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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So incredibly boring this week, as others have said succinctly it just feels like a bunch of filler surrounding a non-existent story.

So much Kim, way too much Kim...a housewife whose usefulness to the show ended after season 2. I could not believe how idiotic she was with Ken, acting like he said something out of line when, newsflash Kim, you even admitted in your talking head that you missed a ton of events...she is such a baby, not taking responsibility for the fact that her sorry, alcoholic ass couldn't be bothered to film half the time because she "didn't have a choice"...yes, you did Kim, and you chose to drink. The scenes with Kyle were reminiscent of the "Kyle and Kim have a facial where Kyle looks like she's wearing a scary hockey mask scenes from the first or second season" (to be repeated with Joyce this season)...who cares?

No Yolanda this week, and the sad truth is, I didn't even notice because even Yolanda's fabulousness gets sucked under the budget aesthetic of this season.

Lisa could very easily be a 32D. Her house never ceases to look spectacular. I love how Ken is SO over these hags. The Kim v Lisa thing was unbelievably stupid. They sent her a gift, RSVP'd that they weren't coming in advance, were OUT OF THE STATE the day of it, got back at night and didn't feel like dragging themselves to a party hosted by someone who has never been fond of Lisa. Not once have Kim and Lisa ever really gotten along. It's odd how neither of the Richards sisters can fathom the fact that someone doesn't like them and doesn't pretend otherwise.

Joyce and Brandi...just plain stupid. Brandi is foul, but Joyce didn't come off much better this episode, particularly when she buckled after a three sentence exchange with Carlton, who really doesn't fit in.

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Re Brandi and Joyce, I think it all goes back to the rooftop when Jouce tried to throw Brandi under the bus to get some story and conflict with Lisa. And I'll say it again, Joyce can handle Brandi because she talk at her and just go on and on and on and call her names to get railed up and Brandi will self district, but carlton comes at Joyce with one sentence and she's a confused mess. Not surprising at all.

I'll tell you why Kyle needs to go, even tho I'd honestly rather keep her: she is acting too much. We are getting nothing real from her. We joke about her pulling a Camille but truth is Camille did still bring us something. And she provided us with the we don't say he hit you, but now we said it greatness. Kyle would never. She's always ou on an act but before parts of her would come through and I don't think that's ever going to happen again. Plus without her we won't have Kim. So bye.

At this point I think I'd rather keep Joyce over the sisters Richards.

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Because I was proven right by her only being able to take on Brandi because of Brandi's temper. She's basic as basic gets and she'll be gone soon. Until then she makes for great FF material.

I will say all this focus on Kim does make the episodes shorter. So there's that. I can't hit FF fast enough.

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JP, maybe you've already said this but do you want Carlton to return?

I wonder if Sh- t Stain was really mad Lisa didn't show up because she thought her party would end up on the cutting room floor. Brandi and Carlton left early and Kyle and Joyce really didn't do anything. Sh-t Stain is so useless at this point like I said earlier Kathy on New Jersey served more of a purpose on her show then what we've been getting.

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Carlton is so,some I think we need to say for the rest of the season to decide. Right now her and Yolanda actually serve a similar pour

Owe. They observe and wait and when it's time they throw down some truth. Neithere are judgemental. But will come at you if you attack so,etching dear to them. And I way prefer Yolanda. Though I do like carlton. I like that she's so different and has a husband who doesn't seem desperate for the attention.

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Honestly, for me, the jury has already come in and spoken its piece. Boyce is not one for the long-term. Neither is Carlton. Kim, hmmm, we'll see but I think she's played out. Brandi is now self-destructive and toxic to the brand. Bring back Taylor and/or Camille, if they can, and keep Lisa (sorry if I'm being biased) -- if they can.

My worry is that Bravo is really too scared and flip-floppy to do anything. They made a big change at RHoNY and it took 10-15 episodes for the new cast to get into their groove. Viewers fled in the meantime. As a result, meaningful restructuring of other RH franchises was kind of suspended (and I'm not counting RHoOC in this as they have proved that they can survive and thrive with some cast turnover). Bravo misunderstood what attracted us to these shows in the first place. They think it is fighting and viciousness between women. As a result, NJ has been in a holding pattern for four years, to its everlasting detriment. It is now completely unwatchable. Miami really went the scripted one-storyline route and it just did not work. I am beyond looking forward to NY but that could be a hot mess, too.

I am catching up on RHoA this season, and I get why it is such a ratings juggernaut. The Savannah trip in particular had each woman with their own story, rivalries, some fighting, but also family, friendships, kindness, amazing shade and, most importantly, humor. I could watch for Cynthia's costume changes and smokey eye alone. Seriously, the best thing about BH this week was Kyle discovering Lisa's bra size.

I don't want my fave, BH, to go the same toxic route as NJ and others, but it is getting there. And is looking increasingly budget all the way down that slippery slope.

Edited by Cat
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