn't hit him! She just... she didn't even call him out his name! So y'all are just pacifying it like he just didn't do anything and I cannot believe y'all acting like that was ok!"


"I just want y'all to understand, like, at the end of the day, Kenya do some crazy stuff. But in this situation -- no, I wasn't with y'all earlier in the day on the boat. But even watching that back, you HAVE to say that dude was saying some crazy stuff. Not just about her, about everybody. And regardless of whether you like Kenya or not -- and regardless of whether she should have said anything as he was walking out the door -- he should NEVER have AGGRESSIVELY turned around, start throwing up gang signs, called her all kind of bitches and like he was going to do something to her! [Sheree: "And he was, probably."] It shouldn't have happened!"




I am more convinced than ever of the righteousness of Kandi's words. No man should aggressively attempt to physically attack a woman, ever. Nor no woman. *side-eyes Poorsha*


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the fact that both Glenn and his 'aunt' Tammy looked coked out of their minds.


Porsha lost me this Reunion (and I was kind of coming around to her this season). The fact that she would play the victim to "Cynthia's assault" is ridiculous She is a dumb thug who beat the crap (or attempted to in the case of Kenya and Cynthia) out of three women that we know of. She is giving it the most at this Reunion in order to retain her peach but honestly, I think she and Phaedra have brought the franchise down (not that I watch RH for etiquette lessons -- which is why I don't watch Potomac -- or how to treat your friends). They should be let go, although I know this will never happen. Porsha inexplicably has lots of fans (I assume due to Dish Nation) and Carlos King adores her for some reason. Meanwhile, Andy adores Ayden (he is wonderful of course) and Carlos is probably waiting for the Feds to arrest Phaedra so Bravo can film it.

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Thanks for posting those Kandi quotes. It boggles my mind that the other three (and Sheree too, I see you trying to backtrack, boo) would defend that man. 


Okay, so considering that Potomac has a shorter season than others, we stuck with it just to see how it'll end. But I tell ya, hubby and I spent the episode ranking who we hate the most and why. Cchhaarriissee wins as both our No. 1 least-liked. Hubby chose Gizelle second, but I had to go with crusty ol' beaver Karen, who thinks she's such hot ish. Katie is next, because I just cannot STAND the way she talks. Is she on valium? The Spring Chicken (Ashley? I always forget her name) is harmless, but her Daddy Warbucks husband is goofy. Robyn is probably the least worst, but I don't get the dynamic of her non-marriage. It's interesting and non-traditional, that's for sure. 


I wonder how long they'll stretch out their reunion. I hope it's not 3 parts. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I see the Potomac reunion being either two parts or a 90 minute episode at the most. I find it refreshing that they only did ten episodes. They need to do the same with Dallas. They should've done the same with DC and Miami instead of cancelling. Just reduced the episode amount. Hell, I think all the housewives shows need to only be 10-15 episodes max. I think after this past season of Atlanta, Bravo might catch the hint that less is more. That's why I love Cheshire and Melbourne. They don't stretch their shows out to the max to the point I am over the shows halfway into the season. 


Only housewife on Potomac I truly cannot stand is Katie. I find her to be an uber hypocrite and a nasty bitch. I also find it odd that she acts so aloof to the other women when her ass is supposed to be of wealth but stays in a damn attached townhouse. Girl, get a grip.  I found it odd that she scolded Robyn and Gizelle for 'bringing up race' when Katie's whole arc the first four episodes of the show was that she preferred white men. :rolleyes: I think Robyn & Gizelle's comment was innocent (and somewhat ignorant) as it is obvious both women don't interact with white men at all. 


I do think that Ashley's husband does a lot of sh-t for the cameras and it is annoying. I'd question a lot of his antics too. 

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Looks like we have another fraud on our hands in the form of Miss. Katie Rost....


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I knew this bitch was a fraud. She just wreaked of it. She's lucky this came out weeks after the reunion b/c this would've given Gizelle, Robyn, and Karen, both who's she dogged in recent episodes, ammo to blow holes into that world she calls a life. This trash stays acting like she's above everyone when she's another petty con artist housewife. I hope this recent event gives Gizelle, Robyn, and Karen tons of laughs and giggles going forward.

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Just a mess. This episode put the final nails in the coffin for Rinna and Eileen. LVP fans on Twitter have been dragging them left and right and rightfully so. 


