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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So what? I don't think that really matters show or no show. Kenya did the adult thing by not stooping to her level and getting ratchet. Good for her for letting the authorities handle it and not letting Porsha get a free pass. If anything, this hopefully means Porsha is out for next season, which I already assumed would happen anyway

I just listened to it and this stood out to me. 911 operator goes: "Is she black or Hispanic ma'am?" Why bc those are the only two races? Why cant she be white or something else?

Edited by Cheap21
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Kyle EVICERATED Lisa. Like damn. She was so on point and honest abd didn't let Lisa lie herself out of it. I loved how she pointed out that Lisa demands that everyone drop the past but then she holds it herself.

Brandi and Lisa have a ver real friendship issue. It's sad.

Loved Andy shutting carlton and Joyce down. It's so clear that carlton is just sitting 2 cuz Lisa demanded it cuz she's irrelevant and Andy doesn't care what she says at all. I also loved Yolanda calling Joyce that one behind me lmao.

I don't believe for a second that Lisa didn't know Scheena slept with Eddie. She's smart and a business person and that drama was how the show was launched. Perhaps production told her, but she knew. Lisa says Scheena isn't a friend to her but she sure is desperate to defend her abd build her up. I do think Lisa's apology to Brandi is a rare sincere moment. But then Lisa says that she hates Kristen making it clear she doesn't hate Scheena like she tries to play it up as such now. This is actually heartbreaking. I think Brandi and Lisa truly love each other but have real deep issues and I'm not sure where they go from here. The show both brought them tigfryger abd tear them apart.

In an ideal world a Lisa/Brandi/Kyle trinity of perfection would dominate but there's too much hurt abd pain and even love there.

Oh the husbands. Ugh. I love that the David's are not here. They support their wives but don't want the spotlight.

The highlight reel really just made me realize I'm totally correct in my dislike of Lisa's bitch.

Not here for Joyce's husband attacking Carlton's religion.

Lisa's hair abd Joyce's dress are just so bad they are distracting.

There is a way to defend your wife abd stand up for her without attacking women to do so. It's not hard to understand.

There is far more love than hate between Brandi and Lisa/Ken. Her line about it not being nice to be dropped abd needing someone to stick around was so sad.

I told y'all not to count out the Lisa/Brandi dynamic. Most did and swore Lisa was so above her it beyond repair. Yeah, nope.

Part 3 was the best IMO.

Good for her.

Keep your hands to yourself. My 4 year old understands that.

Press those charges. Brandon should have pressed charges against appolo.

This weeks RHOA wasn't exciting but I didn't find it boring. It needs episodes like this to balance out all the high drama IMO.

I liked oorscha going out and kandis work life.

Cynthia is weak.

Edited by JackPeyton
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The dynamic there is on point in terms of love-hate-pull-push drama. Now, just leave your faces alone so you can be Bold & Beautiful! wink.png I'm discussing this like it's fictional television, hehe.

I only watched about 4-5 minutes of the reunion (will watch it on rerun), but did catch a good bit of the crying at the end.

Fanatics (that kind of make me want to hate Lisa) aside, I really do hope the ladies can work it out and reunite at some point down the road. There is clearly love there on both sides.

Kenya is often just an obnoxious try hard and I can understand wanting to punch her but I totally agree. Putting your hands on somebody is falling to the lowest denominator. Apollo, Porferrari can get to steppin' behind bars.



Nene. She was really good tonight. There are a lot of good dancers this year so I don't know how far that will get her, but props.

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Well we must've been watching two different shows, b/c Kyle didn't do sh*t than what she normally does, which is whine. She's the main one saying let the past be the past but she rehashed the entire show's run tonight. You can tell in Lisa's expressions that she didn't give ZERO f*cks about Kyle, or didn't care to apologize. Kyle already had her mind set that Lisa stuffed the mags in Brandi's bag, and Lisa didn't care. Her final words said it all--at this point, she only cares Joyce and Carlton. She felt sorry for Brandi at the point but she doesn't care for her. And this was filmed months ago, and Lisa still does not care for Brandi. She recently said in an interview that she'll never have anything to do with Brandi again. Knowing how stubborn she is, Lisa won't. When Adrienne crossed her, Lisa played nice with her but was icy towards her for the remainder of her stay. YoLyme and Brandi will get the same and it'll kill them. Especially Brandi.

And Kyle is just pressed because regardless, the mass amount of fans still side with Lisa; she said it herself tonight (Kyle), and it kills her to the core.

What I loved most about the reunion was Ken checking YoLyme and Brandi. Oh when Ken told Brandi he'd never have anything to do with her, which I believed him even though he recanted for camera sake, he's done with her. Ken won't look at her the same. Neither will Lisa. Brandi better pray that the tables don't turn on her because she'll have just Yolanda, who'll jump ship on her.

I'm just glad that this season is over because there was no story at all. This season was all about trying to knock Lisa down a peg or two, and hoping the audience would be for it, but it only worked in Lisa's favor. Epic failure on the Richards, YoLemons, and Brandi's part. Lisa will get more coins next season to return because she's clearly carrying the show. Without her, these other women won't have anything to talk about. Just like Kenya on ATL, Teresa on NJ, and possibly Aviva on NYC.

And Andy was being a d*ck tonight. His nepotism is beginning to show a lot and it's time he steps down. Time for Wendy Williams to come in host the reunions. At least she's neutral when she hosts reunions and gets the job done.

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Again just because you say Ken "attacked" Yolanda that doesn't make it true....

I want to believe your description of the reunion but its so obvious how you're pumping up the Brandi/Kyle vs Lisa angle that its very hard to take seriously. Why would Lisa give two figs about Scheana's love life? Until Brandi arrived on the scene Scheana was nothing but a minor employee who probably was butting heads with Stassi and the rest of the brat pack. So now we're supposed to believe Lisa is either a mind reader and knew OR that production (under the orders of Andy Cohen I'm guessing people believe) told Lisa Vanderpump that her employee had slept with the husband a future costar....and she said not a word about it.

Umm okay.

Yolanda simply knows she has no one left to mess with on the show aside from Joyce. She's already pretend buried the hatchet with the Richards Sisters. She's lost Lisa. She knows leather face Carlton is a viper who can dish out as much venom as she spews. She's become Brandi's defender in all things drinking and verbal assaults. By default that leaves her to attack Joyce and make up accusations to hurl at Ken.

Its beyond pathetic.

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I think Kyle gave very specific and pointed examples and all Lisa did was try to ignore them and talk about how sets moved on then she herself brought up the past.

I think that Ken wasn't ready to see Brandi actually be real. I think everyone thought she'd put on her I hate Lisa act abd while she stood her ground, she was also real, honest and emotional and it got to them. They love her abd care for her and I think it's obvious and I feel for all three.

You put Kenya on ATL but before this season it would've been nene. Teresa has been the main reason nj has sucked and Aviva? Lol.

I think Andy was only dismissive of carlton and Joyce trying to grab airtime because he knows nobody cares about them and good on him for it.

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