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Glad you are back! I'm back, too!

tbh, I never thought KandiKoatedNights and Papa Smurf truly believed a word out of Apollonia and Phaekdra's mouths. Neither are the most convincing of liars anyway. No, Kandi and Peter and the rest of the peach-holders were all too willing to bash Kenya because they hate her. The fact that Apollo was saying Kenya made the moves on him was just the 'reason' they needed to hide behind before they attacked her. Even worse, they basically absolved Apollo of his violent behaviour towards Kenya and Brendan at the pillow party because, you know, Kenya was a Slut who Provoked Him and Tried to Break Up Apollo's Marriage (and therefore deserved to get beat).

Claudia is awesome. Is she a regular cast member?

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Kenya started the whole mess when she insinuated that Apollo has texted her inappropriate stuff during her first reunion on the show....not saying that justifies Apollo's lies but she's no innocent party here either.

She's still bitter and angry that no one buys her little victim routine from the last reunion and her fight with Porsha. Even Sherri Shepard said it straight to her face...you provoked that entire incident. You got exactly what was coming to you. Doesn't matter if Porsha's hair is fake or real..she still handled you your butt on a silver plate.

Ready for BH tonight! I don't really miss Adrenne or Taylor but I guess it will be sorta nostalgic to see them all together again. I'm guessing Brandi and the Maloof Hoof are still not speaking to each other.

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Looking at the screenshots of Apollo's texas to Kenya, it was obvious he was trying to get some. He was texting her in the middle of the night clearly trying to set something up, but she wasn't biting. I wonder why nobody else every brings up the timing of those texas. Why was he texasing her in the middle of the night while Phaedra was asleep?

I'm wondering when we're going to see Claudia properly introduced. We know Demetria was meant to be the new wife and Claudia was only made full-time as a result of her strong performance. I wonder if that means we'll continue to see her pop up as Kenya's sidekick before they actually add her to the credits and introduce her.

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Not just Brandi -- Yolanda better be first in Queen Lisa's crosshairs!

Yeah but up to what point do you "get what was coming to you"? Kenya insinuated Apollo texted her inappropriately (and I think there may be truth to that) but does that equate with an attempted fist in the face? And I still think that both Apollo and Kenya are strongly attracted to each other in some twisted way. Apollo looks like he's practically having a boner every time he speaks with her.

I'm ready too, though I will have to wait for some kind soul to download it. sad.png Where I am, they are re-running RHoBH S2 (just before the tea party confrontation!) and I forget how much I loved to hate TayShanna's crazy ass at the time (I sort of love her now) -- and how much I loved Camille. Adrienne? I look forward to her first scenes with Brandi and Lisa. laugh.png But yeah, I'm glad they are back.

Edited by Cat
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Chile I'm READY for Lisa to dig in on LemonFace and drag her thru the wall....

As for Kenya and Apollo you may be right about the chemistry I really haven't seen it one way or the other. I find Kenya to be physically attractive. She has a great smile, a nice body but her personality just rubs me off and if I were straight I wouldn't even mess with it. And yes the texts from Apollo's side were equally wrong and his lying about the "fellatio" (I feel silly even typing that word) was just dead wrong. Esp considering the public backlash that Kenya received as a result. But I feel like Kenya was pretty slow to respond and conduct herself in a matter that would have made it next to impossible for people to believe that about her. Her actions weren't exactly the ones of someone who did nothing wrong.

Kandi is doing a lot of talking tho this season....

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