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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Good part 1! Alot was covered and there was good drama

LMAO at that dramatic sound effect that played when Gina said she'd have to stab the women

Pettyfleur got caught lying and walked off stage. I beleive the other women and she was drunk and either doesnt remember what happened or is just flat out lying. Her reaction was so extreme.

Lydia is so getting fired. The host didnt even have much to ask her so she picked a fight with Gamble to get noticed. She brought nothing to the table

I didnt like when Gina came for Chyka and said her being friends with everyone means she is friends with no one. I dont think there is anything wrong with being neutral. I try to be in my life as well and dont like to pick sides and be forced into someone else's drama

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Ooo. I gotta watch Melbourne's reunion. Is it a three part reunion? I don't think I can endure another one of those after tonight's reunion of RHOA.


Tonight's 90 minutes was draining. Like seriously.

I have to commend Kenya & Cynthia for coming to Nene's aid after all the mess she has done to them. I wouldn't've been so gracious. As I said in an earlier post, I would've been like Kandi and Claudia [more like Kandi, who didn't give a f-ck at all] and let Nene drown in her pity and tears.

The last part showed how Kenya, Claudia, and Cynthia are so forgiving. Especially Cynthia. Poor woman was practically holding Nene up. Even though people are calling them fake and phonies on Twitter, I didn't get that. I saw a bunch of women that were genuinely concerned for their co-star.

I still feel like Nene got away with murder tonight, but I think she caught the hint that she can no longer bulldoze over these women anymore. She's going to have to find a new tactic when addressing these women--like having an adult conversation for once.

I really didn't care for Altima and CoinStar shaped heffa b/c they were just irrelevant to me. I did enjoy Kandi calling out Thotsha about her lying how the therapy session went. If you're going to tell it then tell it like it is.

Oh and Porsha is such a dummy. She didn't even realize that her good buddy was throwing harsh shade at her [re: the stripper joke]. Sometimes, I believe that Porsha chooses to ignore shade from Nene b/c she knows she needs her.

I'm in the minority as I feel like the six main cast members all need to return next season. Porsha doesn't. She's given all she can give at this point. If anything, ATL needs two new housewives to shake it up a la NYC.


I see they already have started releasing promos for the upcoming season and I don't like that Lizzie has been downgraded to friend of the housewives. I can also see that everyone is coming for Vicki this season in the promo.

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I saw Melbourne and these women are nutty.

I'm glad that Jackie and Gina somewhat made up off the show and they didn't really tear into each other. Watching those two go at it can be draining.

Lydia coming for Gamble was pathetic. Someone is thirsty and hungry for camera time. I wish Gina would've jumped in and chin-checked her but I guess Gina had her on mute; she was practically irrelevant to her at this stage.

I didn't feel bad about Gina coming for Chyka as what she said had some truth in it. There's nothing wrong about Chyka being neutral in a real life situation but a situation like this ... yeah. I get what Gina was saying. Chyka can't be 'loyal' to everyone in this situation. She has to choose a side or totally not be involved [a la Kandi], and she does not do that. Chyka has the tendency to waffle and straddle depending on who she is around.

Pettifleur getting called out on her sh-t was too funny. IMO, she [along with Lydia] don't need to come back next season. She's a joke and everyone saw it at the end of part one. They were practically laughing at her b/c she's such a moron and a phony. And to think I thought I would've like Pettifleur....-_-

Overall, it was lighthearted compared to Atlanta and BH's reunions. It's petty stuff that I can see all the women get over. Even Gamble and Janet's spat, which at this point should be dead and buried.

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YES and thank you to Peter for saying they all owe Kenya an apology

Oh shut up Gregg. I hate when he talks and tries to be a pastor. No one cares what you need to say

Oh dear lord, we are back to Todd messing with Carmon? Mama Joyce is so messy. This Ski Trip looks more interesting than I initially thought


DAMN, she looked pressed when Andy started talking about her and Cynthia. "You are right and I am wrong" Nene again with this passive aggressive nonsense. She flat out lied when it came to saying she didnt say Cynthia should be dropped from the show

Princess of Thotlandia. Now Andy is shading her. LMAO at Nene saying he was so shady. Why is Poorsha laughing and kiking about with it? Who sees being called a thot as a compliment?

Nene apologizing to the viewers for her halfbreed comment saying she has biracial friends to justify it....I HATE when people do that. Its the same thing when racist people try and say "but I have black friends". So what? That doesnt mean you cant and dont make racist comments

Maybe Im cold hearted bc I didnt feel for Nene. Boohoo. She is so rude and nasty to everyone all the time. I didnt like that she broke down and people rushing to placate and kiss her ass. Good on the girls I guess and hope it will lead to change but I see Nene going back to the way she is next season

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I didn't like that last part of the reunion. Nene is very self centered. "I'm not running around talking about my mother not wanting me or my brother dying" unnecessary and Kandi has never dwelled on the death of her brother. WTF? Them all rushing to kiss her ass and to make her feel better about being "ganged up on" was some bullsh-t. She is disrespectful. I would have been like Kandi and kept my ass on the couch. Nene wouldn't have gotten up to comfort anyone on the other couch.

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I thought that was low how she brought up Kandi's brother. Now if Kandi would've gotten gutter with Nene, she would've been in the right. She didn't even need to take the dig at Kenya either as she broke down over the same issue.

Nene is just a mess and I can't understand why she's getting so much sympathy. I thought last night made her look insufferable and questionable. As I said earlier, Nene got away with murder, BUT she learned that her mess and antics will no longer be acceptable because these women will pounce on her ass yet again if necessary.

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RHOA reunion was unwatchable. If it continues like this I'm over the show. No further comment needed. In happier news, the RHOC promo was everything. The new girl seems interesting and it looks dramatic. I can't believe Vicki learned her mom died in a random phone call during a HW party. That is insane. It's going to be a rollarcoaster ride. I'm glad Lizzie is a Friend because she was extremely boring. I also like that they are confident enough to only have five main wives. Going into their 10th season, they still set the standard.

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Well Lizzie stated that she chose to drop to friend status. She was offered full housewife status, but it asked for too much. I think she wants to refocus on her bikini line instead of fighting and blogging with b-tches. Plus, she could always be like Luann and become extremely popular on her 'guest star' star status that she is bumped back up s11.

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I don't believe her. Andy has said he lets the hiusewives script their exits/demotions out of respect. Katie Hamilton filmed half a season as a fulltime wife. That's 6 wives right there all with story lines from what we've heard. Lizzie was barely holding on last season so she was always going to be demoted or fired. My guess is they'll hope she has the same spark Luann had when she got demoted.

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Well I am just reporting what she said via social media a few days ago. But I do think she is telling the truth. Lizzie was well-received with viewers last season, and she single-handedly caused the downfall of Tamra [much to the audience's enjoyment]. While she was nonexistent the first half of the season, which I trumped up to her being observant of the women and collecting intel, she drove story the second half.

But back to her status, I don't think Lizzie would lie if she was dropped or not. She's one of the ones that does not need the show. Her man is successful. Her bikini line is successful. She does pageants [i.e. sponsors contestants and competitions]. She comes from money. Lizzie can really do with or without the show. But I enjoy her b/c she brings sanity to this nutty ass cast.

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