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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yessssssssssssssssssss to a RHoMel marathon, because from what little of it I saw..Gina was EVERYTHING you all said she would be and I want more. :)

Will be enjoying Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp in San Diego so I hope you guys give some good RHoBH dirt while I reunite with the BFF for some fun trouble. hehe..

Yessssssssssssssssssss to a RHoMel marathon, because from what little of it I saw..Gina was EVERYTHING you all said she would be and I want more. :)

Will be enjoying Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp in San Diego so I hope you guys give some good RHoBH dirt while I reunite with the BFF for some fun trouble. hehe..

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I don't think she made it up. We probably didn't see it all b/c of editing and that they focused heavily on Apollo/Phaedra exchange before he turned himself in. Remember too, Apollo had pages of texts that he showed Peter. Peter might be messy but he's always truthful. I know his ass remembered each msg of that text word from word so he can tell Cynthia. :P

That's if Apollo didn't actually give the pages to Peter, which I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Ugh I hate we have to wait a week for them to return. Damn Oscars. angry.png

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Oh I wasnt doubting Peter. He was messy and couldnt wait to spill. I think Cynthia took that info and overexegerated while throwing in her own spice to make it seem more scandalous to pump Kenya up. Phelony is in love with Chocolate? Girl, how do you know that?. Like dang, she's being even messier than Kandi has when it comes to instigating bulls--t between the women
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Really good episode. It had depth to it. The preview looks fantastic.

Original Recipe Lisa and Kyle's mutual Brandi hate bringing them together and causing them to have selective amnesia (read: acting like their relationship issues started because of Brandi's tabloid tale)? Heffers. Cannot wait until that fakeship crumbles.

Kyle? WahBrandiwahBrandiwahBrandiwahKimwahKimwahKimwah. STFU already. Shrew. Loud shrew. She's like Amanda from Big Brother (15?).

Brandi needs to STFU about menopause and age, in general, already. She's not so far away from being an older woman with menopause herself.

Kathy being more friendly with Brandi than with Kyle? Hee. I need the tea spilled on Kathy and Kyle.

Brandi claiming she accidentally threw a glass a wine on Eileen. I know some of you will take it as she was seriously lying and doing it in a court of law, but I literally did LOL.

Lisa and Brandi trying to get out of ORLisa's party with centerpieces was pretty damn magnificent.

The dynamic between ORLisa and Brandi ... I like. They both "know" who the other is and neither really like what they see but they still have this really popping underlying chemistry.

This episode put into perspective the fact that even if Kim is not off the wagon that she has not built up the right support system for a recovering addict. She needs to be going to meetings and having a safe sober pal from those meetings. After seeing this episode, I do think both Kyle and Brandi genuinely care about her. I've been picking on Kyle and Brandi for their immaturity more than I've been picking on Kim for anything, lately, but Lisa has a point - Kim seems to be encouraging or not discouraging the discourse between sister and friend in a subtle manner as it takes the attention off of her.

That all said, Lisa is going way overboard in the involvement she thinks she's allowed to have here. She's pulling Eileen into her social worker tenancies too. The interference does add to the drama so I'm not complaining.

Eileen's husband is magical. Eileen's a great addition to the cast. I like when she's sitting back, judging and then making frank statements off what she's seen. I may not agree with her every single time but I do think she's being completely honest about her perceptions and I totally respect that. I don't like when she gets pulled into Lisa Rinna's chit though, you can see the start of her getting messy when she falls into Lisa's mentality. I don't dislike Lisa, but her need to be involved here is messy. ORLisa warned her.

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I loved Eileen's scene with her husband. LOL at him wanting booze at the event and she was like NO, bc the women dont need to be loosened up anymore

Why the hell would Ken invite Brandi to Lisa's surprise party? That must have been producer dictated bc he is clearly over her

Kyle looked lovely in the limo with Kim

Man, Lisa Rinna sees Kim for what she is. She noticed that she wants Kyle and Brandi to fight so that they dont see the root fo whats really wrong with her.

Brandi and that singing......stop. I did like the singing between she and the other women after

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Regardless of her substance abuse issues, Kim has always been a total and complete bitch. She has used her issues as a shield from criticism and I've been so sick of that. I was SO MAD she missed the reunion for season 2 because she had A LOT she needed to be held accountable for. I can't believe it's taken this long to find people who aren't scared of that hoe. Like Lisa Rinna said, WHY IS EVERYONE AFRAID OF KIM RICHARDS? She ain't shyt and never has been. I do love Kim though, she is fabulous to watch! Season 2 will forever be classic for her talking heads in that awful top.

RHOCheshire is fabulous! I can't believe how much I was confused by it initially, but as the weeks go on you can tell they understand why they're there and it's settled into a nice little show. I can't wait to see where this series goes with future seasons. I also hope they get a spin-off since that area has a lot of different locations they could use. I still think it's a shame that Ladies of London wasn't done as a Housewives series.

VERY excited RHOMelbourne is back and I'm interested in how Bravo handles season two. The show was getting around 500,000-600,000 viewers airing at Noon with no promo, so I'm not surprised Bravo moved it to primetime. I hope the show does well and I hope Bravo actually treats it like one of theirs and promotes it and uses WWHL to cross-promote. The new season looks FANTASTIC! Also with New Jersey going away it will help them to have another franchise to use.

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