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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Porsha's interview for anyone that hasn't seen this tragedy.


And watch around the :46 mark that Jenny McCarthy once again gets reckless with her mouth. She throws shade that she "can't believe that is her (Kenya) real hair." You can see Whoopi and Sherri throw her side looks when she says it.

Please fire this bi*ch, ABC.

Boy, I never imagined there'd come a day when I wanted Hasselback's stupid ass back over dumbass Jenny.

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Yeah, that was uncalled for! If I were Kristen, Ramona would be face down on the ground cus I don't play like that. And before any Neigh Neigh fans claim hypocrite because I sided with Kenya against Poorsha and her physical violence, no. This was an actual attack on someone whether it be your hands or your drink anything that connects with me especially my face and you better bet I'll be connecting back with something stronger and a hell of a lot harder. Mmmkay!


Edited by MrPrezident
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Oh I agree. I LOVE Ramona, but I would've beat the fcuk out of her. There is no way you will throw a drink in my face, I let it slide and then you THROW A GLASS in my face. Especially since that glass cut her. I would've snapped. See THAT is the type of provocation that requires an ass beating. Ramona is blessed. There's no other explanation for her not getting her ass kicked.

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I am in love with Tyler. Oh god Ramona Aviva and Sonja? Jesus help this poor kid. I wonder if all the ladies knew bout Mario at this point? It seems like they don't but they do in the talking heads - but Sonja I think knows. Did trashmona really just throw a plat at a charity event into a pool? And now she's spreading gossip about her friend and talking [!@#$%^&*] behind her back and lying to her? Wow.

Can we clone josh? I need one. I just love Heather Kristen and Carole. They are so spot on about Ramona and Sonja. It's sad.

Kristen's modeling and age is interesting. You do see models her age and much older obviously but the fact that her agents are telling her it's based in other markets is something that I found surprising.

Ramona looked disgusted at so has name let alone her arrival then she complains about a cold shoulder? This bitch. Sonja is in denial but she needs a friend. They are both just sad and pathetic. And now Sonja is once again stepping into other business but gets angry when someone dares to do the same. I don't think Luann is playing the fence nor does she need to take a side. She has no real issues with anyone and is friends with everyone right now.

Trashy and the drunk really are taking all their own issues out on everyone else. Those names apply to both.

Heather and Carole are so refreshing after those other two train wrecks. New York pizza is so big. Carole rewrites people's wiki pages? Lol!

This conversation would have been better served without drinking but I don't think either one is capable of that. The secret? That explains so much. Sonja needs a reality check and Ramona and her both need rehab and some distance because they are toxic to each other.

Oh, Harry. The honorary housewife.

This dinner is just sad.

Heather Carole Kristen and Luann are just fun.

I'm turning my kitchen into my office? YES CAROLE GO! My kitchen is such a waste of space.

Ramona called Sonja's boyfriend? And others to investigate him? Wow. Disgusting. Poor Kristen. And then attacks Kristen and throws wine in her face and gets angry when she gets splashed? Honestly it's too bad Kristen didn't know she was trying not to get her hair wet so she could have really drenched the witch.

What did Kristen instigate? She called trashmona out on being jealous. She is jealous. The conversation was between everyone. "Did Ramona miss that memo 65 years ago?" DEAD!

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I am looking at The Jefferson's right now. :lol:

Todd is the most attractive Atlanta husband to me. He is so sensible and calm and doesn't immerse himself in drama like Peter and Apollo. Apollo's ignorance and ratchet behavior the past couple seasons made him unattractive to me.

Edited by Eric83
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She implied it once during the season, but was very careful with what she said, most likely due to legal reasons. She basically threw everything she could at him accusation-wise, but if she were telling the truth I find it hard to believe she left with nothing but her credit card debt.

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