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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I LOVE that she's been filming. Getting her feet wet, I see. Please come back as a friend. We need your shady ass back

what I love about Rinna is that she is a real Hollywood insider. She is VERY well connected and brings something to the table that none of the other wives could before. Kyle and Kim are actresses but irrelevant. Rinna even if she doesnt have any projects, always feels relevant and she is friends with alot of big celebrities. It also helps to be married to Harry. I hope we see some cameos from some of their friends

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OMG JP! wub.png Missed you so much this past year. Hope you are living a great life in New Orleans! And even when I don't agree with everything you wrote, I always love to read your thoughts on the RH.



It's really easy to be against Brandi. But while I feel for Kyle, and empathize with her situation all these years, I find it really hard to love and support her. Because she relishes being the victim so damn much. Remember her self-righteous "This isn't about youuuuuuu, LisA!!" ? Kyle is the star, HW and EP of the world's most popular reality soap opera -- in her own mind.

Obviously seeing Stumpy McCaftan get physically intimidated by 8 foot tall Brandi ("Bring it onnnnnn, bitch! Imma knock yer teeth out! Mauricio [!@#$%^&*] other women!" -- surely straight out of Brandi's forthcoming book How to Win Over People When Being Drunk and Crude) makes me dislike her intensely. But just seeing Kyle squeal when she senses the script is not going her way is laugh.png Brandi, stop! Stop trying to hog the spotlight! This isn't about youuuuuuuuu! laugh.png

I think the person who disgusted me the most though was Kim. Kim is a sociopathic narcissist. Like Lindsay Lohan, the drugs and drink are actually just a symptom of her real addiction, which is to fame and the perks of fame. They also help to take the edge off now that true Hollywood fame is long gone. She was literally getting high/wet seeing Kyle and Brandi fight over her. "Their fighting for mah love!" Bitch no. They're fighting over who is most competent to drive you to rehab.

P.S.: "My gays" Somebody needs to retire that phrase. They're not your pet chihuahua.

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Ampika and Lauren won me over officially in this episode. How they bulldozed over Dawn.... :lol: I am so glad that more women are standing up to her and aren't fearful of her. Ampika spoke the truth when she said that Dawn is a woman that needs an entourage and without them she is weak.

Magali continues to remain my favorite and I enjoyed her dragging Leanne. It's clear that Magali is sitting on something bigger than Leanne being a stripper and she can blow her spot up when ready. Like I said last week, I bet Magali has something on Leanne like she preyed on her husband and married him for a come up. Leanne seems like that kind of chick.

Leanne is such a sow. I really wanted Magali to reach across the table and snuff her when Leanne was taunting her. Furthermore, I've noticed that Leanne [along with Tanya and Dawn] like to play the "Magali is aggressive" card. No offense but I've known and seen white people who play that card when they come across black people who are simply blunt. That sh*t unnerves me because it is like they are trying to perpetuate stereotypes on the low. What's even worse is that it's apparent that Leanne's husband is mixed with black ancestry. She so reminds me of Brandi on RHOBH that she loves black peen but is intimidated by black women. Ugh. :rolleyes:

Magali has never come off as aggressive. If anything, she's been the kindest person on the show. She's been restrained.

Tanya is someone I am still trying to figure out. I teeter-totter between whether I like her or not. Upcoming episodes will tell.

Seriously, I am over Dawn and her cooter. Like seriously. Girl, get the surgery and move on. Freeze your eggs and shut up. But I agree with Ampika and Lauren that Dawn does not need anymore kids. You're 40+ with 4 healthy kids. Raise them and be happy. But a part of me thinks that Dawn is hiding something and it's the reason why she is so adamant to have another child. Preferably a boy. Is her hubby stepping out and this is her way of trying to appease him, regain his attention and affection? Hmmm....huh.png

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I have only recently started watching RHoBH and I was wondering over what time period was this show filmed for the current season? Am I correct that an entire season is filmed over about 2-3 months? If so does that mean the filming had wrapped by the time the new season launched last year?

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I missed this in this week's episode! Is she trying to set that poor lady on fire while simultaneously covering her with flecks of saliva?!

I don't think Apollo would ever harm his kids as he does seem to adore them -- even if he does use them to make himself look better on the show. However, Phaedra by herself? If I were her, I would be nervous.

