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Yo needs to get over Lisa not coming to ONE of her many pointless events. That was stupid. Unlike Yolanda, Lisa has a damn job. Her canceling Yolanda's stupid azz painting party then Yo getting peeved was stupid. If anyone should question their friendship, it should be Lisa. Especially after all this AND Yolanda trash talking Lisa in Paris. Yolemony can have a seat. She's a fake friend if anything.

Glad to see we agree with Joyce staying and Kim definitely going.

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Joyce adds no entertainment value to RHOBH. I'm sure she's a nice women. She should go on a nice reality television show.

Yolanda is not jealous of anything Lisa has. She thinks Lisa is a lousy friend, that's it. If Yolanda has shown anything in her two seasons of BH, it's that she's anal about friendships and she's as straight forward with her opinions as an ice pick plunging into your heart.

Ken is an adorable husband, but his ass needed to STFU about Lisa being innocent in tabloid-gate when I'm 99.9% sure he wasn't on the scene the whole time IF at all.

Lisa is also acting like Adrienne with all the defamation talk to the point that it almost makes me respect Kyle, I don't remember Kyle whining this much when Lisa was slinging her and her husband's name through the mud quite ferociously.

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I think you may have Yolanda and Kim confused.

Kim's breaking point with Lisa was her not coming to one lousy event. That coupled with Lisa talking down to her a lot.

Yolanda has made it clear why she doesn't feel any of these women, sans Brandi for a bit, were real friends - and it has everything to do with the genuine concern shown for her during her battle with her disease.

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Like I said...Yolanda's a second tier friend to Lisa and Ken. That's why she's pissed. In all likelihood Yolanda was "Mohamed's wife" rather than "our friend" to Lisa and Ken. And then there's whether Yolanda was slagging Lisa off in Paris...For a woman who prides herself on being so mature and straightforward, Yolanda really doesn't seem to handle the Ken and Lisa relationship well at all. Every time she's brought Lisa up to Mohamed he's shot her down. Mustn't have been the first time.

And I see nothing objectionable about how Ken conducted himself. He saw his wife being ambushed. He defended her and he got them out of the situation rather than stay screaming at the table like a pack of hyenas.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I had forgot what Kim and Kyle accused Yolanda of at the reunion. Yolanda revealed that Kyle was bad mouthing Brandi on a Vegas trip (Kyle and Brandi were on better terms by the reunion) so Kyle revealed that Yolanda told Kim that "[Lisa's] not your real friend. She's full of s--t." Kim backed this up. I did feel Yolanda was lying when she denied it, the same EXACT way I feel Lisa is lying about tabloid-gate. Not so subtle body-language twitches happened in both cases. I don't think Yolanda disliked Lisa at the time. I think she was getting there, but she was just mostly being honest about what she felt Lisa's relationship to Kim was/is. In both cases, I think it was blown up into something it wasn't exactly.

Paul and Mauricio almost got their balls cut off by all of us and Ken for doing exactly what Ken was doing on Monday.

The only people acting like hyenas at that table were Ken and Kim to be frank. Mauricio and Kyle to a lesser extent. Brandi answered a question and shut up. Kyle didn't exactly overdo it with wanting an answer. She asked and explained why she asked. On the bus, Brandi made her points (that were IMO irrational and jealous) and none of the women joined in. They looked uncomfortable and seemed to be minding their business while not minding their business.

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I just don't think they I'll cut three wives and I want Kim gone so I'll keep Joyce.

Spot on about Yolanda. Her issue with Lisa is Lisa is being a shitty friend and she's seeing Lisa be a shitty friend to their mutual friend and being friendly with a woman she's don't nothing but trash for years. Why is this hard to understand?

Yeah Ken wasnt defending his wife he was attacking others and being a bitch because Lisa couldn't talk herself out of this one.

Spot on about Lisa/adrinne.

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Please. Yolanda is honest and blunt and was about Lisa. It's a fact that Lisa doesn't reposed well to criticism. She wasn't spreading gossip and lies she was stating a fact about her friend. That's not [!@#$%^&*] talking like Kim and Kyle tried to make it. I'm sure Yolanda is seething with jealousy over the erection of Ken and Lisa lol.

You make it sound like ken said that's enough let's go Lisa. He didn't. He got loud first. He attacked. He shouted over other people demanding answers and ignoring those answers. He was being a bitch point blank. He is the one that attacked that table like a hyena. I'm pretty sure you've called out other husbands who have done far less.


