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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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Charisse is the "Phaedra" of this group. She and the lifestyle she seems to want to put out there seems very inauthentic and the way she keeps screaming about etiquette reminds me of our wannabe Southern Belle. She is very "new money"


Have ya'll seen her modeling pics? Tragic: http://photos.davidedepas.com/Portraits/Charrisse-Jordan










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Nene's back! And I'm already over her! NEXT!


Cynthia disappoints me. It's bad enough that her husband has her looking like such a fool but now she's got the moose doing the exact same. NEXT!


Phaedra is so phony. Blah blah blahing about the Million Man March just to turn around and objectify Sheree's son. NEXT!


Why is Kim on this show? She's a very nice, very normal, very vanilla person. Please for your families sanity and your own make this a one season thing. NEXT!


I'm so blah on this show right now. Poorsha, Phaedra and Kim can go. Hell Cynthia can be gone as well. Give Sheree and Marlo their peach. We all know Nene needs the furniture so she'll be back. Cast a new spitfire housewife and be done with it.

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God Beverly Hills has become such a drag/chore. Between Lisa acting so dumb/shady re Eileen to Psychotic Lisa Rinna being obsessed about Kim. I just can't....


meanwhile Yolanda pretends for 4-5 episodes straight that she can't even lift a finger or remember where to put the toothpaste and now she blatantly admits that she's fully aware people think she's a fraud. And it's not just a small amount of people. Even her own damn family probably knows or suspects she's full of total bullsh*t...just hilarious. She still looks like death warmed over and it's probably all in her head. I just need her to leave after this season. 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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FAYE! Not only is she back but she is more than just a cameo to support Kyle. She actually has a storyline! Sh-t is about to go down next week!


Katherine won  me over in her first episode. That was a good intro and she jumps into a juicy storyline. Photos dont do her justice bc she looks old and bland in her pics but looked gorgeous on video


LMAO at Yolanda getting busted over her lie regarding her kids' Lyme Disease next week. Im so over her

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I saw that. Good for them. They definitely benefited from Atlanta as the lead-in, which by the way, was over 3 million again. Dare we say the return of Miss Linnethia helped spark interest? 


BTW, Beverly Hills seems to be holding steady so far with a 1.8 million viewer average. 


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