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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lisa Rinna has been doing herself no favors since her fight with Kim. Don't say all season you're not scared of Kim Richards then at the end keep talking about how afraid of Kim Richards you are. Stop doing and saying what you think the viewers want you to say and just be yourself.

Eileen really is the MVP of this season. Love love LOVE her! Why couldn't she wear her finale look for the reunion? She looked great!

Kim didn't bother me at all really this episode. I wouldn't blame her for being irked with Lisa Rinna after asking her a very specific question only to be given a bullshit answer. It's sad seeing her with Monty.

Brandi was given the Lisa Vanderpump treatment of season 4 and ran off with her tail between her legs. The only difference is Brandi brought on all her own problems and isn't strong enough or woman enough to handle them like an adult. Run bitch, run!

I hope Vanderpump is more at ease next season and we get more involvement from her. Loved all her Adrienne shade!

Kyle still continues to be overdramatic but I've come out this season with a new appreciation for her. Vanderpump and Kyle are the Beverly Hills Housewives and I'm okay with it.

LOL at Kathy's "You do magic now?" in regards to Adrienne. Poor thing, nobody noticed her at her own party.

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"You do magic now?!" - Kathy Hilton

Kim: She thinks that she needs to be treated as the "healthy older sister"...well then she could start by being that since she clearly is not. And she's even an as$hole at Kyle's store. Much as I love a cameo from Kathy Hilton, she's clearly just enabling Kim's behaviour of shoving everything under the carpet. Kim was particularly bizarre when she cornered Lisa R about the use of the word "intervention"...and then swiftly left when the rest of the housewives sat down, totally ignoring Eileen. Kim's worried about her reputation? She ruined that years ago. That fake, faux magnanimous grin she had on her face as Lisa R said she learned she needs to stay out of people's business was infuriating, Kim just wants people to fawn all over her and God forbid someone level her with the truth.

Kyle: She is in a terrible relationship with Kim that needs to end for both of their sakes. Kyle is all about conflict: she invites it and she revels in it and she hates it. She is indignant with Brandi whose clearly gotten under her skin. Her life would be much simpler and happier if she just accepted and enjoyed being the realtor's wife who lives in the house that's a lot closer to Sherman Oaks than Beverly Hills than the fake LA socialite who has it all.

Lisa R: It didn't make sense that she wouldn't flesh anything out to Kim. She cracked, her backbone snapped. She was right she was in a lose/lose. In addition, she was right that Kim didn't really want to know, because when it Lisa R offered, Kim dismissed it like the spoiled bitch that she is. And it was classy of Lisa R to at least cop to the fact that she caused problems for Brandi by discussing their lunch with Kyle. I believe that Lisa R had good intentions and that she's an emotional person who feels compelled to do things...but she was trying to reason with a crazy person.

Brandi: She's a mess, careening out of control and she's of an age that being a mess doesn't work anymore. Her constant mentions of Xanax only served to explain her lunatic behaviour with Lisa V at Adrienne's party. What did she expect Lisa to do after she'd slapped her? That she immaturely walked away from Lisa said it all. Obviously, her father's health had an awful impact on Brandi, understandably so, but she doesn't seem to cope well at all. And then she lied to Kim about the "intervention" discussion. And she shouldn't have because it wasn't said from a malicious place. She did let something slip in her conversation with Kim that was telling: "I want people to worry about me."...That's not an adult perspective. She doesn't understand why she always has to be the bad guy? Poor thing, she isn't connected to reality.

Yolanda: For someone who crowed on about not wanting to be "Hollywood Friends" with anyone, Yolanda sure seemed enamoured with Kathy Hilton who appears to have the "Hollywood Friend" motif mastered. And she seemed to take the reins of the Kim/Brandi conversation and have them sit down like adults, which was a good thing. It's sad that she's suffered a relapse of Lyme Disease, I wish her so well.

Eileen: She was so right about Lisa R: she loves the truth, it was time to tell it and she didn't quite get there, despite being the horse's mouth. When Lisa R had told her the same thing and she couldn't back it up...sigh. Eileen's razor sharp soap star memory is something so useful in the RH universe: she doesn't remember the gist of things, she remembers things exactly how they happened. I thought it was hilarious, right at the end, when she asked Lisa R "What the hell happened?!"...there's a little Kristen Blake in Eileen, and that's a great thing. I really hope she returns next season, she was wonderful.

Lisa V: She is nobody's fool. This season Lisa took a slight step back and, as a result, stayed mostly out of the fray. And when she needed to zero in on behaviour that was out of line, she did it very succinctly. The way she handled Brandi was a thing of beauty, she's right: you don't always get to apologize and then have life go back to normal, that's not how life works. Lisa V is living a great life and these women...they come and go out of her life and she just keeps going being fabulous. Kudos to her I say.

And with that, bring on the reunion!

