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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Good for them! The ratings are consistent, which can't be said about all the other housewife shows. 


Speaking of last episode, let me post the v-loggers videos, who perfectly explain why Kenya is necessary for this show and why they've all been messy:


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Now Yolanda is getting Vitamin C IV treatments. Im over her. Why is she still on the show? If anything, she should have gotten demoted to a friend. 



Erika....I cant stand her voice. She doesnt look like she belongs here. Looks like she'd be a better fit for OC, BTW, I was shocked to learn she was 44 bc she does like mid 30s. Okay not in that gif but her actual filmed shots



LOL at LisaV's shade of Taylor. Rinna and Taylor....battle of the big lips...lol



I love her on this show and I liked her trip with Lisa


Camille! Its like a who's who of BH



I loved the women jumping into the pool at the end. That was fun. WTH would someone push 70 year old Ken though? He could have broken something

Edited by Cheap21
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There is something about Erika that strikes me as a character that Morgan Fairchild would have played seriously in the 80s and then spoofed in the 90s on a sitcom. It will be interesting to see how she progresses because there were some promising soundbites: "If you're a poor as$hole you're just going to be a rich as$hole and if you're a sweetheart you're just going to be a bigger sweetheart"...and I like that her marriage has run 15 years, that says something...but she's friends with Yolanda and her alter ego makes me go hmmm. 


Taylor is so damn messy and she hasn't changed a bit. You'd think with everything she's gone through she might have calmed herself and started acting like an adult...but there were major shades of season 1 Taylor in this episode.


The trip with LVP and Lips was great. While I know some people are going to criticize LVP for not taking that imperfect horse, the simple fact of the matter is when a horse has a bad leg that horse suffers incredibly and most horses who break a leg are shot immediately. LVP didn't need to make that kind of decision, she even mentioned the need of having to put the horse down so she made the right choice in not taking it. Those two were a hoot in the back of the limousine in their cowboy hats. 


Lips and Eileen showing up in matching leopard was awesome. And I liked that they let it fly with Kyle about that mess of a sister of hers. It was interesting that little confrontation in the park between Dim Richards and Lips was filmed. Clearly, Dim was off the wagon (has she ever gotten on? anyone?) at the time since she hopped over a retaining wall in a canyon park. I'm glad Lips cuts the bullsh*t and says Dim is dangerous because she is and continues to be, especially when she has an enabling sister like Kathy.


Lemon Lyme and her vitamin drip. Did anyone else hear her say to Erika that she either goes for a colonic or vitamin drip every day? I hope she's exaggerating. That is just plain dangerous. I'm not even opposed to either of those treatments, per se, but with that kind of regularity the body can't cope.


I adored LVP and Ken being whisked to Monte Carlo in Sir Philip Green's helicopter. Now THAT is how you do it. What I did not adore was Ken being pushed into the pool. The man has had a double hip replacement! That was just crazy of whoever that stupid guest was. Ken needs to be treated gently, he IS 70 years old regardless of how full of vigour he is.

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Beverly Hills was a fun episode. I love the dynamic between Lisa V, Lisa R, Eileen, and Kyle. So great to see the two tentpoles and the two newbies hit it off and become the strong unit of friends on this show. 


Taylor looked like her old self on this episode, but on the special they had a few weeks back where the reminisced about season one, she looked terrible. Like a combination of bad work and lots of drinking. She may not be a heavy drinker now, but her face looked like it. 


The Lisa/Lisa trip was adorable and silly humorous, but I wouldn't have taken the horse either. They already got a huge brood of puppies at home. 


Erika is interesting. I kinda like her take on things, and I gotta respect that she acknowledges people always questioning if she's a gold-digger. Not sure if she'll fit in well with the group of Beverly Hills ladies and soap vets, but we'll see. Gotta google her "Erika Jane" persona. The name sounds familiar. 

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I don't get the Kenya hype at all. I don't even find her enjoyable to watch. She's the definition of being able to dish it and not be able to take it. And the whole stirring the pot and then being upset when you're called on it has gotten stale.


Still don't like Toyota. Cynthia is kinda just there and trying too hard in her talking heads. I don't like this Tammy weirdo at all. I'm confused why they didn't just give Sheree her peach back...

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Mark the date. Next week, Tuesday, December 23, Teresa Giudice is finally released from prison!



In just a few days, Teresa Giudice will be released from prison and back at home with her family. One person who is helping Joe Giudice and the girls prepare for her arrival is Teresa’s attorney, James Leonard Jr.

