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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I havent seen Apollo smile so hard all season. He is so smitten with Kenya. Yes if this were fiction I would want them to f-ck. They are both attractive individuals.

That being said. I dont think Kenya was flirting with him she was just trying to clear her name. I dont see why Phaedra had to be there. Apollo is a grown ass man. If Phaedra cant trust him to nip his drama with Kenya in the bud then why is she even with him?

Ready for Phaedra vs Kenya and Greg vs Peter :D

Edited by Eric83
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"I don't want to leave her looking like Phaedra" SHADE, honey, SHADE

"If you were to take the Porsha gift certificate and redeem it, it would be good for one coloring book". LOL...I cant. Not even 4 minutes into the show and Kenya is slaying me with her talking heads

LMAO at the way Nene strolled away fro that BIG ass snake! OMG, that thing was so fat. I would be done with that


She looks like a temptress and Apollo is loving the view

I loved her opening up. She was so real

"Get out of here Todd, you little squirt!" laugh.png

Dare I say Nene was back to being likeable this episode. I'll take it while it lasts bc it looks like she reverts next week

IA. They have really good chemistry. Porsha should have been a one season wonder and with the issues they have going on, Phaedra and Apollo do not need to be on reality tv. Kenya, Nene, Cynthia, Kandi with Marlo and a new woman would make for a fantastic cast.

Edited by Cheap21
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Phaedra just shows how insecure she is over Apollo and Kenya when she pulls her leash out every time she comes in two feet of Apollo. I loved that screen shot of Kenya just before she dove into the water, she looked gorgeous. LOL that Apollo couldn't keep his eyes off her ass but those shots were edited like crazy.

Kenya is really funny. Take away all the "twirling/gone with the wind fabulous" BS and she craftily secured her place on the show. She pushes everyone's buttons without being over the top like Nene and I love it.

Peter is in everyone's business and it's not a good look. Dude is trying way too hard to be relevant.

Porsha continues to be ditzy. She's slowly growing on me.

And Yes Porsha, it's strange how no one is talking about the confrontation between Marlo and Nene at the Bailey Bowl because Queen Nene shut that down with a quickness. I wouldn't be surprised if she went to Andy, which leads me to think Marlo may not be at the reunion.

Bravo ain't right. They've been promo'ing the confrontation between Greg and Peter for two weeks straight "on the next real Housewives of ATL". I thought it would be shown in last week's episode.

When is the finale?

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Kenya, Nene, Cynthia, Kandi, Marlo, Kim and Sheree would be epic. After WWHL yesterday I think you'd have a team of Nene/Kim/Sheree vs everybody and of course at some point Nene/Kim/Sheree would fall apart and it would all be glorious to watch.


I COMPLETELY disagree that Peter is trying too hard. LET HIM HOLD HIS PEACH! As we learned on Beverly Hills this past season, you need a strong cast of supporting characters or it doesn't work. Peter is the only thing Cynthia has going for herself other than the friendship with Nene. In order to be a GREAT housewife you need a good non-housewife scene partner and Peter is that in spades. I LOVE the way the husbands get a fair amount of screentime. It's one of the many reasons ATL is epic, as opposed to some of the other shows.

Peter is the only reason I want Cynthia to stick around with his sexy Uncle Ben looking ass.

Edited by Chris B
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Come on Chris, lets be real here. Peter IS doing the most the last couple of episodes. It makes for interesting tv for sure but he is being a bitch. Dont get me wrong bc I get why. Money is tight and Cynthia isnt bringing it so Bravo could easily cut her next season, so he's turning it up to secure her spot. Depending on the context, I may find myself siding with Nene next week but that can go either way

I remember when they did that on BH with Lisa and Adrienne's confrontation. When they finally got to it, it was the last two minutes of the episode and ended on a to be continued for next time!

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I feel like Peter is almost always doing the most, that's been his MO the entire season. Peter has always been a complete jerk the difference is that it's expanding beyond the people he typically is rude to so it's a bigger story. Messing with Cynthia, Kandi and Porsha is one thing, but going after Nene (although I do feel he was in the right) is never going to be taken lying down. Sheree was right when she said these ladies are scared to approach Nene in the way that she and Kim did. If these women remain scared I'm glad Peter is at least taking her to task.

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RHOBH reunion:

This reunion solidified why this show needs a shakeup and that person needing to leave is Kim. Her segment was boring me to tears. No one cares for her or her dog. Go away, Kim. Fade into oblivion.

Joyce so disappointed me in not checking Brandi the way she should've. Joyce had too much info on Yo and Brandi to not spill it. I wonder if it was left on the cutting room floor.