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NBA, Cheshire is growing on me. I just watched the 4th episode

Magali: "She's a clown and Im not joining a circus" LOL...that should have been her tagline. "Dont be a clown, bc Im not joining a circus" would have been perfect. Magalie is THAT bitch and the reason to watch. I hate how that heffa LeAnn keeps coming for her.More on that trick later

"No she didnt ruin my night, bc I put her in her place" Go Magali!

I really like the red head. She's nice and good fun. I loved her scene with her mother

Cant stand LeAnn. She is very vile like Jody and Andrea. She looks like a witch. Girl, bye!

All the women clicked with me in this episode. Finally found myself getting and caring for them. The exception though is Tanya whom I dont have an opinion on either way The first 3 episodes were a blur and just didnt do it for me.

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RH of Cheshire

Magali finally clicked with me this episode when she calmly, firmly and without any bullsh*t settled things with that idiot Leanne. Magali just doesn't have time for some idiot to mess with her and she is clear, to the point and no nonsense. I finally got her.

I'm glad the women piled in on Dawn, she had it coming and she just doesn't shut up about her hysterectomy. The women are right, she's 41, she has 4 healthy children, she should be grateful for that, pack it in and sit down.

Leanne is VILE. She is so nasty and petty and stupid. She tried to tangle with Magali and the minute it was clear that Magali wasn't backing down, she cracked like a cheap vase.

Tanya...I could not care less. She has had too much done for a 33 year old.

Ampika...whatever. She really should come crawling back to that ex-husband of hers. He seems like a nice guy.

Lauren. LOVE. Love Lauren. She is wonderful. Fun, nice, light and deliciously outspoken. That's the confidence that comes from being born into money, nobody impresses her, she likes who she likes and has given everyone a fair shake. And when she thinks someone is being a moron she says so! Way to go Lauren!

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Yay at Cheap and DaytimeFan joining me in watching RHOCheshire! It is getting good and is somewhat refreshing from the American shows! #TeamMagali #TeamLauren #TeamAmpika

Furthermore, I've exchanged Tweets with Magali numerous times and she has to be the nicest housewife on Twitter. She loves her fans so much. She's slowly becoming my favorite housewife of all time.


Brandi is pure trash, but Kyle is stupid for not lying hands on her. I don't usually advocate violence on these shows but last night would've been the exception. Trying to drive a wedge between two sisters is a big "no-no." I would've slapped Brandi into next Tuesday.

Lisa and Pandora broke my heart when they nearly broke down in the store. I can understand their apprehension for Max wanting to find his birth family. I know Lisa is scared but I don't see Max or any adopted child turning their back on adopted parents that raised and nurtured them well like Lisa did Max. I think Max finding his roots will finally put to bed some old demons and put him on track for the remainder of his life. Lisa, encourage this....

Eileen was an angel in helping Kim and Kyle, but you can only get so much established when you're dealing with a dope-headed dolt like Kim.

I am glad that Lips is not afraid to call out Kim's illness. Finally, someone who is not allowing Kim to hold the show and cast hostage. I wish more people would call Kim out on her sh*t. Sadly, I think this is what is going to make her an instant target for Brandi and Kim in future weeks....

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The only relationship fall out I don't really hold against Brandi is the one with Lisa. I get her issues with Lisa.

Everybody else? It's on Brandi. In the reflection of those failures, you can't fault Lisa.

Brandi and Kyle have been getting along. Kyle, IMO, was doing a good job juggling being friends with both Brandi and Lisa. Then Brandi flips a switch and decides it's time to hate Kyle again. She very suddenly begins acting like Kyle is the worst sister that ever existed.

Then there's Kim. "Recovering" alcoholic Kim is having a lot of issues with her home life (taking care of her dying ex, kids going off to college) so Brandi decides that insinuating to Kim that her sister wants her to fail and hates her should be on Brandi's to-do-list on the regular. Then Brandi starts doing what she is accusing Kyle of doing, she's using her BF Kim's issues for storyline and/or to deflect off her own issues.

So Yolanda brings up the accurate point that Brandi becomes a bigger butthole when she's drinking and maybe that she has some form of alcoholism. What does Brandi do at the suggestion? She, more or less, drags the name of Yolanda's child through the mud to her face at that moment. I gained respect for Yolanda in that moment for not pulling a Lisa Vanderpump on her on the spot.

I'm all for a comeback story but I feel like I'm done with this bitch on the RHOBH front. All she seems to care about anymore is stirring chit at whoevers expense. She's become the fakest of them all on this series.

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