On Friday, James tweeted that he spent the night prior with Joe and his daughters to help them get everything ready for Teresa’s release. She will be released on Wednesday, December 23, just in time to spend Christmas with her family.

How will Teresa spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? On Wednesday, Us Weekly reported that Teresa, Joe, and their four daughters will actually spend Christmas Eve at Joe and Melissa Gorga’s house for a traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes dinner. Us Weekly quoted Melissa that she will have her sister-in-law at her house.

In an interview with People last Thursday, Melissa said that she will be hosting dinner on Christmas Eve for the entire family, including the in-laws. She called Teresa being home for Christmas a “blessing.” She also expressed hope for new beginnings and a fresh start.

The big question likely on the minds of many The Real Housewives of New Jersey fans is whether Teresa Giudice’s release and reunion with her family will be captured for the show’s new season. Will viewers see Melissa Gorga’s Christmas Eve dinner, attended by Joe Giudice, Teresa, and their four daughters, on the show’s seventh season?

On Wednesday, E! News reported a source as saying that despite what it may seem, the relationship between the Gorgas and Giudices is still strained, so if they do get together for Christmas Eve, it’s just for the sake of the show.

Yet another source said that reports of Melissa and Teresa not getting along are overblown.
Indeed, on the Real Housewives of New Jersey: Teresa Checks In special that aired in October, Joe Giudice was shown getting along with Melissa and Joe Gorga on family outings. Teresa’s brother even went with Joe to visit Teresa in prison once. While the actual visit with Teresa was not filmed, Joe was later shown breaking down in tears upon recollecting seeing his sister locked up.

The special also showed Melissa, who had a tumultuous relationship with Teresa for years, telling her husband that she would like to visit Teresa and wondering why she hasn’t been approved to do so. Both Teresa’s husband and brother suspected that it was Teresa who wouldn’t approve Melissa to visit her. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Melissa, after the special’s finale aired, tweeted that she “completely understands” Teresa not putting her on the visitors list and not really expecting to be put on it in the first place.

If Teresa Giudice does return for Season 7 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, it may not just be her relationship with Melissa Gorga that will be a central storyline of the show. It has been widely reported that Teresa’s former friend, Jacqueline Laurita, is filming for the upcoming season as well. E! News reported that Jacqueline has been asked to host a Christmas party this weekend in order to introduce the new cast members. Also, Teresa’s cousin, Kathy Wakile, with whom she has a strained relationship, recently confirmed that she and her family will be seen on the upcoming season.

“Yes, you’ll be seeing my face and my family again on the show,” she replied when asked if she’ll be making an appearance on the new season.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2642998/teresa-giudices-lawyer-helps-joe-giudice-and-daughters-prep-for-her-release/#zaXZ7mdV0OrWH14M.99
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I cannot with all the f-ckery that occurred tonight on RHOA. 


I can say that it was great to see Kenya be vindicated tonight. Everyone always want to call her messy but it was her instinct that got rid of a deranged nut. I am glad that Kandi has been profusely defending Kenya on Twitter tonight, divulging that Glen's reaction was way worse than what was shown onscreen. Also, there are people commenting that he was shooting gang signs when trying to attack the women. He's a thug. Not surprising seeing as he'd later get shot in TI's restaurant following that event. He has a history. He needs to be put down. 


As of tonight, I am DONE with Phaedra Parks. I will NEVER like that b-tch. Quote me on that. I could stand her before but I loathe her ass now. How she twisted her mouth and compared Glen/Kenya's situation to the countless people that lost their lives to corrupt police officers boggles my mind. That woman is TRASH. What happened tonight has nothing to do with race and has nothing to do with #BlackLivesMatter. 


I am at my wits end with Kim too. Had she not rushed out the house so quickly, she would've collected the full story too. But what p*sses me off with her is that she sat her ass right there and saw Glen get offensive with Kandi. She sat right there when Kandi nervously said that Glen was making her feel uncomfortable. She sat her ass right there when Glen started shouted at Kenya again near the jacuzzi. For her to just sweep all this under the rug made my blood boil. Kim can go after this season. 


Then we have Sheree, Shamea, and Porsha--all who tried to blame Kenya too. These tricks are on my sh-t list too. Yeah, they eased up once Kandi backed Kenya but they were all quick to blame Kenya w/o collecting the whole story. 


Cynthia.... I didn't appreciate her snapping on Kenya. It was not cute or necessary. Tammy is a grown ass woman and was clearly high as a kite. Glen ain't her damn nephew; he's clearly her pusher. 


This episode just has my blood boiling. 


ETA: Video footage of Glen tossing up gang signs as he advances towards Kenya: 



Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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