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Sheree was hilarious! I love that we caught her under-the-breath comments so often. She actually looks a lot better than I thought she would, based on the brief preview clips. They cut away to her a little too often, like they were trying to make it seem like she had beef about someone when she really didn't. And like her season four reunion antics, she is constantly picking at her dress! I've never seen a Housewife adjusting herself on the couch as much as she does, hahaha. 


Now you know if Ford Focus were putting money in Sheree's son's account, Sheree would be ready & able to make a withdrawal... :) 


All in all, the reunion was amusing but nothing epic. Lots of cattiness with Kenya vs. Kim and Kenya vs. Phaedra, but that's Kenya.... I liked Kim's one response to Kenya's comment (was it when they were comparing careers?) and Kim simply replied, "I'll just let social media discuss that one." Well done, Tootie. 


I wanted Kandi to go in a little harder on Phaedra for her stank comments about Todd, but perhaps there's more to come. Waiting for Miss Linnethia! I hope she and Sheree acknowledge that they're cool now, but flashback to their fabulous showdown from season 4 reunion. 

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When did Andy drag her? When he said, "Oh I'm not Kim Fields," or him calling her out for texting during the reunion when Kim was rambling on and on? Those weren't drags. Those were poor attempts of Andy's bitchy ass trying to inject himself into the drama. It just showed how much of a twat he is, and how too involved Andy gets in the women's business. He can't even be objective anymore. He needs to step down as host of the reunions. His biases are becoming too obvious and has been for years. It's obvious, his agenda last night to make Kim Fields 'so fetch' even though ALL the women sat on the sofa and openly said that Kim don't need to be on the show as she brings nothing to the table. Honestly, I'd prefer if someone like Wendy Williams host future reunions. At least her ass is objective and will equally call out everyone. Andy NEVER calls out Phaedra or Porsha on their mishaps, but stays on Kenya and even Nene at times and it is total bulls--t. I was glad when Kenya finally took a shot at him b/c Andy stays throwing shade but expecting no one to throw it back.


Honestly, I think all of the women, with the exception of Cynthia (who didn't talk much) and Sheree, came off as unfavorable. Yeah, Kenya edged ahead of the others but the other 4 (Porsha, Phaedra, Kim, Kandi) were right on her ass. 


Also, I thought her face was beat last night. I thought she looked good. I think it is low-class for people to bring up her skin issue as if everyone else is walking around with spotless skin. 

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No, neither of those were Andy dragging Kenya. His read was when Kenya insinuated that Kim was just a child star, and Andy replied that she's worked plenty since then. Kenya tried to dismiss that by saying "Yeah, in the 90s." and Andy shot back with "Yeah, well you were Miss USA in the 90s, too..."

Sheree and Kandi even both commented on it and said Andy got a good read in. 

It's funny how when Nene went on about Peter not getting involved in "women business", y'all said she was a fool. But when Andy is involved in women's business and it's targeted at your favorite, all the sudden men being involved is an issue. *sips tea* 


As for Kenya's skin, I didn't comment on it from a nasty perspective, I simply commented that her condition seems to be worsening and I genuinely feel bad about that. It's laughable, however, that Kenya would preach about "not speaking on other peoples looks", considering her past comments about Nene's appearance. And, in fact, Kenya later went on to imply that some of the women had no edges and needed her hair care product. Edges/hair are just as much a part of appearance as skin is, so she's really just full of [!@#$%^&*] and pissed, yet again, because she can dish it but not take it. 

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I've never been a fan about Peter getting in the women's business. I don't mind him interject when the women drag him into their mess. Also, I didn't like when Nene called him bitch b/c in Mexico because Peter was telling her actual truth as a friend. Nene was acting like a twat at that charity event and allowed Kenya to pull her card that nice instead of being gracious or playing it off. 