Everyone knows that LVP is a messy broad. That's her role on the show. If they call her out on her mess early on instead of dragging it on, she'll stop as Kyle said. Eileen and Rinna constantly bringing stuff up along with the exhausted Munchausen story does them no justice. They looked petty as f-ck throughout the entire episode. Especially, Eileen. LVP apologized her. Just because it wasn't how Eileen wanted it doesn't mean she did. I am glad that Kathryn is the only one that sees it is a cultural difference. Anyone that knows Europeans know that they aren't as in touch with their feelings as we are. They aren't gonna sling boogers and tears in their apologies like we Americans do. They just don't. For Eileen to be such a well-traveled woman, she should know this. 

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Thanks boo! I will tell y'all all about it afterwards!


Actually, I am glad about that! As much as I generally dislike Kenya, I have always thought that if Nene and Kenya were to form an alliance, they would be a very powerful duo. So, I ain't mad about it. And, if Nene is back next season, I'll be very interested to see how this impacts the dynamics going forward. 

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OMG, these soap bitches are so dramatic! LOL. Sh-t kicked off. Its kind of ironic how Eileen talks about Lisa manipulating Rinna to say stuff and she pushed her to bring the bulls--t back up bc it benefits her. I do believe them though bc I do believe Lisa is lying and wish she would just own up to it. Eileen lost me though when she went back to the affair question. In the words of Frozen





Erica on Rinna: "THIS BITCH......girl, stop" LOL


Kyle was crying and found a way to bring her sisters into this to deflect. Ugh! You can tell she wants to tell the truth but is scared to go against Lisa.



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She brought her entire glam squad with her and she ended up looking like that?

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Oh what an ugly episode for so many involved but the worst by far for Eileen. She came across as incredibly petty as she brought up The Affair, yet again, with the same song and dance that fell flat as a pancake. The issue Eileen seems unable to not grasp is that LVP already apologized, Eileen already said they were good (after LVP said "you're sure? Because I need to be really f*cking good with you!") and it seems Eileen has brought this issue up in every single episode since The Affair was mentioned. She needs to Let It Go but she just cannot because it's the only storyline she's got this year.


Rinna didn't bother me as much but she's got this bad habit of using SoCal Therapy Speak buzzwords. You could make a drinking game out of her use of 'Own It' 'Authentic' 'Real' 'My Truth' 'I Never Lie' and 'Scapegoat'.


Kyle managed to wail like a banshee and make everything all about her and Kim and how screwed up they all are - it's a real skill. I do think Kyle has a friendship with LVP that she values. 


Kathryn made all sorts of sense in saying it's a cultural issue between LVP and Eileen and The Affair and subsequent apologies. Erica did as well - they both seem to have the rational sense that Eileen lacks and don't seem to take any validation from an apology. Considering how these two fought they've been incredibly civil to each other on this trip. 


I didn't notice LemonLyme this episode and that was a godsend. I will not enjoy her Xanax Picnic with Kim and Brandi next week.


LVP took a hit this episode - but Kyle's indifference to the conflict softens the blow. Who knows who is to be belived because both angles benefit the respective women's stories and images. A simple truth is this: LVP is the master of this franchise and genre, she was made for it. If she did try to implicate Kyle maybe there was a reason - or maybe she wanted to amp up the story - either way a crappy thing to do to Kyle...though I'm sure LVP would feel more than justified given their history. 


Eileen and Rinna really bet on the wrong horse (themselves) in this season - the fact is they both have needed LVP for every moment of story they've had all season. But antagonizing her doesn't do either of them any favours in the long run so I hope the momentary storyline was worth it. 



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I like how the women grouped themselves on the bus... Season 1 vets Lisa V & Kyle,  Season 5 soap queens Rinna & Eileen, and Season 6 newbies Kathryn & Erika. It's kind of symbolic of how this trip is going down. The vets stand together, the second-year soap queens are doing all the instigating and whining, and the newbies are watching all the cray cray unfold in bewilderment. 


In all honesty, all the cattiness and nit-picking from Eileen and Rinna is borderline hard to follow. I'll give them props for trying their darndest, but Kyle ain't poking the big bear known as LVP. All in all, this was some ugly Season 4 crap, and I hope this will wrap up soon. I hate when I no longer enjoy Beverly Hills because it's probably my favorite alongside the original NYC years, but this season has taken a real nosedive. Not sure how our soapy favorites will fare next season. You've pissed off the Queen Bee... 

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