I actually think mo and Kyle were oddly calm. They wanted answers and are the kens with the right to be upset. Brandi was totally calm and straightforward. Ken set Yolanda and Kim off.

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There's the question of does/did Brandi want Lisa to give her space or did she want her to call her everyday. Uhm, both. People are not simple. Relationships are not simple. Relationships go through rough patches. Brandi was having a childish period towards Lisa (between the mothering and the Scheana hurt). Brandi didn't expect Lisa to just throw her hands up and "toss her aside" and go straight back to the chick she was trashing and, in part, had her [and Yolanda] trashing. What exactly had Brandi done to Lisa to her face or even behind her back, at that point, that she couldn't return her calls (when Brandi was ready to stop pushing)? Lisa didn't deny that this was going on (her not returning calls, etc). I don't blame Brandi or Yolanda for thinking that Lisa hit the road [and replaced Brandi with Kyle] when things got rough - Brandi was being too much to handle on a lot of fronts (Joyce, etc).

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Last time I checked, Lisa was the one being ganged up on at the beach. Regardless if everyone had something to say, it was clearly 4 against one. Lisa went to Ken to tell him the others were being mean and she wanted to go. Of course they both were on the defense. And as they laid out on the beach afterwards they sat and watched while the rest of the hens huddled around and chirped about Lisa. It was pretty obvious to any and everyone there what was going on. Dinner rolls around, and keep in mind this is after Brandi's absurd "A mutual friend told me you knew Scheana was Eddie's mistress at the SUR opening years ago..." First off, how many "mutual friends" does Brandi have as that's her explanation for any of her idiotic anger issues and second why the hell wouldn't she just talk to Lisa one on one as opposed to riling all the girls up the week prior to the trip? Granted I do feel Lisa was fibbing as I do believe she knew about the tabloids at Brandi's house but with ALL things Brandi, she blows EVERYTHING out of proportion to suit her new issue with someone. I could easily see Lisa joking around and then totally forgetting about it. Yet mastermind, non chess playing Brandi uses this simple and clearly forgetful event to use to try and turn the girls against Lisa. And she really didn't have to do much as the Bitchtard sisters have been foaming at the mouth for the past 2 season to stick it to Lisa.

Unfortunately for all involved, the majority of viewers love Lisa whether or not she knew about these tabloids "supposedly" being brought to Palm Springs. (And if they were brought, where's the footage? And where's the footage of this whole thing bring them/dont bring them taking place??) Like Lisa had said, this would be the worst thing anyone has on her. Hardly at all comparable to any and EVERYTHING these ladies have done in seasons past. Yet lets save up all the major rage for Lisa because she is just an evil, masterminding bitch! Gurl please! All these background people need to recognize that without Lisa, there is no show. So they need to spank their inner moppets and get the hell over it.

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Please. She wasn't ganged up nor was it four on one even if that was so. Kyle nor Kim attacked her in that situation. I don't think Kim even said anything and Kyle said maybe a few words. Being confronted about being a shitty friend isn't being attacked. She ran away and cried because she knew her lies were being exposed.

If there was a gang up and attack why didn't anybody do it on the bus when Brandi and Lisa got into it? Oh that's right because it wasn't about them and kens bitch ass didn't drag them into it. As for their mutual friends, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there's more than a few. They both knew adrinne, they have been in the sane show for years now, that sur staff is a gossiping bunch and Lisa isn't exactly friends with the most exclusive glam crowd to ever walk the planet despite what she's desperate for us to believe.

You really can't turn people against someone unless they give you the ammo. Poor innocent victim Lisa has done her fair share of plotting, [!@#$%^&*] talking and take downs herself. Hell isn't that how she and Brandi became friends?!

Ahh the good in comparison argument. Sure. Same trash, different front. That's all it is. Lisa blown through a great amount of friends in a short amount of time and I think blaming it al on bitter jealousy is an easy out.

She's not evil. She's not the worst person ever. And she may come off the best in comparison but that doesn't mean she's in the right or innocent or that she hasn't given them cause for issues with her. She does a great game of selling herself I'll give her that.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I think there is story there. It's just we are only now getting to it. This last episode has been the most talked about of the season and with good reason. Stuff actually happened.

And once again ill point to ATL. Last season was awful and boring. This season has been insane. With the exact same cast.

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