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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Carlton is even more irrational about Kyle than Brandi is (or was) irrational about Joyce ... and that's pretty friggin' irrational. I wish Kyle hadn't thrown out that anti-semitic comment though. I've laughed at Carlton's irrational reaction to Kyle more often than not but her hating on Kyle for a dream of Kyle being mean? Gurl, sit your behind down.

Reading the blogs, now:

Lisa is poking at Kyle in her Lisa-like way. She's basically saying under her breath that Carlton is right about Kyle. She clearly doesn't like Kyle bringing up whatever the crap that nipple stuff is. She also defends her Scheana actions. My opinion is, when she gets along with Brandi, Lisa probably doesn't have more than 5 parties a year she invites Brandi to that need catering; the Scheana help is unnecessary at those parties. I'm not sure who I should blame for Lisa continuously doing that - production, Lisa, or both. The bigger WTF in all that was Lisa telling Brandi to have small talk with Scheana about her engagement? Huh? Production, Lisa, Both?

Brandi bitches about Lisa and the Scheana stuff. On the topic of Carlton and Kyle? Brandi says Kyle has never trash talked Carlton to her. She really likes Carlton and she finally is getting along with Kyle; doesn't want to get in the middle of that.

Yolanda bitches about Brandi and Lisa. She says she and Brandi haven't done more than shared texts in 5 months so she couldn't answer Andy's question with an affirmative answer. She also reveals her daughter has a disease and claims Brandi "forced" her hand to reveal that by bringing up the cancelled dinner. Pfft. Moving on, she bitches about none of the women having the balls to stand up to Lisa. She discusses Lisa throwing Kyle and Mauricio under the bus so much last season for what was, more or less, Mauricio doing his job and then Lisa decides to toss Brandi aside because she's having a rough patch and go back to Kyle. She's disappointed Kyle didn't ask for an apology before walking back into that relationship. Yolanda believes that she - unlike Lisa - can admit she's wrong. She says she thinks Lisa is a really fun person to hang with though, lol.

I didn't read Joyce's blog but she appears to be calling Carlton some superlatives this week. Joyce uses superlatives a lot

Kyle bitches about Carlton but regrets using the term anti-semitic. She doesn't get why Carlton hates her so much. In the heat of the moment, the thought crossed her mind.

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Yolanda is pretty spot on about everything except Brandi "forcing her hand" which is not at all what happened. It's funny because the epic "WE DON'T SAY HE HITS YOU!" moment happened because Taylor was pissed that nobody would stand up to Lisa. Now, we have Yolanda who's pissed for the same reason. Interesting.

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Joyce, Carlton, Lisa--ANDY--Brandi, Kyle, Yolanda, Kim

Lisa and Brandi seem obvious for choices closest to Andy since their breakup is what the season is building towards. I put Kyle and Carlton next since that is a big feud that will be revisited. I'm not too sure about the others, but I feel like Kim needs to have her ass on the end and Joyce's feud with Brandi isn't enough to keep her from the end either IMO.

They're coming--The Real Housewives of Melbourne


Edited by Chris B
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Naw, I think Carlton's on her way out, so she'll be at the end of the sofa, one ass-cheek clinging precariously to her seat, the other off.

I think it'll be Yolanda-Joyce-Lisa-ANDY-Kyle-Brandi-Kim-Carlton.

Kyle flew to NYC this weekend to spend Superbowl weekend partying with Andy (and be photographed doing it). She's been laying on thick her 'religious beliefs' all season. She has always sat by him in Reunions past, and this season she got the center shot in the opening credits. Kyle is not going anywhere from this franchise, and she certainly isn't giving up the catbird seat to Brandi! laugh.png

I also don't think Brandi and Yolanda are going to want to sit next to each other. And Kim thinks she's relevant in the Let's Get Lisa game, so she'll want to be on the side of Team Victim.

Joyce is the buffer between Yol and Lisa.

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