Yolanda grated my nerves tonight. Her aloofness was not needed, and I'm over her using her "Lyme Disease" as an excuse. First of all, b*tch, you couldn't've been locked up for 18 months as it wasn't too long ago, you were shooting season three of RHOBH. And I'm glad she got called out to the carpet for the heart situation but of course, she coped out like a coward.

Freddy Kruger--I mean Brandi ... Irrelevant. This b*tch has tainted RHOBH and I'm to the point I'm about to sign that petition floating around to get her off the show. Get this low-class, slut monkey off the show. Back to the slums, trash box.

I'm over Kyle and her whining. She always wants to move on but always rehashes history. Pick a path and stick on it. And her complaining about the "Dream Team" was so hypocritical when Kyle has always had a clan of bandits (Taylor, Faye, Adrienne, Kim, even Lisa on s1) doing her bidding and being rude to the underdogs.

I want Carlton to return next season but her coming for Joyce was just stupid. I'm glad Joyce shut her down real quick about the husband situation. Carlton can talk about sex but when Joyce does it, it's gross (in her mind). I find that to be hypocritical. If you're gonna be crass, then don't call anyone else out about doing the same.

Lisa was flawless tonight. I wish she would've went in more, but that's not her personality. She was most definitely not giving a f*ck tonight and I don't blame her. I can't wait until next week when she asks Kyle why does she want to be her friend so badly. And King Ken coming in and shutting down Brandi ... Oh I cannot wait!

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Joyce doesn't belong on RHOBH, and I mean that as a compliment. She made some excellent points, even bringing up the tampon incident. I think the problem is that she is too intelligent to be on this particular franchise. If her wardrobe was less flashy, I could see her fitting in better on RHONY.

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Jouce doesn't belong but not because she's too intelligent. Being prepared for a reunion isn't a sign of intelligence. But I don't think she did great, not bad, but it came off very fake and rehearsed.

Lisa trying to dig into the past to get ammo on Brandi. Girl please. You got enough current day issue!

Kim and Joyce are dressed as if they are 19 trying to get into a club. I like Yolanda's dress more now than I did before. It's not bad but it's not great. The black end at the arms add something.

This Kim segment tho... FF. BYE.

I believe parts of Joyce abd parts of Brandi's stories here. Brandi was oddly calm and straightforward and Joyce was getting turned up. Brandi owning her ass when she tried to call her out on being messy abd loose and that's shocking cuz Brandi is messy and kinda trashy lol.

This black people can't swim comment is the best thing to happen to Joyce. There's no defending it. It was stupid, it was hurtful and it was careless. I don't think she's racist at all, I think that she made a very racist comment tho and hopefully has learned.

Brandi abd Lisa being light and fun about Brandi kissing her. Y'all swear like this is dead and gone, but IMO it's not.

The Dream Team! I miss them. They were perfection together. Interesting that Brandi is saying the relationship between Lisa abd Brandi changed on camera and off. I believe that. Lisa is so defensive, because Brandi wasn't saying ages a drunk she said that when not filming she'd drink with her but when filming shed lecture her in drinking. Interesting. Yolanda is consistent on abd off camera, that explains a lot.

Joyce making digs as revenge is hilarious. Yolanda serving her left and right like a boss. Lisa is only apologizing for her comments about Kyle because she's faklen out with Brandi and Yolanda.

Carlton is so out of place sitting next to Lisa second.

I'm not sure about this faint. I've never seen anyone faint like that but I think if it were fake it'd have come out.

Even Andy calling her out on being a hypocrite. And there she is victim playing and not owning it. Yolanda putting her on blast again. Flawless. Lisa won't acknowledge issues, she mimizes what people feel, and she is a forever victim and never guilty of anything. And she follows it up with an apology for her own behavior.

While Kyle looks great those duck lips. Girl stop.

Carton hates labels but then labels others.

Joyce is desperate to attack Brandi and side with Lisa for audience favor.

These two are THIRSTY for an invite for another season.

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The BH reunion was disappointing. A lot of blah with Joyce, Brandi, Yolanda, and the biggest time-filler of 'em all, Sh*t-Stain Pillow Richards. I like that Andy recapped her 4 years on Housewives. I hope that's an indication of her coming full circle to heal herself and send her on her way, full of turtles, squirrels, prayers by the trashcan, and the inevitable mauling by an unruly dog.

Brandi is a twat. Is that word censored here?

I will say this: I think Joyce has potential for next year. But this year's arguments were petty and uninteresting. Although I believed her over Brandi during the discussion over hairflip-gate.

I can't wait to hear the response to Lisa's question next week.

Was Carlton there...?

Edited by Gray Bunny
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