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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Meghan is the bitch I have said she was from the first episode. She needs an assistant? That husband of hers seems pretty dense. Really dumb. The way she discussed her charity goals said it all. She wants people to like her. But she's a smug, nasty bitch and can't keep a lid on it so that isn't going to happen. That charity speech was beyond stilted.

Shannon is so highly strung. Her impression of Meghan was spot on. The violins had to be coming out for Shannon as she crowed about Meghan being "malicious" to her with not inviting her to the party. Shannon nailed it that Meghan has an overblown ego.

Heather's house seems incredibly vulgar and overdone. It doesn't seem like it'll be chic, it seems overblown and tacky.

Vicki and Brooks seem to have a real deal relationship. I happened to like how she dealt with Meghan being a total bitch with Shannon, she put her stake in the sand - good for her! And I enjoyed that little scene with her and Tamra discussing her implants. The thing about Vicki is the older she's getting the more honest and blunt she's become. Common sense is a great look on her. Vicki got in a great burn with "It's not all yours, Meghan. It's all Jim's."

Granny Tamra. So far I'm finding her pretty funny. This is going to be a relatively positive season for her - the "Shannon should have just showed up!" line made me laugh. And her "from one ex-mean girl to another, don't be mean, it doesn't work out" seems relatively prophetic. Her honesty about fleeing the boring charity party was great.

Another good appearance by Lizzie. The "friend" role is working for her. It was great that she called Shannon and Vicki to ditch Meghan's party. Her husband seems way happier and more relaxed too.

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Meagan on OC was coming for Shannon and she looked stupid! It was like she's trying to leave her mark as a newbie so she chose Shannon to target since she was a newb last year and would be an easier mark than Tamra, Vicki or Heather. The problem is she looked petty and this didn't need to be a fight. She came across childish and it did her no favors. Love how the women left her event to go support Shannon

I forgot who mentioned it but she has only been married a month and acting like she's queen with all this new mo at which isn't even hers

I like seeing Lizzie pop up and would rather her be a wife than Meagan. The blonde who's name I can't recall is giving me shades of Danielle. Always there but contributes nothing

LMAO! I think I like her but she bugs the hell out of me Edited by Cheap21
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The blonde was Katie Hamilton...I've seen interviews with her in the past. She's a Christian like Alexis and Lydia. .but came across intelligently. I think her quitting caused a lot of editing. I think she left in mid feb.

Lizzie will be more like Luann then porsha in the friend role.

The thing is that this Meghan and Shannon conflict didn't need to happen. We were cheated out of seeing vicki in Florida and tamra getting read to be a grandma. The editors need to be fired and replaced..since the story they chose to focus on was wrong.

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Wow. Nene leaving is a blow to the RHoA franchise. I think it will still pull in viewers on a par with the other franchises, but Nene was loved and loathed, and when you have a polarized audience like that, you tend to have an invested audience and people do watch.

I have been watching RHoA all the way up to S5 (or is it S6? Pillow Party season) very recently, and while it is clear Nene was beyond checked out in later seasons, especially at reunions, she still brought energy to the show. She had a great turn of phrase and even completely hypocritical was basically the big personality of RHoA.

I know people will say Kenya does too but Kenya's shenanigans exhaust me. She works so hard to stir the pot and cause some drama, but sometimes it backfires. Like her face-off with Phaedra and Apollo. Apollo is a thug and Phaedra is so corrupt and shady, but when you look like you are messing with a marriage, even if it's just for laughs, it's time to step back and reassess. Pillow Party will never be Kenya's fault (imo) as she was horribly wronged and none of the other HWs had her back, which was horrendous. However, instances where she appeared to be flirting with Apollo just to show up Phaedra (followed by VTs where she kept mentioning how unattractive Phaedra was) made her look so bad. I think that's why I still cannot warm to Kenya and why I don't think she will be able to replace Nene in the shade stakes on this show. (Sorry if that is an unpopular opinion. Phaedra and Apollo were so gross with her on Reunion though. "Dirty toenails" ugh. Keep it classy, felon).

OTOH, Reality Tea is saying that Nene quitting is just a tactic to get more money: laugh.png We may see her again!


Edited by Cat
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I haven't seen the episode yet but judging from the past few, I can only concur. Meghan has been angling for a spot on RHoOC ever since she managed to finagle an engagement ring out of Jim Edmonds (a name I'm supposed to be familiar with but am not). She's trying to play the midwestern charm, but she comes across as so shark-eyed and opportunistic and HARD. Even the stepdaughter she trotted out for "happy family" purposes was giving her the stank-eye. IMO she is the worst new HW which is saying something because, hello, Kristen on NY. But at least Kristen comes across as a basically kind human being sometimes. This Meghan person is an ice robot and thoroughly unlikeable.

I can only imagine her husband married her ass because she'd look young, blonde and pretty on his arm and he's not getting any younger himself, but the looks he shoots her suggest that they'll be lucky if their marriage makes it through the next 18 months. In fact, he looks like he is regretting his decision to get hitched with this trader-upper by the day. At least with the car wreck that is David & Shannon's marriage, you can sense that there was once love there. Not so with Barbie & Baseball.

Edited by Cat
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I do agree kristen is probably too nice to be on the housewife show. She probably would have fit back in the earlier version of the show...same with Joyce on BH.

Claudia on RHOA should never have been a main housewife so I'm glad the producers realize that...shame they haven't gotten the memo on Porsha. Nene is Atlanta safly..but she hasn't been into it since Kim and Sheree left.

The problem with Meghan is that I don't know her...and the show hasn't done a lot to introduce her to us. Perhaps we should get to know a new housewife first before she interacts with the other women. It worked for tamra in her debut season...and Eileen on BH was featured by herself for three episodes before she met the other women (outside Lisa rinna).

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What a great episode. This season is working for me in every way.

Ramona and Bethenny was great to watch, as they bonded over their lives imploding.

I just don't find Sonja to be as delusional as everyone makes her out to be. I think Sonja is crafty and wily and stupid, but not delusional, I think she knows all about her limitations and problems, and prefers to craft a different image. I liked that she was doing squats in her wedges.

LuAnn continues to be a winner for me. Her arrival on the beach with eggs a la Francaise was hilarious.

I really dig Dorinda and I'm glad she went in on Heather's stupid ass. Heather and Carole have really irritated me this season and they've contributed nothing in terms of storyline. In some ways they're more useless than Kristen.

The yacht scenes were good fun and a nice balance to the intensity of the other scenes.

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Finally caught up with OC. I liked the camaraderie between Shannon and Vicki. They seem to have a great, genuine friendship. I liked how Lizzie and Tamra joined the two at the end. The show was a little heavy on the one single storyline otherwise.

Eric, no joke, something about Meghan reminds me of the following, in looks (and relevancy):



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