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Am I evil for not feeling any sympathy for Brandy? She was SOOOO dramatic in her confrontation with Lisa. She's not even a good actress. She was using her father to excuse her actions and also play the victim. She is dirty and disgusting. She was doing her best to manipulate Lisa. I wish Lisa had just walked off and not played her game


Camille looked hot! Her prince however, did not.

J.R, Brandis' man looks like David Hayward

Kim coming to Rinna about the alcohol talk again. Really? She should have let it go, especially since she wanted Lisa to let it go. Bitch, you JUST brought it up again. At first I thought good on Lisa for not giving in to Kim bc its not worth it. However, I dont think its right how Rinna left Kyle out to dry like that though. After seeing the way Kim dealt with her when she did try to speak up, I can see why. She was in a lose-lose situation. I hated how she basically kissed Kim's ass instead of standing up to her

Look at Brandi, LYING and Kim eating up her lies. I cant with these two. What a toxic pair of friends. Brandi enables her. I dont know if Brandi is the one using and manipulating Kim or if its the other way around. These two are just toxic. Sick

ED has been the voice of reason for sure this season. Absolutely loved her as her addition was flawless. Too bad she was barely in the finale

Kathy Hilton: "You do magic now?" LMAO!


I hated the freeze frame they used on her.




Okay who was editing the show bc they were being super shady

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The last few episodes feel like the same scenes rehashed again and again fo the most part.

Lisa R: The whole 180 in attitude and game plan since Kim said let's talk about Harry raises my eyebrow - Kim may know nothing, but there is something Lisa doesn't want broadcast on television about him. Also wierd was Eileen and hers' conversation about Harry going full circle in playing a gay man and the subtext seemed more than just referring to Making Love. Maybe because I don't really watch reality tv, I may be looking for things that only exist in scripted shows lol.

Lisa V: She handled Brandi with cool detachment - I think this is what she has been going for the whole season but really only achieved with aplomb in this episode. Good for her.

Kim: I can't with this nonsense. She may bring the drama but she is so disjointed and irrational in her thought processes and actions - she must be hell on earth to live with.

Brandi: The reason these women treat you different is because you have used up all their goodwill and are done with you. Try understand that.

Yolanda: I absolutely loathed Yolanda at the start of the season but she grew on me once she dropped her hokey dime store wisdom and started acting like a human instead of a hallmark card. I'm sorry she is sick again because she seems to actually want to live life.

Kyle: Kyle has a raw deal with her with sisters (the abusive manipulative addict and the fame whore and her litter only acknowledging her existence because they are trying to sell books). However i don't feel sympathy for her because her why-me-victim shtick is manipulative. I like Kyle though, it makes no sense, I know.

Eileen: My absolute favourite. She is head and shoulders above all these other women - in class, in combat. That being said, I don't really like her husband - he reminds me of one of those former high school jocks whose life peaked at 18 but instead of getting nostalgic over a touchdown against Riverdale High, he reminisces about living next door to the Jackson 5. I suspect Eileen doesn't want to be on this show but she can't pass over the salary because they need the cash (gambling debt the internet suggests...)

Adrienne: She is a man, right?

Camille: I don't think I'd enjoy watching her as a full cast member.

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Apparently Lisa Rinna sent Kim Richards some threatening texts after the finale party that Kim brings up on the reunion. I wonder if this is the smoking gun we've been hearing about? Rinna has also been tweeting some hurtful but true things about Kim and then immediately deleting them after. I just can't ride with Rinna. She needs to either keep pretending to care about others or take the gloves off and get ready to sock a bitch. This back and forth Rinna is just confusing and really starting to grate my nerves. Bummer. I had such high hopes for the dragging I assumed Rinna would be giving to pillow stain. sad.png

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I think Kim didn't really have anything on Harry.. she was just saying that as a defense mechanism.. and it just happened to be true. You can see that Kim tried that with Eileen as well and it didn't work.

When Eileen had her time to discuss her issues with Brandi and Kim.. the fact that she just hit them with logic and common sense.. actually deflated them.

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Lisa Rinna said she stands behind her tweets about Kim, even though she deleted them to end the drama. I can understand how she started to backtrack. She apologized and Kim said not to bring it up again so she intended to keep her mouth shut. At the dinner it became obvious Kim is just not at a mental level to have a discussion with anyone, so why would she engage her by saying what Brandi said and risk another Kim explosion? I just hope going forward she completely cuts Kim off. No more wushu washy behavior. Just be done with her and tell her to !@#$%^&*] off whenever she approaches you.

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I think they'll have Thotsha out there the entire time like Luann on NYC because she was featured so heavily; however, it won't do her justice b/c she is going to get dragged the most. More than Nene and Phaedra, who deserve to get most of the dragging. Porsha will get this because in the past few weeks, she's been popping her mouth on social media about the women and I don't think it's well recieved. Especially, the lies she's been spewing about Peter and Cynthia.

If Peter is brought out onto the stage, he is going to slaughter Porsha.

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