I've also, been saying for quite some time that Andy is harsher on certain housewives than other. I've been saying that since like season 4 when I actually liked Nene and he was drilling her hard at the reunion. He's always been biased. Look at NJ. He's always gave Teresa heat but never aimed it at Caroline, Jacqueline, or Melissa. Look at NYC. He stays on Ramona's ass but do you ever see him call Luann out? Or Bethenny? Or Carole? Nope. On BH, he gives LVP grief but he never calls Kyle out. He never called Kim out for her antics or Yolanda for her numerous inconsistencies. He picks and chooses who to put the heat on while ignoring others, who commit the same offenses or worse.


Andy coming for Kenya's career was a lame read. We all know that Kenya's career wasn't at the same caliber as Kim's but Kenya stayed booking jobs up until the time she joined RHOA. I've Kenya on a plethora of sitcoms in arcs throughout the 90s and early 00s. At the end of the day, work is work. Her resume is longer than others sitting on that sofa. 


Lastly, some of them heffas don't have edges on that sofa. She wasn't lying. I think Kenya was pissed over the 'dark' comment Phaedra made, which was highly offensive. Phaedra ain't light bright her damn self, so she should tread lightly. 


Let's be honest, none of them women can dish and take. They all get butt hurt over comments. It ain't just Kenya. Last season when Kenya called Phaedra out about them two balloons on her chest, Phaedra was huffing and puffing like a bull in an arena; she was pissed.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Okay, some of the women don't have edges but Kenya also does have terrible skin. The question wasn't whether the statements were true, the question was abou speaking on people's looks. Kenya can't get butt hurt about peopl commenting on her looks, preach about how that's too far, and then turn around and do the same. And that's what she did. And you're excusing of it just proves it! lol 

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When you say 'bad skin,' what do you mean exactly? I cannot really tell on my computer screen because A. her makeup covers up a lot and B. the pixelation isn't quite HD enough. Does Kenya have a discoloration problem? Skin texture? Acne?


Kenya made a bad strategic decision at Reunion to go hard in an effort to cement her place as 'star' on the show, but it backfired when Kim put Kenya back in her place. I thought Kim across well this first segment without losing her cool too much. Kenya? Not so much? It's not just the delulu 'I'm the star' claims (which I'm sure Nene will try to debunk when she swings by) but it was the desperation in her face, voice, attacks. Back in the day, Kenya's shade and pranks had this I-can-laugh-at-myself quality. Now they just seem hard and mean and desperate and past their sell-by date.


Sheree and Kandi were giving me life whispering like a couple of schoolgirls on the sofa. Phaedra remains as slippery as ever and I'm sure Andy will let her off scot-free despite the fact that EVERYBODY knows she is as corrupt as Apollo is. I was surprised at how ok I was with Toyota. I expect that to change when they show the footage of her beating down her assistant, though.

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why did Porsha lie and say she apologized for attacking Kenya? She made it clear on this show that she didnt feel she didnt do anything wrong and therefore would not apologize. She was pretty stubborn about this and one of her biggest flaws is that she doesnt apologize

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Kenya has some acne problems but it isn't something the average human being doesn't suffer from. Her skin has actually gotten better in recent years. People dangle this over her head like it is Damocles sword. 


Porsha stays lying. Next week, she claims Kenya slept with a one-eyed African, yet previously disputed (along with Nene and Phaedra) that Kenya's 'African prince' was false. So what is it? Is he real or not? That's my issue with these hoes is that they aren't consistent in their lies. 

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Smart decision. She clearly didn't want to be there, and judging by the way the editors trolled her in several episodes, they weren't thrilled with it. I guess she needed the money but in the end it wasn't worth the hit she took to her image. At least she's smart enough to leave after one season, unlike Eileen Davidson.

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Good. Glad she has thrown in the towel as she brought nothing to the show.


Especially, with Chris getting into it with various cast members and their friends on social media about his sexuality. 


Eileen's marriage is gonna crumble if she signs on to do another season; her husband seems so over this 


If they were smart, they'd snag her. 

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