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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It's going to be insane if Eileen Davidson and Lisa Rinna join RHOBH and save the show, which is what they need. It's going to be interesting to see TWO soap stars, especially two A-list soap stars and ones that have worked together. This is the type of casting they needed. Joyce and Carlton both had money, but how is it that they cast two women with no connection to anybody? At least in this case at the very least Lisa knows several of the wives and Eileen will at least know Lisa. And they both MUST be actual wives and not friends. Sad thing is, they don't confirm casting until filming is over so it's going to take a while for us to realize if any of this is true.

On the subject of Heather's new show, does anybody know how long the episodes are? With it being on Crackle I can't tell if it's a webisode type of thing or an actual show.

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So... are Tamra and Heather allies again? I don't know how I feel about my best girl and that trashbox joining forces, especially after all Tamra has done to pit the Devors against the Drubrows.

Vicki is so relatable this year... and then Brianna comes and points out what we all know: her life has always taken second place to All About VickiVickiVicki.

Shannon is totally in the right to feel upset and aggrieved, and I hate that Heather and TrashMa are getting together to paint her as crazy and irrational. Having said that, Shannon is crazy and irrational. She was irrational at Heather's house and currently looks like she is heading for a nervous breakdown.

Lizzie, lol. I've warmed to her and hope she stays on next year. If Vicki, Shannon and Heather don't have the balls to take Tamra down, this chick does and should. I love how she has no [!@#$%^&*] left to give.

Edited by Cat
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I don't know how I feel about Eileen joining RHoBH. I love her so much as an actress that I am almost afraid I might not warm to her "real" or "reality" self on BH. With Lisa Rinna it's different as her personality is already her calling card. Also Eileen is not a high-octane OTT person, she is more downbeat, low-key, subtle. Unless she brings the icy, of course. laugh.png

I hope she and La Vanderpumpernickle hit it off.

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what I find crazy is that they will share their first onscreen scene in almost 20 years on RH and not Days even though both were just on the show at the same time like 2 years ago.

Are Rinna and ED friends? It'll be interesting to see them interact outside of Days. I wonder how ED will find the time though between Y&R and Days. I suspect she will only be a friend and not a full time cast member

Haha, LMAO at this
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OC: I love how Lizzie looks at all this as an observant outsider, but you know she's eventually going to speak her mind and point out what nobody else voices or are too foolish not to see. I look forward to that bombshell.

Heather keeps trying to downplay the fact that she was a chatty-Kathy gossip, talking about Shannon's marriage to a bunch of people who are not involved. Not cool. Someone needs to stress that part to her and point out how tactless and wrong that was. But she's good with arguments, while Shannon is not.

BH: Wow, I'll be really surprised if Eileen Davidson actually joined as a regular friend or an actual Housewife! I would think she would just pop up once or twice at one of Rinna's parties or whatnot.

By the time this airs, Eileen will be back at Y&R full time. This would benefit CBS's Y&R, not NBC's DAYS (which is under the same umbrella as Bravo).

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I mentioned this earlier, but Jill Zarin was the NYC representative for the Las Vegas housewives event that my friend won a week ago. Kenya was ATL, Kyle was BH, Melissa was NJ, Vicki was OC, and Jill was NYC. I also think Bravo was filming an episode of Chef Roble's show - he was in the pictures and those are the type of events he caters to and spotlights on his episodes. Last season he had Phaedra on for one of her events. That's my guess :)

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Thanks. I'm really hoping there's more to the story here. If she's just marketing herself and using the NYC name for recognition, that's one thing. But if Bravo is filming, whether it be for one of their other shows or some official event, I'm hoping they're gearing up for a return. I'm totally eating my words, but I want that troublemaker back.

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Some RHOA tea. Looks like a redemption arc is in store for Kenya. They just filmed scenes where Apollo reveals once and for all that he lied about Kenya trying to hit on him and he apologizes to her. Also Phaedra is taking a leave of absence from filming. LINK: http://straightfromthea.com/2014/07/24/exclusive-rhoa-phaedra-parks-takes-leave-of-absence-after-apollo-nida-comes-clean-about-kenya-moore/

Edited by Chris B
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If Eileen is making more than the star, Lisa, she's a BAD bish. Her manager is good. But then again, I Lisa will seethe because she gets three Bravo checks (one for RHOBH, one for being a cast member on VP, and one for being an EP on VP). But I can definitely see the other women seething. :P And why is Kim's dull, coke head ass being brought back another season?! I would've rather Joyce been kept and Kim be given the boot. Kim has NO story for next season. She's given us all she can give. Joyce, on the other hand, had tons of story of next season. Her growing friendship with Lisa, her coming back and rivaling Brandi and Yolanda another season.... Bravo pisses me off when they renew people like Poorsha and Kim's contracts but quickly fire other housewives, who have story potential.

Moving on, I cannot wait to see RHOA now! November needs to hurry up and get here! Seriously! Phaedra (Nene & Porsha too) is going to have to eat crow from all the slanderous names she called Kenya these past two season based on a lie. tongue.png The downfall of Phraudlent Phelony Phelonious Phaedra Parks is going be glorious. :lol:

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